Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today I met up with fellow bloggers Flour Power Joyce and Santamaker Rose to have a fun filled
day at Atlanta's Atlantic Station.....
Billed as having a Christmas Market to rival the holiday markets in New York's
Union Square and the markets of Europe....
It was my Big Idea to venture down to the part of town that you
really don't want to venture down to....Rose took this picture minutes before Joyce announced that there are
weekly shootings in the area....
The tree was pretty....
Who ever billed this as being as great as the Markets in Europe should be hung.
There were maybe 8 stalls......maybe.
Apparently on the weekends the place is hopping ........today not so much..
The poor man selling these little dolls for $6. was sitting freezing with no signs of a sale in site...
And he had hundreds of this little thingies...
Who was it that said how great this market is?
Maybe it was this women.....
Atlanta's Mayor..
Soon to be out of office....
Geesh....I wonder why?
Here she was advertising for the Panda's at the Atlanta Zoo.....
I hope the Zoo is doing better business then Atlantic Station...
We wandered in out of the cold into this shop...
Yup....if your in Atlanta there has to be "Bling"...

Joyce suggested I use this for Tablecape Thursday.....
Not my style......I never liked pine cones in a box or
a bowl of beads....

We fought through the crowds.....
Oh wait.....there was no one there except 2 other suburban housewives
looking as confused as us....
I guess they also read about this being as great as the Union Square Market.

So where do you go when your plans fall flat....
To IKEA ofcourse!!!
And what do we all go to IKEA for?
Meatballs ofcourse!

The unhealthy version....
But notice the Splenda packet in the back of the photo....
That has to save some calories...

Rose had the "somewhat" healthy version.....

Joyce had the healthy version.....

After lunch and chit chatting for awhile we went shopping.....
Here we are the "two loons".....trying on fruit and vegetable hats...
Rose was very patient...
Until this picture was taken.....
She took off in the other direction and pretended that she had no idea who we were....
Poor Rose....
I did point out to her after we found her 10 aisles over that I bet
she hadn't had this much fun in a long time...
I'm still waiting for her to answer?
So...we finished up the day buying all sorts of good marked down Christmas decorations....
and while I was paying for all my crap the girls wandered over to the snack bar.
An IKEA must before hitting the road for home....
They both got the frozen yogurt and Joyce was kind enough to get me.......
The Infamous IKEA Hot Dog....
Yes.....after eating the calorie packed meatball lunch complete with
Ligonberry sauce and a side of Mac and Cheese....
I actually had room for a hot dog...
Thanks Joyce!!
A fun time was had by all......Well....I think Rose had a good time...and we have
already made plans to go to Scott's Antique Market next month...
And that puts another end to another "Bloggers Day Out".....
I bet you wish you could have come along!!


  1. Well at least you had good company

  2. I envy you gals, I am sure you had a blast. Your right... Joyce will do anything and I think she is rubbing off on you. LOL

  3. I do believe I would've been right there with you being looney! I am the one that always gets in trouble and leads others astray. But maybe I would have gotten a run for my money with your little group! And I would be eating a hot dog right along with you. How fun! hugs, Sue

  4. Oh, too funny, Sue! I haven't been yet...now I'm thinking I won't bother. Having been to the Christmas market in Strasbourg, I would also say you are right about the comparison. It sounds like you and Joyce had a good time embarassing Rose! I think I will be able to come on the 11th. See you there!...hugs...Debbie

  5. I was surprised they did not even have a food booth and more booths to shop. Guess they do not want to stimulate the economy. It was still a fun time at Ikea buying up all those red heart items.

  6. Looks like you Atlanta gals had a good time. I wish it was busier for the economy here in Georgia.

    I have never been to Ikea - looks like you had fun.

    Love the hats.

    The food looked great too.

    I am so glad you had a wonderful and funny time.

  7. In a NY minute! Sounds like a lot of fun..
    Why are the decos marked down on Dec 1st..??
    I was in WmSonoma/Pottery Barn Outlet today..
    No one in the store..no good sales yet..lots of stuff, too high..I wait..a week before Cmas it is 70 off..which is about what it is worth!
    I did get those acorn baking pans, I have been waiting for them to show up at the outlet! Patience..
    And the cookie cutters you can print the name in..marked way down..
    Who planned your trip?..:)

  8. Thanks, Sue...next time I'll bring a paperbag to put over my head!
    Okay...it was entertaining...I'll admit it! Thanks for a fun day!

  9. I do wish I could come along! It's always the company that makes a day fun! Sally

  10. Oh, that's just hilarious! Looks like a wonderful time, and I do love IKEA, don't know so much about that Atlanta Market. LOL. Thanks for sharing this fun post! Cindy

  11. Now, that looks like a fun day, Sue! I would have been on those toys like white on rice! :-)

    Yep, Ikea is fun.


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. For $6, I would have owned one of those fun little dolls. There were some cuties there. Poor guy!

  12. Looks like so much fun. I don't know how any one can go into IKEA and not have Swedish meatballs and fun. And there's always the cinnamon rolls at the end of the trip.

  13. You and Joyce could have fun if someone shut you up in a closet! I've never been to Ikea... the kids buy furniture there but I didn't know they had food!

  14. I can't help but feel awful for the $6 stuffed animal guy! :-( I would have snatched a bunch up. I think they're adorable and I would have tied them to my little Christmas kiddie gifts....would go perfect with my hand sewn bags. And I can tell you they surely wouldn't be six bucks at Union Square. Double that, I reckon (at which point I admit I wouldn't be buying them. :-)

    Sorry the market was a bust. Ikea looks like good times.

  15. Great Post! I really like your blog!!

    Common Cents

    ps. Link Exchange??

  16. Looks like you had a great day despite the sad state of the Market.

  17. Sue, You are toooo funny! Looks like you had a great time, and now, I feel the need to go to Ikea just to have the meatballs. I have to say, that I have loved the Christmas markets in Europe, especially Strasbourg. There was something very magical about them...wish we could figure out how to do that here.
    ♥, Susan

  18. I've only been to Ikea once with my son and DIL in Baltimore. I did have the meatballs. Yum.

  19. Looks like you guys had fun. IKEA hot dogs are my favorite. Love them. Mimi

  20. I do, actually, wish I could come along, although not to the market where they have weekly shootings. Lets head straight to Ikea:>)

  21. Oh wow I wish I could have been there...I think you have the best times imaginable. Some day soon...someday soon.
    I envy you all...
    Being fun and goofy is the best!
    And I am BEST at being goofy. Just comes naturaly to moi!

  22. The guy who billed this market as being one that could compare to New Yorks Central Station or of the markets of Europe is named Randal Foxx and he works with the AFFPS. I normally shop in the market during the summer because theres plenty of people out there selling and you can find GREAT DEALS AND WONDERFUL PRODUCTS! For some reason most of the people didnt come out this Christmas season that sell in the summer, I called a man Ive bought from in the past who said he got locked out of the market this year and he said the poor numbers of booths was do to greedy management and poor advertisement issues. Apparently this guy has been scamming these people for a few years, as you can see they were all left out in the cold.....try again in the summer and if all else fails you can always get more meatballs! Go Ikea!
