Saturday, March 20, 2010

VIRTUAL CUPCAKES.........Calorie FREE!!!!

I felt like baking this weekend...
With nobody to bake for I would have ended up eating whatever it was I baked
All By Myself.....
Well......I couldn't do that so I did the next best thing...... I love to bake and to eat Cupcakes.....
The "In" dessert at the present time
I love any kind of cupcake..
I prefer to make mine jumbo size....
Regular size cupcakes don't seem to have the same appeal to me......
Mini ones are cute and you can eat a bunch but
Jumbo Ones Are The Best.....
They just put you in a party mood.....
So without further adieu
My version of the calorie free cupcake......
Now if we can just figure out how to make the computer screen a
Scratch and Sniff............

chocolate cake.....peanut butter icing and chocolate chips

You know Ina must make these.....
Peanut Butter and Jelly!

every kids favorite....

Orange Cream....
I could do without the orange slice on top....
Maybe a real slice of orange would go good....

Lemon Meringue.....Oh they look heavenly!!

Just in time for Easter.....
Make sure the kids don't try to eat the pipe cleaners...

White cake.....white chocolate sprinkles.....
And Lemon Curd...

Key Lime......a big favorite down here in the South.


dark chocolate cherry.....

Too pretty to eat.

A cute idea for a birthday or shower.....


Andes that looks fabulous.....
Try to smell the mint....

Like a Big Reece's Peanut Butter Cup....

caramel swirl.

Another cute one for Easter....

Or what about these.....
I have the recipe for these from McCormick........feel free to e-mail me....


It's beginning to be strawberry season......Don't these look good.

And last but not least....
The most creative cupcakes of all time....
Have a great weekend.....
And thank you for letting me bake for you today.....
Fat Free!!


  1. What wonderful cupcakes! Now I am starving. lol

  2. All those look so yummy. Right now I could eat some of those, but would not be able to taste them with this head cold though. The espresso one and the Reese's one were speaking to me.

  3. I've drooled all over my keyboard :)

  4. This virtual cupcake thing didn't work for me, lol, now I want a cupcake really really bad! Those were cute and yummy looking.

  5. Oh yes, designer cupcakes! They all look wonderful; but I'm still having trouble getting use to them replacing a real wedding cake. Guess I'm just too traditional (or old!!) Hope this finds you well. We had several inches of snow yesterday, but the sun is shining today in beautiful Colorado. This is spring to me - snow/sun. Take care, Sally

  6. Thanks for your cakes, AM! They were all delicious. Perfect to finish the evening in front of my computer with a cup of coffee. Fat free sweetness! Have a good week-end. Love Eli

  7. Well, I'm just not going to look at them, that's all. You know if I did, I'd gain 5#, stat. Not kidding!


  8. Hmmmmmm......yumo! The andes mint and the chocolate chip peanut butter icing want something sweet now!

  9. Oh my teeth hurt just thinking about consuming all these calorie free cupcakes:) well thankfully you never said the icing was sugar free:) I will be counting cupcakes tonight instead of sheep. I could not choose just one but would have to take a bakers dozen!

  10. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm good - I don't know which one was my favorite. I think I like the chocolate one with the mint.

    Good idea - cupcakes without the calories.


  11. Good golly, Sue, those look sooooo mouth watering delicious! I've been craving cup cakes but I haven't the time to bake any with all that's going on here! You stinker! I hate this post! lol!! ME WANT CUPCAKES!!

    Ok, I'm off to google the nearest bakery! ha!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  12. your post left me craving for something sweet - may have to leave the house and hit the bakery!!!;)


  13. I've been wanting to make some cute cupcakes recently. Wow what eye candy!

  14. Sue,

    These were so creative and clever! Expresso! Reeses Peanut Butter! Only one missing - the Boston Creme cupcake.


  15. Oh Sue... now I'm STARVING!!! I'd pick the chocolate cherry ones;-)

  16. I don't even like cupcakes and I'm salivating!!!! A wonderful collection of beautiful cupcakes.

  17. I actually thought I would make some cupcakes today and after reading your post I think that is a "go." They are so darn cute but mine will be plain 'ole plain 'ole cupcakes, I don't think I can wait and try to decorate them. I might make some to take to daughter's at Easter. Those ones with the little baby birds in the nest is adorable for that.

  18. One of my favorite subjects! There are a few there I would like to make. The lemon meringue, the oreo, and the espresso look especially wonderful. Great inspiration Sue, thanks! That is the only kind of cupcakes I should be eating right now...virtual :)

  19. These are adorable (and, daw-gone-it, now I want a cupcake!) I would love to make the corn on the cob cupcakes for a summer picnic!

  20. To me, that is bakery porn!! I love those little cakes. Just wanted to stop by and tell you that I mentioned you and your blog today.
    ♥, Susan

  21. Hi Sue

    I used to make those Easter basket cupcakes for my kids when they were small!

    I love the idea of putting cupcakes in a flower pot as if they were flowers .. very cute idea!

  22. I will take one of each, please! What a delicious array of lovely cupcakes. I am enjoying your blog!

  23. I love it. I would like to try afew of them!
    Thanks for thinking of us and making them guilt free!
