Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Daughter started a new blog this Month......
She amazes me in what she can pack into a day
With keeping Miss "B" occupied...
Cooking Gourmet meals for
The Husband.....
Keeper of the Flame at the Ye' Old Farm
and ofcourse that whole lawyer thing...
She knits....she crafts....she paints....she can dry wall and let's not forget
She can fix a video recorder........
And now she is going to live her days according to Martha....
Visit her new blog at
And watch as she follows Martha Stewart's Calendar of Marthaism's.....
I know that next time we visit Jersey there's a good chance that
she will have chickens laying eggs out in the barn....
Oh Martha what have you started?


  1. Obviously you were/are a most inspiring mom! You know what they say, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

  2. How fun her blog looks! I will be sure to check her out. Proud Mama and you should be!

  3. I'll be sure to check out the always inspiring daughter's new blog. Does she stay up all night doing stuff? Things are better around here everyday. After scads of tests, Dr. has determined that I just have surgery-induced asthma - lots of inflamation. Tried new medicine with lots of side effects - stopped that; and now just trying to heal naturally with just a rescue inhaler. Your previous post was a hoot! I'm coming to visit someday just to live life on the edge with you and cohorts! Take care, Sally

  4. Hi Sue, I signed up to follow your daughter's blog.......looks really cute. I am hoping to get some Springtime inspiration on cleaning techniques!

  5. What fun! Don't tell me that her name is Mary. You know Julie/Julia and Mary/Martha??? But if it is, maybe we'll have a movie in the making!

    It sounds like a blast, Sue. :-)



  6. Hello Sue, I'm off to check her blog out! sandie

  7. Thanks for the shout-out, Mom!!!!!!!

  8. You have an overachiever for a daughter! What a cutie. Looks like you girls have too much fun when you go out together. You should probably find a good bail bondsman and put him on your speed dial. Just in case. Mimi

  9. I checked out your daughter's blog-she is an impressive gal, how does she get all of that done, especially with that adorable granddaughter of yours to keep busy, she is her mother's daughter that's for sure!

  10. How much fun, Sue! I'm going to check it out! I'm with Sheila...it does sound like the makings of a movie! How about that snow??? Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
    BTW...What was the name of the site that yur daughter used to publish your blog for you? I've shopped around some, and none of the ones I've found sound as good as yours!

  11. Martha! Ah yes! The one that intimidates me something terrible! :) I have a "Martha" in my family too! They are certainly fun to watch and kinda makes you proud, doesn't it?

    One time I watched Martha make a bed..and when she got to the copper coils..she lost me totally..

    I just hopped over to see if you had done the post on red yet! Good, I haven't missed it!
    Hugs and love,

  12. I'm headed over there now!! I am also adoptable if you are willing to adopt an older daughter, your family really sounds like my cup of tea!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Wow Sue! It sounds like fun -- I'm going to check out your daughter's blog next!

  15. Her Martha blog is the cutest! Of course she has that little high fashion model that takes it to new levels!
