Friday, December 11, 2009


Today some of us Atlanta Bloggers had the pleasure of lunching with these amazing
This is Nola and Karyn.....better known as.....
The Bloom Girls.....
Before going any further let me point out that both ladies are grandmothers......
Yes, they are truly amazing......
I should look half as good!!!
Getting together for a pre-Christmas luncheon we had quite the mix of extra special talent....
We had a Santa Maker.....
A World Class Tablescaper.....
Two Decorators.....those lovely ladies above....
A Candy Maker
and one Chatty lady that says she has no talent....
But believe me she sure does....
She posts every single day and never fails to post interesting and funny stories
and pictures and whatever else is happening in her life....
And I just love reading it everyday.....
She's like the morning paper....
she always delivers....
I stepped up onto this gorgeous porch only to find myself hunting for a door bell.....
It was hidden behind the garland so I just knocked....
But later got to actually hear the bell play "White Christmas".....
How neat is that.....I was waiting for Bing Crosby to appear....

I should have guessed from the outside decorations what was beyond the front door....
Step inside and enjoy!!

This colorful beauty greets you in the hallway.....
This was one of three trees on the first floor...

How gorgeous is this.....all silver and white and all the way to the ceiling....
This one graced the Family Room......

Decorations were everywhere.....

The perfect Tablescape.....
Something told me we were in for a great time.....

I wasn't surprised to step into the Family Room Kitchen area and see this
wonderful Gingerbread House....

I can't even imagine attempting to make one of these....
Karyn said they still had a little more work to do on it...
It looked pretty done to me...

Look at all the stockings!!
Karyn is a foster mom in the county and unselfishly welcomes these children into
her home with open arms....
We got to meet her adorable adopted daughter Madison who is 5 and is just as
cute as could be....

Look at this fancy thingie up on the ceiling....I know it has a name...but the name
escapes me.....just like what I ate today for breakfast....
It's menopause ladies....

Here is Rose and Robin hanging out in the kitchen having a
"Chat and Chew' as Rose would call it....

Miss Nola....
All the way from Nashville....
Her and Karyn share blogging duties....
And now for the food.....which was....Well....take a look for yourself.
This was warm Brie covered in Fig jam with cranberries and walnuts...
served with raisin and pecan crackers....
Do I have to tell you how good this was...
In the Butler's Pantry....

Sandy made this great salad that had strawberries and mandarin oranges with candied
She also made adorable marshmallow pops...
There was chicken salad on croissants.....
Everybody's "Lady's Who Lunch" favorite...

I have to admit that I went back for seconds on this one....
It was so so good....
Here is my plate....
We also had a shrimp and macaroni salad made by the cook among us......
and ofcourse if you invite me for lunch your going to get a loaf
of my lemon rosemary bread....
Robin made these truffles that Rose dubbed...
Reindeer Balls....
I could have eaten the whole plate....
They were fabulous....
For dessert we also had...
Ambrosia Salad
A pistachio whipped cream salad...
pumpkin cream puffs....and
cappuccino brownies
And we were all ready to die if we took another bite.....
Here are the ladies in attendance....
front to back left to right...
Rose....Santamaker's Journey
Karyn....The Bloom Girls
Sandi.....Chatty Crone...
Susan....Between Naps on the Porch
Robin...All Things Heart and Home....
Nola....The Bloom Girls....
Not able to attend was Joyce....of Flour Power fame and Confessions of a Plate Addict....
We missed you both....
Last year this time I had no idea who these wonderful women were....
If you were to have told me that I would have all these new friends in my life
a year later I wouldn't have believed it.....
If it wasn't for blogging I never would have discovered ladies that I have so much in common with.....
As the year comes to an end I am thankful for you all.....Here in Atlanta......and all over the country......and to my new friends in Europe as well......all your talents...
all your thoughtful comments and all your friendships....
I hope the New Year brings you all new blogging friends!!


  1. How wonderful to get together in REAL life with blogger friends! What fun.... and gorgeous surroundings, and gorgeous food as well.

    And those two women in the first picture are GRANDMOTHERS? Excuse me while I go get a bag to put over my head....

  2. Sue, what fun! And that is such a wonderful luncheon in a beautiful home. Loved reading this. Thanks for sharing...


    Sheila :-)

  3. How wonderful to get together. I hope I can get to know all of you better and might get to meet you someday! I am in the Atlanta area also. I have come to love the ladies of the Bloging community.

  4. Looks like so much fun. Blogging is so great. I hope you got the recipe for those truffles. I need to make some this year. Mimi

  5. What a wonderful time all of you had! It is great that you all get together. I am amazed that you have made all those new friends; I read most of their blogs but I am off to check out the few I've missed.

  6. That sounds like so much fun! The house was beautiful as was the food. Thanks for sharing. I would love for you to join me for Crock Pot Wednesday this week.

  7. Blogging friends are real friends!!!

    Looks like you had a ball and you know, I would have had two pieces of quiche too!


  8. Oh my gosh you did a great job! I didn't take as many pictures and I was trying to describe to my family how beautiful everything was. I had a hard time keeping my mouth closed (which you know is hard anyway - lol). We had a wonderful time. And let me tell you - all these women were wonderful. It didn't matter who was who or who had what - everyone was great.

    I am going to send your blog to Kelly and Rick so they can 'visit'.

  9. Isn't it amazing the friendships we've all made blogging and actually getting to meet some of our readers in real life? Last weekend, I had a similar excursion, going to CT to visit with several blogging friends. Your friend's home is magical. And the food . . . wow.

  10. Hey lady! Did we have a fun day or what?! Gorgeous home and great friends..what better way to spend the day!

  11. Sounds like great fun. I'd almost move to Atlanta just to get to lunch with you ladies, but then I'd have to deal with the traffic. We have enough of our own here in Birmingham.

    Merry Christmas, Sue.

  12. I was so sad to miss this event but my MIL had a doctor's appointment which I totally forgot about. It was bad enough we had to drive to Fayetteville for it!
    Merry Christmas!

  13. What a wonderful time you gals had and what a lovely home. You took great pictures and ALL that food... whoo hoo... yummy! I am sure that put all of you in the festive Christmas season.

  14. What a wonderful, beautiful party! Makes me wish I was in Atlanta too:>) Thanks for sharing all the gorgeous treats and decorations!

  15. Looks like a totally fun luncheon and I was sorry I did not go. If it was not for old faithful erupting from my nose every 15 minutes I would have attended. So much for the teenage mutant ENT!

  16. DANG! I'd have driven down from North Carolina just for a doggy bag!


  17. Beautiful home, beautiful food, beautiful ladies-what more can one ask for-looks like a great day -wished I lived in Atlanta Sue!

  18. Wonderful spread, gorgeous home, fabulous decorations, AND they're total hotties! :-) I hate to be jealous...but...

    And...I spy my new punch bowl! Same one. What kind of punch was in there?? I'm taking any and all suggestions for my cookie exchange party next Sunday (are you in NJ Sunday 12/20?!?).
