Saturday, December 5, 2009


And "B" is for book signing..... I woke up this morning at 8:00 in anticipation of attending a book signing for
author Sue Grafton....
It was 30 odd degrees outside and sleeting when I went to walk the Boo Dog...
So I came inside and got right back into bed.....
The book signing was to be at noon at Sam's Club in the next town over so I had some time to
At 10:30 I left for Alpharetta and when I arrived at Sam's after getting a one day pass
To enter the joint I found myself 2nd. in line.....
I have been reading and collecting all of Sue's books for years now....
For those of you that don't know who she is....she writes mystery books about a character named
Kinsey Millhone...who is a private investigator...
and Sue is working her way through the alphabet.....She is up to "U" is for Undertow....

I brought with me a bag of books that I needed signed since Sue hasn't been to
Atlanta is about 5 years.....I also brought with me that mug she is holding....
Bought years ago at Barnes and Noble she was kind enough to sign it also....
Concerned that I would not be able to get everything signed...this lady is a class act....
Not only did she sign all my books and my mug but she took the time for
This picture....
Thanks Sue!!
It's always a treat to attend one of Sue's book signings....She is such a
Gracious Lady....
The man in front of me had two huge bags of books claiming that one bag was for
his wife who had not arrived yet....Oh sure....
She has the same books as he had.....
Can you say.... Is Someone Selling these books on E-Bay??
But she signed everything he had and she did it with a smile...
Here is my collection from "A" is for Alibi
all the way to
"U" is for Undertow....
All signed first editions.....
Except for...."T" is for Trespass..... it must have snuck past me??
I looked all over the house and "T' is no where to be found...
I always get a card in the mail when a new book is coming out and I guess that one never got to me....
This great collection will never be sold by me...
Miss "B" will get them someday...
And I hope she enjoys reading them as much as I have....
Do you have a favorite author and do you enjoy
attending book signings.???
Have a good weekend and stay warm out there!!


  1. I've only been to one book signing. It was Mary Englebreit and she was signing ornaments too.
    There was a million people there and she seemed distracted and hurried. It wasn't my idea of fun. I might have to try it again sometime. Sue seems like a nice person. I'll have to try one of her books. Should I start with A? Mimi

  2. I've never been to a book signing, but I do love to read James Patterson and Jonathan Kellerman.

  3. Sue, I have read some of her books, and they are fun! I'm thrilled for you that you got them all signed. That is a wonderful collection.


    Sheila :-)

  4. I have never been to a book signing, but I love Sue Graftons books! How cool to have the whole collection (except for that pesky T)signed by the author!

  5. my sister is going to be so jealous of you! she loves sg, she wrote her a letter and got one back, made her whole month! i used to read her too, i dropped out at the p's... they are fast reads, kinda make me think of adult nancy drew type books, fast and easy~ what a great legacy for miss s, who wouldn't love a collection of signed books from their grandma! i am impressed with your sams club having a book signing, how progressive!

    i have been to author lectures with book signings. in marin there is a wonderful bookstore that books fabulous authors. i never keep my books, so signed copies aren't my thing, but my sister gets them for my husband. i think books are to be read, i always pass mine on or donate to the library, i only keep reference books at home, otherwise i want what i enjoyed to be passed on and on and on~ i love the lectures, its just another insight into so many creative minds.

    my taste is so eclectic, i don't have absolute fav authors, i am very moody so i read on whims, but i prefer the abstract, the unpredictable. i have always loved john irving and christopher moore books for their decidedly different style, i love marlena de blasi with her italian adventures and then there are 100s others i really love adore so i will just stop here!

  6. Since she was so generous to sign your collection she is one classy lady. Miss B will be so lucky to have these in her library at a future date.

  7. Shame I had to work today. It's always fun, even standing in a long line when you love the author's books. And book singing's make me crave cheese cake for some reason....


  8. Just noticed my spelling error in my prior post...


  9. She sounds like a wonderful person! I have read all of the Outlander Series by Diana Galbadon. She recently had her 8th in the series published and was at my local B&N. But I was in the middle of moving and couldn't go to the 2PM signing. I purchased my book that AM and the management at B&N held it and had Diana sign it. I picked it up the next day. I wish I could have met her.
    p.s. the red laces in my skates are actually red velvet ribbon....

  10. What a fun day you had in spite of the freezing weather! I've never read Sue Grafton, but I've seen the books and now maybe I will give them a try. I have been reluctant to try series books but a friend lent me some of the Janet Evanovich series and I have read the first 3 in a row. Now I'm ready for a change but I will go back to them for a quick, funny read in the future. My aerobic teacher is an avid reader and supplies me with lots of books, but only the ones she's liked. That's much easier than going to the library. I like mostly southern fiction like the Ya-Ya books, Fanny Flagg, Anne Rivers Siddons, Mary Kay Andrews. Right now I'm reading Gods in Alabama. Now, Pa, on the other hand, is a listener to audio books. We finally taught him how to use an iPod. When he is doing something slow and monotonous on a tractor, he listens to non-fiction accounts of the Civil War... how boring is that?

  11. Book signings are such fun! I have been to qyuite a few and have always enjoyed myself, even after standing in line for hours! : )
    I would love to meet Sue Grafton!
    How lucky are you! You do lead a whirlwind life my dear...: )

  12. I just discovered your blog and I love it! I have to say, I am envious of your adventure to the book signing!

    A wonderful day to you,

  13. I went to a book signing last summer in Decatur. Had great fun.

    Glad you got your books signed. She seemed really nice.

  14. First, I think that's a great picture of the two of you!

    My brother has gone to more book signings than I can even list, and his stories range from hysterical to shocking. The best ones are always obscure b- and c-list celebrities which always make for great stories. I've gone to a couple and I love David Sedaris. His inscriptions are always hilarious. One of my signed books was a gift from my brother that Sedaris signed, "To Laura, On the occasion of meeting your much smarter brother." HA! :-)

  15. Oh my gosh! We didn't talk about this today but I LOVE THESE BOOKS! I have read every single one! How awesome you got to meet her and get a picture with her!

