Friday, April 23, 2010

A New Esty Shop....a women named Charlotte and a Winner!!

It all started last week when I did a quick stop at our local thrift store....
I frequent this particular shop because they have a huge blown up
Statue of Liberty on it's roof and you all know how I feel about the Lady in the Harbor...
As soon as I walked in a saw a table filled with old china...
"Quick....go get a cart and start filling it"...was my first thought!!
Horribly overpriced considering it's a thrift shop I picked the prettiest pieces....
A covered butter dish....a gravy boat and tray....a sugar bowl and creamer...
I winced as the cashier gave me the total....
As soon as I got to the car I thought to myself.....Why did you just buy all this stuff that you have no use for because fancy china does not go with Moose and Deer Heads.... So what to do?? lunch last week with the ladies Linda was telling us that she was opening an
Etsy Shop to sell vintage items....
Or as I like to call it..."Other People's Crap"....
How hard could it be.....although not being computer savvy....I always found it a hassle to list on
Not wanting to bother the Boss with lots of questions I consulted with daughter since she also has an Etsy Shop...
Convincing me how easy it was to set up a shop I gave it a try.....
So I am now a budding entrepreneur of
Or as I formally bill myself
"Purveyor of Vintage China....Souvenirs and Mementos"....

Isn't this covered butter dish beautiful....
It's by Edwin Knowles and after some research it's Art Deco from the 20's....

Love the gravy boat.....all the pieces are in beautiful condition....
So who in the world is my new alter ego Charlotte Kirk???
Well....Charlotte was the Truant Officer for the school system in Newark N.J. back in the
20's...30's and 40's.....
Part of the Irish Kirk clan there was also brother George and sister Maude...
They were teachers in the Newark schools....They never married..
They befriended my father when he was in Boy's Town....the orphanage in Kearney N.J.
they would take out the children from the orphanage for weekend trips and
they remained life long family friends....
It was their vacation home at the Jersey Shore that we would go to every summer
and Charlotte and Maude had the most magnificent china collection.

Housed in a big old oak china cabinet I still remember the pieces to this day...
When I bought my treasures I thought of Charlotte...
where Maude was the quiet reserved sister
Charlotte was a pistol....
Even in her 70's and 80's she was feisty...
So that is how I came upon my new persona....

And now for my giveaway winner.....
Being technically challenged...... after all it took me two years to figure out how to do a link...
I had to pick a winner the old fashion way...
I called in the help of the Boss.....

All the names went inside the teapot!!

He claims he didn't want human hands to interfere with picking a name so.....

He showed up in the kitchen with his favorite gadget....

And he picked a winner!

Man Hands......
and the winner is....
Peg from Bloomfield Farm!!!
Peg....give me a holler with your address at the farm and I'll get your tea pots and some other
goodies sent right out to you....
And thank you all for playing along....
The Boss has too much time on his hands....

And what is this???......
It would be a gift from my good friend Flour Power Joyce
We were leaving for IKEA yesterday when the mailman delivered it....
It's the cutest apron I have ever seen....
And where did Joyce get it?
IKEA ofcourse!!

I looked high and every nook and cranny of the store and I couldn't find
any more....I was very sad....I wanted to get one for daughter
and Nunze in Jersey.....
Thank you Joyce....I love it and thank you for always thinking of me!
and stay tuned for my next post....
What's New at IKEA....


  1. Well congrats Sue! I got my first items listed on my ETSY shop today and will be doing an announcement on my blog. Cute apron.

  2. Congrats to the winner! Nice white hand...
    Hope you got my mail reply on etsy.
    Have a great week end AM.

  3. God idea with ETSY!
    My congrats to winner!

  4. WOW! Look at you go - an Etsy shop and everything! Your ode to Charlotte is wonderful. Now, what are you going to find that I can buy? How about Blue Willow Buffalo China? Have a great weekend. Sally

  5. Love the apron, how cute, but I have a certain "friend" that made me an apron that I have to say is pretty darn cute.

  6. Okay I can't findyour Esty Shop - do you have it listed on your blog site?

    I am so surprised you started one - but it's a good idea.

    Darn I never win anything! lol Congrats to the winner though - lucky gal.

    Joyce is so sweet - that was a nice apron - loved the cupcakes on it.


  7. Love your finds, and good luck with your new venture.

  8. Wow - how awesome is the budding Victorian Etsy shop - yay for you! What a fabulous idea:)


  9. Great shop name and the reason behind it wishing you much success with your online adventures!

  10. Congrats to Peg!
    I about died laughing when I saw that mechanical hand your hubby used! I have sold on E-Bay and was thinking of doing an Etsy. Let me know how it works out for you.
    Have a nice weekend,

  11. Ohhh, that china is so pretty. I hope you do well with the Etsy shop... you might need to teach me how to set up a shop. I have lots of stuff I could sell. That is an adorable apron too! And I am so excited to win your give away! Like I said in my email, I NEVER win anything! Thank you so much. I will look forward to my package!

  12. Congrats to Peg on being the winner-I have an Etsy shop for my limoncello cheesecake-although I dont even have a picture yet, and of course I only deliver in San Diego County-but I will check out your goodies! I need a cute apron for the farmers market-IKEA road trip is a must!

  13. Congrats to Peg, and to you on having such a good friend in Joyce!
    Loved the hand, only you!
    Good luck with the ETSY shop..LBI may be in the near er future..:)

  14. Cute cupcake apron! I wouldn't mind having one of those to bake in! Best of luck with your Esty shop.

  15. Congratulations on your new store!

    The apron is adorable and I can just imagine that your dear husband will now be referring to you as his little cupcake! Too sweet.

  16. Congratulations on your etsy shop Sue, I know you will have fun with it! The apron is so cute!

  17. Congratulations on your new Esty store! I really want to find out if it's as easy as they say so keep us posted.

    I love IKEA, and the apron! So cute!

  18. Cute apron. I've go to go see if I can find one. Great idea with the etsy shop. Mimi

  19. Good luck with your ETSY store Sue! You have a good eye so I know you will fill it with wonderful items. I also love the name of the store and the story behind it.

    Congrats to Peg!

    Cute apron! Joyce also has a good eye!

    ♥ Pat

  20. Sue,

    I so do love reading about your adventures! Only you could make Ikea this exciting! You made me laugh when you noted that your husband was lost and already had a list of items to purchase. I like that farm house sink. We need one at the Fairfield House. Congrats on your etsy shop. I wish you much success. I'll be popping over after I post this comment. Congrats also to your lucky winner.

    Your Friend,
