Friday, November 27, 2009

COMING SOON........MISS B's 2010 Calendar!!

Miss B is anxiously awaiting the curtain to go up on her new 2010 Calendar...
She has leaked that this year is the best yet and although
she's not talking....
she did mention something about it being about art....
So stop back right after Christmas....
Because that's when Grandma gets it as a gift...
and see what "Little Miss Photogenic"
has been up to this past year.
if you missed the past two years here are links to the
2008 and 2009 versions....
That's our girl!!


  1. Those sweet calendars have got to be some special keepsakes for you Sue! Miss B is one photogenic little girl:>) Hope your Thanksgiving was delicious!

  2. Hmmm...thinking of themes here. TV chefs of the month? 70's rock stars? Famous bloggers we know and love? Oh wait, art related? MoMA for grand-mama? Can't wait to witness the unveiling...


  3. Your daughter is so creative and the baby so adorable that I can't wait to see what the calendar will look like this year.

  4. Oh my gosh - she is the cutest little girl in the world. She looks like her grandma. I can see it. Can't wait to see this year's calendar.

  5. Hi Sue, how fun will this new calendar be? Your grandiegal is just gorgeous! Hey, unfortunately I will be unavailable on 12/11 if Karen invites me to the blogging Christmas GetTogether...drats! I have my mother and sister from out of town that day and we'll be sticking close by home since my sister will have driven 6 hrs that day to get here. :( Please keep in touch and let me know how it goes! I hate to miss any get togethers with you all! Hugs~ ~CC Catherine

  6. Sue, those are the cutest calendars! Can't wait to see this year's version! I can tell your daughter gave each month's photo a lot of thought (see, 7 yrs. of college does pay off.. ha ha!) I am sending a link to my daughter with the new baby as a big hint. What a precious, precious keepsake!

  7. Cant wait to see adorable Miss B's 2020 calendar - maybe its time for a menopausal women's calendar-we would have to be naked some of the months to fend off those hot flashes--- LOL!

  8. Hi Sue!
    I am looking forward to the annual Ms. B calender! Your daughter always does a wonderful job and Ms B is an adorable model!

    Seeing this photo I think Ms. B and her parents have the same opera seats we do this season...and we are not very happy about them because when they say "partial view" they really do mean partial view.:-( I lean over so far to see that one of these performances I am going to fall into the lap of someone in the $1,000 orchestra seats

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  9. I can hardly wait!! Last year's was insanely good but I have a feeling this year's could top it.

  10. Hope you and Boo had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sue. Can't wait to see the new calendar!

  11. Can't wait to see it! Miss B is the cutest!!


  12. You KNOW I am seriously mad about that child and her calendars. I can NOT wait for this years treasure!!!
