Monday, March 8, 2010

A Beautiful Award......and some of my Blog Friends....

I recently was given this lovely Blog Award from Kim at
I was suppose to tell things about myself then pass the award on to 15 other
bloggers who have....well....beautiful blogs....
Not one to follow directions to the letter
I decided to do things a bit different....Kim I hope you don't mind.....
First..... all you ladies know way too much about me to begin with
but here's just a few things you may have missed along the way....
1.) I was suppose to be a flight attendant with Mohawk Airlines
Circa 1969....
During my interview for the ticket counter position the interviewer suggested the
stewardess job instead....I commented that I'm not much into flying....There were
Hi-jackings back then.....
I took the job.......less then a month later a Mohawk flight out of Up-State was hi-jacked and the
Hijacker was shot on the tarmac down in DC.....
That was the end of that career....
2.) I hate the View.....
3.) I had 4 Golden retrievers at one time....Wonderful animals....
4.) I named Boo after a women in a Halloween sweatshirt that I saw leaving our post office the
day before we went back to buy him.....It was Halloween 11 years ago.....Our Anniversary.
5.) I used to be a sales rep for L' know those pantyhose in an egg...dressed in Hot Pants......Yes....Hot pants was the company "costume"
Until they heard I was pregnant.....Let me go.....bad image for the company....
Oh boy could I sue those people if that happened today...
Well I think that's more info then you needed so on to the other part of the award....
Here are a few blogs that I consider to be beautiful blogs
and I am going to give you the reasons why.....
If you haven't visited these ladies I recommend you stop by and enjoy.....
My dear friend Suzie Q......the most caring generous person in blog land....A true delight to know
she's just a wonderful "beautiful" person.....
Sweet Sally in Colorado....
What can I say about Miss Sally......she is the keeper of her family heritage....
You will fall in love with her as I did when I first started blogging.....Whenever I post
I know I will always see Sally's name attached to a comment....Always!
Ellen's blog in simply beautiful......from her gorgeous sewing projects to her craft talents....
if you haven't checked her out she will not disappoint.....Her talents amaze me and I am
so happy to call her my friend....Someday we will meet....I can't wait....
Sandie writes a beautiful blog and she manages to do it everyday......She gets the
beautiful award for the time and effort she puts into it....
All just for us!!
Let's talk beautiful photography......beautiful food......beautiful flowers....
Beautiful Everything.....
That would be Jain...
She will stun you and you will all want to pack up and move to California.....
Jain makes it look like Paradise......
In the "Beautiful Food" category...
Well that HAS to go to Mari.....
Who needs Bon Apetit magazine when you can go over to Mari's blog....
Another fabulous photographer.....the only thing better then her pictures
is her food....
She could very well be the Next Food Network Star.....
A blog you all need to know about is Laura at
Laura is beautiful both inside and out.....
She is funny and talented and she spends alot of her time doing charity work.....
One of her main pet projects is an orphanage in New Jersey called
The Hudson Cradle....
Laura is always giving her time to help others.....Now that's beautiful....
And last but not least is Peg.....
Joyce turned me on to Peg at
Peg can even make her husband.....better known as Pa.....look beautiful when she showed a photograph of him holding their new grandchild.....It was so touching....
She is also an artist and "Mrs" of a beautiful Farm.....
Visit Peg....she will make you smile.....
So that may not be 15 beautiful blogs but they are some of my very favorites....
I hope you stop by and check them out if you haven't already......


  1. I love this post Sue! How neat that you were a Leggs model! I didn't even know there had been such a thing! Oh, I bought a lot of those Leggs in my time. I had been scheduled to go to TWA flight attendant school. Then I up and got married. Only 19, kind of dumb. Hugs, Cindy

  2. Great job Sue, and I can't wait to visit all these blogs you mentioned. Hot Pants, really?!

  3. I am so glad you got this award - and I'll tell you why - not only is it a truly beautiful blog - I know you personally and you are a beautiful person on the inside and out.

    You always care about others.

    I loved learning more about you - I used to be a ticket agent at United. I hate the View and your anniversary was Halloween - right ? - my grandparents were married on that date too and they were married for over 50 years.

    Thanks too!

  4. Sue I am so happy you got this award. I think yo are a beautiful person and so sweet and kind. I am so glad I got to meet you and hope we can do so again in the future. Love what I got to 'learn' about you! L'eggs.....yep wore them. Great post and I will visit these find ladies you awarded. You know I already Love Sandie @ Chatty Crone and I agree with you 100% she is a beautiful lady!


  5. Hi Sue!

    I was actually thinking of you yesterday....I was at TJ Maxx and thought I saw a plate that said Rue Mouffetard.....but it said something else....I was thinking how perfect it would have been for you....I think you actually already have something like that?? :-)

    Loved this post. I've been around to visit all of these lovely ladies now. And, chat with Sandie fairly often. She's a sweetheart, isn't she?

    Have a wonderful day Sweet Sue!


  6. You are setting the bar pretty high for me! Thanks for the compliments - I'll try to live up to them. Loved all of the new things we learned about you. A Leggs model - wow! Wonder where all of those plastic eggs are now? Sally

  7. You never dissapoint when you tell us more about yourself. I always get a smile while I read about your escapades! I will check out some of these blogs. Congratulations on the award Sue:>)

  8. Oh Sue...I am having a roough night and reading this just made me smile...only you could do that tonight! Thank you sweet friend. I cherish you!
    Legg's?? I wore them all the time...but my legs are NOT model material...will you still be my friend?? : )
    You ARE amazing!!
    Thank you dear heart...

  9. Hey! How the heck did I miss this post? Must have lost it in The Great Google Reader Crash of 2010. Anyhoo, thanks so much for the shout-out! It's an honor and a privilege to be your friend!

    Now, about the L'eggs. I frankly don't think I need to say another word. Hopefully you've learned your lesson and won't mess up your future job prospects by getting pregnant again. :-)

