Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Let me get this straight......we're trying to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke. What the heck could possibly go wrong?
thanks to my friend Sherry who sent me had to be said by a cartoon


  1. That about sums it up!! Yea, for Maxine - she is smarter than the government. How did I miss the corned beef post? I cook mine in the crock pot, too; but usually add carrots, potatoes, and cabbage. I always wait until Mike comes home to do my corned beef meal, since he was my St. Pat baby. We're having tacos for supper, as Caitlin is coming for supper and that's her favorite. Happy Green Day. Sally

  2. Some how I missed your post on Scotts, I love the french material on those chairs and that double sink. When daughter and I went we went to the right, so is that the pricey bldg.?

  3. Maxine is always good for a laugh.

  4. Could not have said it better about the wealthcare bill:)

  5. AMEN......someone had to say it!!! It's a crazy world right now! Hope you have a fun St Patty's Day!

  6. No one says it better!
    I think we are getting it crammed it is wanted by the people or not.

  7. Maxine is my hero for speaking her mind!!

  8. Yup, that is a perfect way to sum it all up.

  9. A cartoon character doesn't have to worry about being politically correct. Good for Maxine!


  10. I am stunned by the arrogance of Nancy Pelosi and her determination to get this bill passed when most people in the US are so against this. Who does she think she is?

  11. I love it... I'll have to show this to Pa! Had to come back today to recheck the corned beef directions. I'm about to put it in the crock pot as soon as I get up off the couch:)

  12. Wait! Waving my hand over here! I've never understood why employers are responsible for health care, tho' I think labor unions pushed it. Our personal experience was that after my husband's company pulled out of the US, we were faced (at age 60) with buying our own. The cost? $2900 a month with $5,000 deductible and no drug coverage. I'm definitely for better options, especially in today's volatile job market.

    I don't know whether I'm for THIS plan or not because, like Maxine, I don't know what's in it.

    As for the Prez smoking, (although I have read he's trying to quit and I'm glad he doesn't do it in public) I don't think that disqualifies him from trying to do something to reform health care. That's sort of like saying people that haven't been in the military can't vote on war matters.

    Still haven't taken a photo of front of house for your decorating advice. It's rained so much I'm afraid to answer the phone--probably the beach Chamber of Commerce, asking me to learv so the good weather will come back.

    PS Maxine reminds me--and my kids--so much of my mother! We hang a Maxine ornament on the tree every memory of Mama. :)

  13. maxine is such a grump, I shouldn't love her but I do. She seems able to say what we are all thinking!

  14. Wow, could it be any truer? Sad but true. Gotta love Maxine. Mimi

  15. Yup, I think Maxine summed it up pretty well.

  16. I wish you could take a bite of each one and tell us which is best. I think I'd chose the one with the banana. YUM!
