Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Another Thursday Another Tablescape hosted by....
The Best Little Tablescaper in the South...
We won't be having Christmas dinner at home this year but the table is set so pictures needed to
be taken...
My table is the first thing you see when my front door opens and I always
enjoy stepping inside and seeing the table set....
I decided to set the table using some of my milk glass and some newly acquired
holiday goodies that were found for next to nothing prices....

The wreath was purchased at Home Depot for only $6.00 on Black Friday....
Intending to hang on the front door I changed my mind when I saw how
good it looked in the center of the table....
The great tureen inside the wreath was purchased a few weeks ago
in an antique store in Woodstock for $6.85....complete with ladle!!

Aren't those great looking placemats.....
They are red felt and I found those for $1.89 each at
Old Time Pottery here in Marietta...
Our Hostess Susan is a fan of OTP....she's always finding good buys there too...

Here are the little milk glass cups that I found at the GW for 50 cents a piece
And then a few weeks back while at Scott's Antique Market in Atlanta
I found the matching plates....$6. for 4 plates....

Snowflake Glasses!
found at every tablescapers favorite place to find bargains.....
The Dollar Tree....
4 glasses....$4.00!!

Sandwich plates.....No need for silverware...

votive candles found at IKEA while shopping with Rose and Joyce....
12 candles in various shades of red.......99 cents for 12

I love the cutout design of the placemats.............
a little milk glass candy dish...

a little mustard jar.....and salt and pepper shakers.....
Milk glass is perfect on a Christmas Table...
The stark white and simplicity of it goes so well with
Red and Green...
Gotta have a nutcracker....

I couldn't believe the price of this tureen....
I didn't have my glasses on when I found it and had to ask
Sandi of the Chatty Crone to confirm the price....
You know your getting old when you have to have
backup to read price tags.....
two of my favorite pieces....

I went back later in the day after finding the wreath and they were
sold out within a few hours......
When you see a good buy you all know that you need to grab it when you
see it....
So is your table all set and ready for Christmas??

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a great New Year
filled with fun and festive tables!!!


  1. Oh my gosh - I love that. It is a great table scape. And it was so cool the way you described where it came from and how it came together. And I got to be a part of it! Hey I love the candles in the cup idea - I would never have thought of that in a million years! You are so clever. See you soon!

  2. My table is still in pieces in my living room from stripping the dining room for the ceiling to get fixed! Your table looks so pretty Sue. I have a lunch set in blue and I really like the idea of using the votives in the cup. Beautiful milk glass and it can be dressed up so many ways. I wish I had an Old Time pottery up here in Michigan, it looks like a great place to shop:>)

  3. I love the idea of using the wreath as your centerpiece, how clever. Looks real good. My sister has those same luncheon plates, I wonder if she would give them up??? Hmmm.

  4. I have such a crush on your table setting!! The vintage milk glass pieces are just sooo attractive to me. Love it!!
    ♥, Susan

  5. That centerpiece wreath gives me ideas, Sue! And I love all of your pretties for your table. Those mats are fun, and I like the way you used your candles in the cups. My table isn't set because I am BLOGGING! ;-)

    I need to go shopping with you in Atlanta! Love that tureen!


    Sheila :-)

  6. You did good Sue!! I love that milk glass and what great deals! Very pretty table indeed~ Cindy

  7. Those plates and cups are worth about $50 for a set of 4!!! I would say you have a fantastic deal and a gorgeous table! I have this set myself as well as many, MANY more pieces of milk glass that I love! I collect mostly the Idiana milk has absolutely NO markings on the's how you can tell!

  8. I love your milk glass cups and plates. And what deals!! Gorgeous -

  9. You have such a nice collection of milk glass ! I love your lacey placemats and that centerpiece is so pretty ! Great job !

  10. Hi Sue Love Love Love this table...Love all the milk glass that you used...So very pretty...
    Merry Christmas

  11. what a great deal you got on those cups and plates, i also love the snowflake glasses, I will have to go check that out....

  12. This is beautiful and so festive - I love it! Taking notes madly . . .


  13. i have your same nutcracker, he is cute! gotta say i love the snowflake glases too!

  14. I love milk glass and it does make such a pretty holiday table. I live near Atlanta and shop some of those same places you mentioned! Love Scott's Antique market and sometimes find great bargains.

  15. You ask if my table is set and ready for Christmas? Are you nuts, girl! My tables are topped with boxes of decorations waiting to be put out. I still have one more tree to go and all the garland and tabletops to do. Whew!
    But your table looks great! I love tureens, and yours is lovely. How nice to have found the matching cups and plates at 2 different places. I loved OTP, but we found out that ours is closing. I will have to drive an hour and a half if I want to hit the next closest one.
    You cracked me up with the comment on my drivers license. I wish I had a picture that was from that many years ago- LOL
    ~ Sue

  16. Your milk glass collection is lovely and what great deals on them too! Very pretty!

  17. Love your milk glass collection and those placemats are too cute. I have never been to an Old Time Pottery but will add that to my list. I still can't believe what a bargain those candles were at Ikea. I love that place. The wreath price oh my what a good buy. You should have purchased them all and stood on a ramp going onto 75 and they would have been sold in a few minutes.

  18. Ummm. The tureen. Obviously you've been keeping secrets. Love it. I'm sure you must feel some remorse for practically stealing it? Nah, didn't think so! Great job on the table!


  19. Sue this is so pretty! I love milkglass and those snowflake glasses are so cute! I was by Dollar Tree today but didn't go in because I was exhausted from walking around Michael's looking for stuff for a project (which I didn't find btw).


  20. I enjoy walking in the door and seeing the table set, too. Now if someone would just come over and set the table for me. ;-)_

    I bought that EXACT same hobnail milk glass creamer this weekend during my bender on Staten Island. It didn't make the blog (yet at least) because I bought too much to jam into one post (yikes).

  21. Love all the white milk glass you have amassed, but that tureen is my favorite! Thanks for sharing.

  22. Darling table, fun with your milk glass finds. Your cups and plates are Indiana Glass Co. Grape Pattern snack sets. Nice!

  23. I really love this look Sue! And those snowflake glasses are too wonderful!
    Our Old Time Pottery is going out of business! Boo what you found there.
    The wreath is the perfect touch. I love using it just that way!
    Sooo..what does Miss B want for Christmas???

  24. Hi Sue!

    Oh my GOSH....lovely, just lovely......and all such a bargain too? WOW.....I love everything....especially that lovely tureen. What a buy. Everything looks so festive and lucky with the Chatty Crone? :-) What fun.

    Hope you're enjoying the season!

    Huggies and Lovies,

  25. Hi Sue - Oh my, you have a very beautiful collection of milk glass. That's always been a favorite of mine. The red and white is so festive. You're so clever to use a wreath as a centerpiece.

  26. Awwww...I LOVE this. How I would love to have a set of those little snack/luncheon trays. I collect milkglass...and these are wonderful!

  27. How clever to use the wreath around that beautiful tureen. Also like the candles in the cups. Great ideas! ~ Sarah

  28. from one Georgia girl to another~~ LOVE IT!! Check out my blog if you get a chance!
