Monday, April 26, 2010


We took a road trip down to IKEA this week and got to see all the new
Kitchen displays and new items......but we really went for the
I'm always amazed how great IKEA makes their displays look.....
They had just finished re-doing their kitchen area
and they look great....
I loved these stainless steel work tables...

Pantry fixens!

They have that huge farmhouse sink for a mere $189.00
it comes in single bowl or double....
How can you beat that price..
it is porcelain....

This looks straight out of the 1960's.....
Too white for my taste...

misplaced in the photo placement....
but a great solid wood display cabinet for only $149.95
between the stainless and those walk into this kitchen in
the morning and you'll go blind!!
but I loved the dark wood cabinets with the grey back tile....
They do great small kitchens for cheap....
Loving the orange back splash...

Another tiny space done in beadboard and blue...

The other side of the room....
I think the cabinets for these two spaces were around $1800.00

Now this white kitchen I like....the wood floor looks nice against all the white...
I would have gone with different pendant lights.....
But they didn't ask my opinion....
Touches of red....
You know this was a favorite...

How cute is this.....

A cute country table.....pretty cream and blue linens...
So....we were wandering through the store..................
and I turned around and I had lost the Boss....
Most people loss their wives while shopping....I lose the husband....
I was three departments over when I had to turn around and walk back to find him
We were in the store about 10 minutes by now and he already had
Seven items written down on his little pad using his miniature golf pencil....
All things he just had to have....
He's worse then a women...

Around the bend to the bedding area....
This is so beachy looking...
I have those red end tables and I just love them....

These throw pillows aren't new but aren't they great with the monogram.....
At $24.99 they are really pretty in person....
It's a shame they only come in two
different letters...
You wonder who's monogram it is???
The cranberry duvet cover and 2 pillow cases....
A steal at only $24.99

A Huge Favorite of mine...
IKEA's embroidered throw pillows....
This is a new design.....
Very Colonial looking.
Tempted to purchase but I already have last years model....
I thought this closet accessory was really cool for shoe storage....
each row cost $19.99

This was unusual....
A large wall cabinet in a great new color....
Very European in design...
the color was somewhere between a gray and a brown....
So I guess that would be taupe...
it looks green in this picture but it was a beautiful gray/brown...

it looks different in this piece but this matches the wall cabinet....

I Love this Linen Cabinet...
At only $249.00
the inside is covered in yellow and white striped wallpaper....
Again Solid wood...not veneer
Their pieces are very easy to assemble....
That's how they keep the prices so low...
We were through wandering around furniture so that meant it had to be time for......
Now to tell you the worst part....
It was "99 cent. meatball dinner day"....
Yes people....that plate of food complete with Ligonberry sauce....
99 Cents!!
We still managed to spend over $10. by the time we bought drinks and a bunch of
side dishes....
I would have gotten a piece of their almond cake which is delicious
But I didn't want to be frivolous....
After we stuffed ourselves...
we decided to walk off the calories by going down stairs to the MarketPlace....

Very neat looking thermos bottles....

New baking supplies....

and baking pans...

The ever popular cheap dish towel....
I buy these in bulk and use them as napkins....
They are great to embelish using fabric paint and stamp designs around the edges....
But do you think they have enough??
New Dots!

Bright Solids and Wide Stripes.

Almost at the end....
Every kind of storage you can think of...

Heading towards the check out....
Outdoor Stuff...
Hammocks....umbrellas....patio and deck things that you can't live without....

I lost "Tiny" one more time and had to go back looking down all the aisles
Until I found him here....
List in hand....
I helped whittle the items down from seven to three......
He bought a butcher block wood cart with wheels and two shelves..
intended for his use....
We saw how it would look in the kitchen when we got it home...
and it now sits where my old butcher block used to be....
Thank you Boss!!
And ofcourse I couldn't leave
without my customary 50 cent hot dog...
What?'s all Beef....


  1. Looks like it is time for an IKEA trip.

  2. I am so glad that I'm not the only person getting lost in Ikea. My husband and I have been twice and the first time we not only lost each other, we got lost and couldn't find our way out!

    Trip two we decided to only enter in the garden/outdoor area. The items we wanted were in the area and it worked out fine.

    Thanks for the kitchen tour. That was fun!

  3. Ikea should pay you for this because now I really, really have to find time for a trip there! I was just in Home Depot looking at sinks and a plain jane porcelain sink is the same price as that fabulous farmhouse sink at Ikea!

  4. Same here - I need to go to Ikea. They display everything as a room? Cool. Pretty and the prices seem just right. And the food looked pretty good too!


  5. Now how did I miss those cup cake liners? I had a coupon for the .99 weekend meal. You need to try the French toast breakfast for .99 too. Some times they have FREE lunch for the kids. I have a thing for the $4 big 6 pack of cinnamon buns. I think I buy more food there then items:)

  6. Oh this looks like I need an IKEA fix and I think I am going to have to try those dang meatballs that you mention all the time. I need to bring me some serious cash ( that means going to the imaginary ATM in my know the one) and hubby's truck. I love that large wall of cabinets in the taupe, but where to put it. I love the yellow linen cabinet and I love those stainless islands that roll. I am getting blinded by all the items and $$$ swimming in my head.

    Great post by the way.

  7. I lose Bob at antique malls - that is what cell phones are for. I even lose him here at the house. Yesterday I came home from the city and I knew he was here because his truck was; but I couldn't find him so called him. He was within 50 feet of me in the yard. Old age!!! Have a good week. Sally

  8. OK, you've inspired me to make the trip to the new Ikea in my area. Well practically in my area...over an hours drive from where I live. It looks like it would definitely be worth the trip. I can't resist kitchen stuff and I know I'll leave with a basket full.

    Those meatballs are pretty good looking too. And did you say almond cake?

  9. The only way I could get my husband in that store would be drugged and dragged.

    We have one here and I've never been. You're tempting me! I've been wanting a kitchen island. :)

  10. Love the kitchen cabinets......and the meatballs.....yumo!

  11. Who doesn't love IKEA! I could be there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

    I think I need another IKEA fix!

  12. That looks like fun! We went right by the exit for the one on LI today! But notice I said right by..I wasn't driving, and it was a long day..Gparents Dau for the Pre K and K gsons...Had to leave here at 6 a.m...So the ideas of an Okea stop was vetoed!
    Thank you for the shopping trip! I loved it!

  13. I love IKEA hot dogs! I haven't been there in awhile and need to go soon. My kitchen is from IKEA. We put it together and installed it ourselves. (well, the cabinets) Very good quality for the money. Mimi

  14. PS I have that sink and it's the best thing about my kitchen. Everywhere else they were $1000.00.

  15. ohh this is sooo bad,
    I guess I need to make a trip to IKEA and check out the new items - I think I will really like their baking items -
    and as far as their meatballs....
    my husbands favorite - I think that's why he doesn't mind going w/ me!!!
    thanks for the update-
    have a good week

  16. I love IKEA! And I've learned that I am drawn to the white kitchens with a splash of color in the tile. Note to self when we finally move into a condo!
    Right now, I am craving a hot dog!

  17. Hi Sue...We did install those cabinets ourselves. My hubby is pretty handy and can figure things out. There's a video on that shows you how. (or there was) They also have an information hotline that we called a couple of times. I have pictures of my kitchen back in my archives on Nov 19, 2008 if you want to go have a look. Mimi

  18. Fun post Sue!

    I love IKEA! Their stuff is getting better all the time. My kids furnished their first post college apartments in all IKEA furniture and still have many pieces.

    The meatballs looked good!

  19. Hey Sue, looks like another fun trip to Ikea. Did the Boss put on silly hats for you?
    Congrats on your Etsy shop! I need to do it too!
    Loved your pics in black and white. Miss B looks like your minnie-me! Too cute!

  20. Well, I feel as if I went to Ikea myself. I love the marketplace best of all, and can get quite lost in there!
    We did some school shopping before the "boys" left for school 2 summers ago, and did quite well in the furnishings/bedding/what-have-yous, for their dorms.
    Def. a fun place!

  21. hi sue, i stopped in to say hi and chat, but sadly all your shinny pics has me mesmerized and now i am jumping in my car to head to ikea! oy i am tooooo easily distracted!

    been short on time, peak garden season so time online very thin, and now i have to visit ikea... shame on you for controlling my time and pocketbook from afar!

  22. LOVE LOVE IEA-My daughter's bedroom has been furnished by them twice over-great stuff, although its not fun putting all those pieces together-its a great store to hang out in and I love how you keep following the yellow brick road to get to the next dept...and those MEATBALLS...LOL! Thanks for the great photos of all those kitchens...

  23. I love the Ikea update. Now I realize it is soooo time for a shopping trip!

  24. I LOVE IKEA!! When you're up you and Dad will have to decide if you want to go to the one in Philly, in Paramus or Elizabeth!

  25. NEEDS sustenance while perusing IKEA....that's one BIG store... It's so much fun though, isn't it? I don't go often because everyone I know HATES going there and you can't spend the WHOLE day all by yourself...I have a LONG drive to get there. :-)

    LOVE that European cabinet. I need something like that to contain all the CRAP....I mean beautiful sewing things in my crafty room. That would be heaven.

