Friday, March 5, 2010


I love the color red....
Infact how often have you heard me say that it's
"My Signature Color"....
My car is clothes and even my High Tops..... almost 60 year old grandmother who wears red high top sneakers...
But I didn't think you would want to see my shoes so......Knowing you all love decorating
And hoping that most of you like the color red........
Here is a little decorating
showcasing the color RED!!

I had to start with my favorite thing red....
Tartan Plaid....
As soon as I inherit FIL's orange Naugahyde bar stools..
This is what I'm doing to them....

Red with a View.....

Another red favorite....
The ever popular Lobster..........

Be prepared to see lots of red check....
Lovin the red checks.

Great red painted table lamp...

Red Toile.....
When I was looking for pictures and "Googled"
Red Toile....
I laughed out loud since it seemed every other picture was of our blogging friend
Penny of
She "is" the Queen of Red Toile!!

Who couldn't resist a red pantry door.....

Or how about red stairs?

I fell in love with this room....
And not just because I have an old typewriter just like this one....

Red Monograms....

You've seen this great kitchen in a past post of mine....

Even the tiniest kitchen has spunk when it's in red....

Someday I will own a Big Red Hutch....
To house my milk glass collection.
Nothing looks nicer then bright white on red....
For you people that hate red.....On this one I have to agree....
A bit of overkill...

This is better........

Great photo's....
Thanks to Country Living Magazine....
Love that bench at the foot of the bed....and the straw bag hanging from the foot board.
More Checks!!
And I am not into Chandeliers but this one reminds me of Paris....
So it has to be a good thing.....
How nice to have a chair in a luxurious bathroom....
My bathroom couldn't even hold an
upholstered pin cushion....
Nice bed as Miss "B" would say.....

See what I mean about red checks....
Isn't the Big Black "R" a nice touch................

Red Chairs.

Oh My!!!!!!!!!!
Red Check carpet...


And Blue.........
I also love flags.....
And you can't have our flag without
Hooray for the color RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to see an actual real room done up all in red and checks....
Visit a real life blogging friend who just re-did her breakfast room...
You will agree that she did a fabulous job....
Kim @ Savvy Southern Style


  1. Hello - how are you? I love red too! You sure worked hard on this.

    My favorite is the kitchen with the red cabinets. I've never seen that before.

    Used to be in Boston - everyone had a red front door.

    The color of red is life - and what gives us life is well - can I say blood which is red - without sounding to weird?


    Oops - too late. lol

    Nice red and whites here.

  2. Love touches a red and I use it in my kitchen mostly. Just makes me smile! Great post!

  3. Hi Sue - nice post about red. Love the color too. I like all the pics but especially the pantry door and the stairs. Go red.

  4. I love reds also. Wonderful images

  5. That was good! I have a red car too..helps me find it in the parking lot!
    We just did our new side door red, and as soon as the temperature will allow it, the front is being replaced and painted red..
    I did the side first to see if we liked it, and we did!
    Don't forget the party on the are not one to miss out on a party!
    And then we will make zeppole for you the 19th..St. Joseph's Day...fair and balanced..:)
    Hope the ricotta goes on sale soon!

  6. Red bonds us together! Even though I don't have red high tops, I do have a red car and red touches all over my house. You found some great pictures to share!! Have a great weekend - do you have anything special planned? Mike will be home to go to the regional basketball games of the high school where he teaches; so we will probably tag along. It's always fun to meet his students and their parents. They always call him Dr. S---. That always throws me for a loop - like who are they talking to???? He's just Mike to us. Take care, Sally

  7. Really love the red toile wallpaper.......thought the laundry room was cute too. I never realized how much fun red would be when decorating!

  8. I love red too! Great collection of red photos. I wanted to re-do our guest room just like that room with the red and white checked twin beds. I think I saw that in the Pottery Barn catalog and when I went to go order the bedding it was all sold out!

  9. Yeah for RED!!!! Of course it is one of my favorite colors! Did I really come up in google with my red toile??? That is tooo funny!

    I love red checks and red toile....and red anything. Great post!!

  10. Yep, red could easily rock my world!


    Sheila :-)

  11. You make me see RED... and I love it! One day I may get the nerve to de-beige myself.

    Soup was wonderful! Even better the second day.

  12. I love red too, Sue, and have lots of it in my kitchen, dining and living rooms. It has so much life and is cheerful during the grey winter months. Love your selection of photos.

  13. I LOVE all the red toile! And, there's that one laundry room.... oh, if only I could have a laundry room that looks like that!

  14. Great inspirational photos! I LOVE red! My kitchen is red, and today it just happens I'm painting a small table red for in the hallway.


  15. I'm not bold enough to use red in decorating but relish with delight those that can.

  16. Hello there!

    That 'nice' bed is my favorite, followed by the red and white kitchen floor! Enjoy your week ...

  17. We love the same things. Red. Red checks. Red hutches. Red toile. Red. Anything. Mimi

  18. Hi Sue! I love the pics you showed us...especially the toile with checks! Wonderful! I'm checking with my daughter about the date for the Cordon Bleu. Is it in Tucker? Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Oh Sue, I love red too. I have a little of it in almost every room. It's so warm and inviting. What I noticed about your post is that the rooms I like best are JUST red and white. Love those checks!!!

  20. Lovin that red Sue, since I got my red kitchen aid mixer I have been adding red stuff to my kitchen, but my favorite color of all time is purple, i don't think it works as well in all these different rooms, and there is no way hubby would go for a purple family room or purple den, although we did have a purple boudoir in one of previous houses!

  21. I love the color red but presently I have very little of it in my home. When I redecorate I'm going to make sure I use it as an accent color. I really like the white kitchen with all the red accents.

    PS I have a photo of that same stone in St. Paul's! It is the last photo in this two year old post I did about GZ and the Fireman's memorial;!

  22. Thank you Sue for the shout out. I have been trying to get caught up on all the blogging I missed all weekend. You know I love red my friend.
