Sunday, March 14, 2010


Tuesday is the much awaited "Blog Crawl" over at
I'm posting early incase anyone would like to try my version of cooking
Corned Beef...
Lots of green stuff going on.......
From Recipes to Tablescapes and everything green in between!
Ofcourse in this house Food comes first
on any Holiday.....
So this is what me and the Boss are feasting on.....
Homemade seeded Rye Bread.....Hot out of the oven....
and so simple to make....Miss "B" could do it....

Ofcourse Hot Corned Beef.....
My Secret....
I Cook my corned beef in the crock pot....You will never make it any other way again.....
Just add about a half a cup of water in the crock pot...
Add the corned beef with the fat part on top....
Sprinkle the little packet of seasoning seeds that comes in with the corned beef on top....
Cut up a large onion into big chunks and place on top of the beef...
Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top....
Cook for between 8-12 hours....
I put mine in to cook at night and by morning and just in time for lunch it's cooked to
Yes.....we are late sleepers....

a little good quality butter on the bread and a little Dijon mustard...
A big dill pickle....
Well there is just nothing better......
Except for.....

adding a hot cup of tomato basil soup so you can do some
Here's the recipe.....

In a large soup pot combine......
3 cans of Campbell's Tomato Soup (undiluted)
1 large can 28 oz. of petite diced tomatoes with Italian seasoning......
First put the can of tomatoes into the food processor and pulse 3 or 4 times...Then....
add 2 cups of chicken broth.....I use Progresso in the 32 oz. box.......
If you like your soup a little thinner add more broth...
freshly ground pepper....
1/2 pint of heavy cream....
Heat thoroughly about 20 minutes.....
Serve with a splash of fresh lemon juice on top and a pat of butter....
You can substitute the butter for sour cream...

And a perfect finish to a great meal....
Green Cream Puffs....
Pistachio really and simply wonderful!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!

Now run over to Kathleen's and see what everybody else came up with for the celebration....


  1. Now that looks really good Sue~ I have never cared for corned beef but now I may have to try it again.
    Thanks for sharing this,

  2. It all looks so yummy! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Come back to Atlantic City! It is new and improved! My sis lives in Marietta now. The south has so much to offer too! Last yr we went to Johnnie's Restaurant...Paula Deen's cousin & South City Kitchen!

    I will blog about my trip some day...Check out what I wrote you on my blog too. Not sure how that works...guess I'll email you my comments too!
    Cheers!Jennifer aka Gigi

  3. OMG can I hire you to be our chef. The meals you come up with make my mouth drool.

  4. What a good idea... cooking corned beef in a crock pot! I haven't tried it but I will soon... like maybe on Wednesday! Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sue!

  5. Okay I was deciding about cooking corn beef or going to Cracker Barrel to eat corned beef - since you made it look so easy and so yummy I am going to see if Harry's has one today.

    Off I go. Serioulsy.

  6. Oh my mouth is watering. I would love one of your wonderful corned beef sandwiches. This looks so good. Hugs, Marty

  7. Hi there! I can't wait to begin my corned beef dinner on Wednesday! Now, I must think more seriously about those green creme puffs!!!

  8. ps ... I always do my corned beef in my crock pot.

  9. I have made corned beef per Sue's instructions and it is delicious. I'll never cook it any other way! Also the bread is to die for. My unsolicited endorsement Sue! Looks like you guys had FUN at the flea market. Wish I lived closer or still worked for Delta...Mimi

  10. Why haven't I made corned beef before? Your recipe looks divine!

  11. I was wondering "why" I haven't heard from you... hope things get fixed soon. Sounds like a new computer might be in your very near future... I know...bite my tongue. But you have to admit, you have had quite a few problems with it lately. Maybe the 'ole girl is just worn out.

  12. That bread looks DIVINE, i am not a corn beef fan but the dessert I'd eat in a minute, sounds like the Boss is eating like a King, have a Happy St. Patricks' Day!

  13. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Enjoyed the post. Your sandwiches look wonderful.

  14. Crock pot cookin sounds good to me!! Looks delicious...

  15. I'm always on the look out for more crock pot recipes, will give this one a try very soon.

  16. Oh my Gosh! This looks simply scrumptious.... I usually cook a meal for this special Irish day, but not this year. Mr. Sullivan will have to settle for a less salty meal. LOL At least I'll give him a potato!! hugs, Sue

  17. That corned beef is making me salivate...I can't wait to get mine cooked, may have to do it today instead of waiting until tomorrow. The cream puffs are calling out to me, too...Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  18. Okay Lady Sue...I'm going to trust you & try doing my CBeef in the crockpot this year. We've got company coming for dinner tomorrow night so it better be good or else! LOL
    Seriously, I'm sure it will be wonderful since we wouldn't be diluting all the flavors with a ton of water, as in the stove top method.

    I'm going back to see if I can find the recipe for that awesome looking bread. If you don't have it posted, would you be kind enough to do one on it?? I'd love to try it, as DH ♥ rye bread!!
    Happy St. P's Day,

  19. Yummy! Everything looks delicious! I agree, the slow cooker is the way to go!

  20. Hi Sue..
    That looks good..the bread looks amazing. We don't have good bread here!
    Thanks so much for joining in the blog crawl...I am so glad you did!

  21. Oh Sandra you certainly do enjoy using your Crock Pot along with my daughter. I would use mine more often but my daughter is holding it hostage these days. It sure looks delicious. Just wish Mr. Picky would eat this. He sees the crock pot and says he is not going to like it. Just another mental block with him:)

  22. Great tip = putting the beef into the crockpot. Your cream puffs looks devine :)


  23. I will skip the corn beef and go right to the cream puff!!~ YUM!

  24. Hi Sue! Now that looks yummy! Happy St Paddy's Day! Your flea market visit looks like a fun day!...happy week!...Debbie

  25. PS...I spied a piece of Red Cliff in that ironstone that I have never seen before! Oh no! Now I have to hunt for it!

  26. Happy St Patricks Day from N Ireland.

    You know, I have never had corned beef here in Ireland! I think we are missing out, and need to start having it ourselves!!!

  27. Love your recipe for the beef - I will have to try it ! Your bread looks yummy as does the soup !
    Thanks for sharing !

  28. Can I go straight to dessert first?
    Love the green cream puffs but not
    the corned beef. Although yours looks good, not dry at all. Perhaps it was my Irish mother's cooking?

  29. Popping back in to sing your praises, Sue! I bought 2 C. beef pkgs & prepared the smallest one in the crockpot yesterday, figuring if I didn't like it, I could do the bigger one for today's party. Well, Honey Child, let me tell you...I couldn't get that second one into the crockpot fast enough, after tasting the first! Oh My Gosh! Such intense flavor! Thank you, thank you!

    I strained the juice & saved it from the first one & I will do the same with the 2nd one, as soon as it is done around 1 pm. (yes, I was up at 1 AM, getting it started!) I'll then combine the juices to cook my veggies in.
    I am soooo glad you told us about this method with only 1/2 C. water. It preserves & concentrates the flavors into the juices beautifully. Wish you could have seen me fishing out those delicious onions before I pitched the strainer. LOL Yummo!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you & yours,

  30. HI - found your blog through JanMary -
    Happy St. Patty's day
    Your blog made me laugh today - reading through some of your posts!!
    Thanks for sharing and taking the time for the pictures.

  31. Oh, you SHOWOFF! I'm going to feel like a real slob now, going to a restaurant for my corned beef and cabbage. You will probably be eating off Balleek china with shamrocks at every place setting.

    This was lovely. . . I couldn't wait to see what you were having for dessert!

  32. Wonderful idea putting the corned beef into the crock pot! I'll remember that next year. The tomato basil soup looks delicious, too! Great post, Sue! :-)


  33. It all looks fabulous, Sue! I just got back from Colorado and did not have time to cook CB&C as yet --I'll try using my crock pot when I do!

    ♣ Happy St. Patrick's Day! ♣

  34. Happy St. patrick's Day!

    My hubby just informed me that our corned beef is ready!
    (not my fave, but we do this for him.)
    Loved the door post- my front door used to be red, against a gray house, now that our house is a greenish blue, or bluish green, (think Bermuda)the door is burgandy.
    OOF- excuse the spelling mistakes- please!!

  35. My mouth is watering over both recipes!
    I am a newbie to enjoying corned beef. I think it was the cabbage that always threw me. I would love to try your recipe! On Rye and with the deli Dill = mmm good. I will ahve to go back to see if you linked the bread...
    Your cream puff topped your meal of perfectly!

  36. Everything looks so good. Happy St. Paddys Day.


  37. Oh, Sue ...this looks heavenly! You have a bunch of great recipes up your sleeve!

  38. Oh Sue! That bread looks fabulous, can you give us a link or a recipe? Pretty please?

  39. We aren't corned beef fans at our house but the sandwich looks pretty good!

  40. Just wanted to stop by & wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day & to let you know I'll be doing my corned beef again this year, using YOUR method. BEST EVER!!!

