Friday, March 12, 2010


Last night before bed I checked the weather for today......Thunderstorms
For late in the afternoon...
Okay...all is well to go flea market shopping in the morning with Rose the Santamaker
and neighbor Necie....
9:30 a.m. this morning....Internet shows "Late Afternoon Thunderstorms"....
9:45 a.m.........Sue hears grumbling darkens....
So much for weather forecasters.....The rains came.....
Last month we cancelled our plans due to snow....this month....rain is not going to stop
the ladies from having some fun!!Scott's Antique Market is held the second weekend of every month just
South of Atlanta Airport.....Two very large buildings.....Think the size of a K-Mart and
a Home Depot....because that's what they used to be.....

We started outside with umbrellas in hand before the rains really got bad....
Mostly architectural salvage and a few booths with knick nacks.....
When the weather is good the place is packed with vendors....
Today only a few poor souls....

Some old Motel Chairs....just sitting out getting rusty....

A very cool double sided bathroom sink....
Can't say that I have ever seen such a thing....


More hands.....

And Ugly Hands.....

A 1944 map of Los Angeles....
But the weather was turning pretty bad so we cut our time outside short and went inside
Building #2.....
For anybody that has ever been to Scott's alot of people don't realize that there are
two to the left of the interstate exit and one to the right...
How pretty are these dishes....
There were lots of vintage buttons...

Even little flower pots with button flowers......

And who knew how expensive vintage buttons cost....
These cards with 4 buttons each averaged $24.00 a card....
Rose pointed out that the price included all the years of storage that the seller had to hold on to them......Good way to look at it....
Oh that Rose.....she's always thinking.
Beautiful white ironstone seen at "Hot Peppers" Antiques and Collectibles
from Walterboro S.C.
Birgitta Wade bills herself as a
Hunter Gatherer......
I love that title!
She also sells on E-Bay under the name

The ladies found boxes filled with old delicate china for only $2.00 a piece...
Here is Rose rooting through the box....

Here are the girls having a good time hunting for bargains.....
This was a rare occurrence....Most of the prices at Scott's are Not Bargains....

You had to know that I was attracted to the Taxidermy...

We saw cute well behaved dogs....

We ate bad food....
See that chicken breast.....Think Cousin Eddie's wife Kathrine and her Turkey in
Christmas Vacation...
We saw cute well behaved babies....

Lot's of French inspired furniture....

Mini globes!!........$8.00 each.

An adorable picnic food dome.....complete with Fire Ants....Yikes!!

little boxes of matches........$6.00

Stunning floral arrangements......
Pricey at $495.00
I thought they were overpriced silk flowers until Rose told me that they
are actual fresh flowers that have been chemically preserved....
They were soft.....just like fresh flowers....
And they were gorgeous in person.....such vibrant colors....

Same booth.....preserved Moss.

Necie met up with a co-worker who has a monthly booth at the show.....
Kathy has a beautiful booth of Country English and French Antiques
located in the North Building......aisle 307-308
Two of Atlanta's Finest.....They are both nurses for the
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta....
One of Kathy's French Market baskets....

And her beautiful Copper....

We saw this great French fabric everywhere....

This chair came in a pair......Price tag.....$2400.00 for the pair.

Trying out for the next cast of the
Real Housewives of Atlanta....
Maybe Not....
More like the "Real Fat Housewives of Cobb County".....
When we saw this great hand painted English table we both thought of
Debbie the Plate Addict.
It was getting feet were giving out on me so we decided to head for home....
It poured and poured all the way home on I-75....
No easy driving feat when it's raining cats and dogs....
We dropped off Rose
then as we were headed up Sandy Plains Road.....
we spied this.....
The perfect end......
To a fun filled day!!

Next day out on the 23rd...........when Sandie and Joyce join us for a fancy lunch
at the
Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School.....
That should be interesting.


  1. What fun you had despite the rain! I hate that I missed this trip and will miss the Cordon Blue lunch but I'm having a great visit in Houston!
    Take care.

  2. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Always fun to browse and see a lot of fun stuff with friends. Hugs, Marty

  3. What a great outing. I love just looking at all the beautiful and interesting things in places like that. The ironstone was gorgeous!

  4. Glad you had fun, but did you buy anything? I love Scott's, and I was sad when Lakewood closed.

  5. Thanks, Sue..that was my idea of a perfect day! What fun....lots of inspiration! Next time, we will have to go to the hot dog stand for sure....had to chew on a couple of Pepcid AC after my rib dinner!

  6. That outing looked like so much Scotts! Really liked the photos of the hands and the french material. And the rainbow.......that was a great end to a perfect day! We could see it up here in Woodstock too.

  7. Looks like y'all had a good time. I have never been to Scott's before. They do look a bit pricey for a flea market. Glad you saw a rainbow at the end of your outing.

  8. What a great day, Sue. Wish I could have tagged along to see all the great stuff at the flea market. Love the little boxes of matches with the Eiffel Tower on the covers.

  9. Out and about again -- you guys have so much fun. I saw a couple pieces of transferware in that $2 box. Did you guys buy anything? I've heard about Scott's for years; ever since the Lynette Jenning's days on TV. Have a great weekend. The sun is shining here. Sally

  10. Okay - I hope you bought that hat and wear it to the the Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School. We are supposed to dress up you know!

    I loved the plates with the blue ring around them.

    And the flowers - beautiful but pricey.

    Hold the chicken!

    Can't wait to see you soon.

  11. Okay - I hope you bought that hat and wear it to the the Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School. We are supposed to dress up you know!

    I loved the plates with the blue ring around them.

    And the flowers - beautiful but pricey.

    Hold the chicken!

    Can't wait to see you soon.

  12. HOW FUN! By now you may know how much I enjoy excursions just like this one. And to have fellow bloggers with you? Totally priceless. I loved those little $8 globes ...

  13. You make me laugh..we could shop together..It's about the price..I am not paying storage, that's for sure!!

    Oh I can't wait for the next are brave another cooking school??

  14. Rainbow is gorgeous!

    I'll take one of those cute, well-behaved babies and one cute, well behaved dog, please.

    Pretty stuff, but those prices. . . OUCH! You'll have to come and compare it to the one here sometime.

  15. Oh Sue, It is always fun to get out on an excursion! I loved the moss and the mini globes the best- but then, they fit my budget the best! LOL
    Try not to get in trouble when you visit Le Cordon Bleu, okay?

  16. My trip to Scotts aren't nearly as fun as yours and where on earth did you spot those creepy hands!

  17. Looks like fun! I love the chairs! I've never been to Scott's but I'm gonna have to check it out!

  18. Oh Sue, I have always wanted to come to the Scott's show. Thanks for giving us all a tour. Maybe I can get Pa to bring me sometime. What's a good month to come? We might meet so you can show me all the best booths. Love that copper in your friend's booth!

  19. Oh what i would not give to have been there with you!
    And I want a few of those globes!! *grin*
    You had the best time didn;t you, bad food and all!


  20. OMG! I am making a trip down there to go to this flea market with you! I want one of everything. You found the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.


  21. That rainbow is gorgeous!!! I have got to go down there and shop...what a great place to find the unique.
    ♥, Susan
