Sunday, December 13, 2009

REMEMBERING TOM SNYDER..................

I was going through my desk drawers the other day when I came across
my stash of and e-mails from Tom.....
That would be Tom Snyder of Late Night Fame.....
Let me start back a few years......Well more then just a few was back in 1973 and me and the Boss
had not been married very long....We would stay up late at night
and tune in to The Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder.....
We instantly became fans and would continue to watch Tom all
through the years......When daughter went away to college we had officially
hooked her on Tom as well....
How could you not become hooked....
Daughter didn't have cable t.v. or any t.v. for that matter up in Ithaca
so I would tape Tom's shows for her and mail them up every couple of weeks...
After all those years we felt like Tom was part of the family....
For any of you that watched his shows he always had a segment where the viewers could
call in and ask Tom and his guests questions or just call in to chit chat....
Tom was a great chit chatter......
Not watching the shows live daughter was unable to call in so the Mom...
that would be me.....sent the infamous letter off to Tom's house asking if he
would reverse the process and give daughter a call at college.....
A few of my readers here on the blog even remember the night
the crazy college girl sang "There's No Business Like Show Business" on the air....
Now I know what your asking yourself.....How did she know where Tom lived....
Both Tom and the Boss were big Lionel Train collectors and they were
both in the same organization of wacky men that collect
toy trains.....
Hence there was a directory of all the members with their home address'....
I never expected to hear a word.....little did I know what a kind man Tom was.....
One night daughter called home all excited that Tom had indeed called her....
And he told her to call home and let Mom know that the show would play at midnight and to get the VCR fired up.....
In the letter I had told Tom that daughter did a great Ethel Merman imitation and ofcourse
Tom asked daughter to sing a few bars......
It was television history in the making......Daughter sang her little heart out and Tom was
hysterical laughing....
And we have it all on tape!!
Over the years we corresponded with each other.....through cards and notes....and
later on through e-mails.....
When daughter graduated from Law School and moved into Manhattan she moved to
50th. Street between 1st. and 2nd..........We discovered that directly behind her on 51st. street was where Tom lived when he worked in New York.....He always told the story and loved saying that he slept in
Maureen O'Hara's bed......It seems he moved into her old apartment and when she moved out the bed was too large to move so she just left it.....
When daughter and SIL married in 2002 Tom was invited to the wedding but 9/11
had just happened and Tom was not a fan of flying......but he went to
Williams Sonoma in San Francisco and picked out a gift from the registry
Which I thought was so cute and so thoughtful....
Heck some people came to the wedding and didn't bring a gift....
We always think of Tom when we go through a car wash......
Once he took "Mother Snyder" who was probably in her late 80's at the time out for the day
and he went through a car wash.....
She commented how the weather had gotten bad.....
He thought that was the funniest thing.....
In one of Tom's last notes he writes......
"If you are ever coming to California please let me know"......
I never did make the trip and Tom passed away way too early at 71
on July 29th. of 2007......

This was the last Christmas card I received from him a few years
before he passed away.....
So Tom if your up there reading blogs this one's for you....
"Fire up a Colortini, sit back, relax, and watch the pictures, now, as they fly
through the Air"...............


  1. What a great story, Sue! How fun that you corresponded with him. And how really nice of him to call your daughter! You always tell the best stories with the most wonderful surprises! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Sue I really enjoyed your story. I always enjoyed Tom Snyder myself. It is great to find out what a really nice guy he was. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So nice to know that he was so down to earth and even sent a wedding gift. Leave it to you to correspond with a famous guy:)

  4. I loved reading more about your relationship with Tom Snyder (sounds so scandalous when I put it that way. ;-). I think that's so incredible that he was such a real person...they really don't make them like that any more.

    Cheers to Tom...for making me think a Colortini was really a cocktail (maybe I'll "invent" one for my new punch bowl, lol!).

  5. I am NEVER surprised by any of your stories! I was also a big fan of Tom Snyder. It was during a time when I worked late hours and his show was something I looked forward to.
    Nice story.

  6. Oh, Sue... that last made me teary. So sweet!

    What a great story and fun, too. I'm glad you shared it with us. I used to watch him, too. How neat that he corresponded with you for so many years. Loved the story about his mother and the car wash and him putting your daughter on the air. And I had to laugh about how you got his name. You knew those toys would come in handy some day, now didn't you???


    Sheila :-)

  7. Oh what fun! And what a great story -- I used to watch Tom Snyder, too. And I love the story about the car wash and his mother. Recently I was driving my 89 year old Dad home to his assisted living apartment and it was pouring rain... we pulled up under the portico, and my Dad said, "Hey, it stopped raining!" Well, yes ... under the portico it had!

    Best ... Cass

  8. That was a great post! We used to watch Tome Snyder, also. For you to know him personally must have been a real kick!!! Enjoy your week. Sally

  9. Well, I for one am speechless! I mean I knew he was a cool guy, but a classy one to boot! They sure don't make 'em like that anymore {this coming from a very disappointed follower of David Letterman from back when he had a morning show}.

    Great story and I look forward to seeing that tape someday with your little "Ethel" singing her heart out!


  10. Very cool story Sue! I enjoyed reading this very much! I remember watching him too and especially when my infant son wouldn't sleep, I would have Tom to keep me company! Have a great week too! Cindy

  11. Oh Sue I am with the others - I love how you start the story - tell how things went and then a great ending. I didn't know you knew him. He sounded like a down to earth person. The best kind to be.

  12. We watched Tom Snyder when we could. Hadn't thought of him in years. So fun to hear you were friends! Mimi

  13. I remember your story aboutthis and lved hearing more...we LOVED Tom...he was one of a kind. I miss him but this story surely put a smile on my face tonight.
    I adore you ya know...YOU are one of a kind too!

  14. Hi Sue....

    I've been catching up a bit with you and yours. I loved hearing about Tom Snyder, he always did seem like such a nice fella......

    And, you little too-cutie-patootie's calendar is just usual! How does your daughter come up with all of these great ideas?

    I'm glad you're back in the blogging've been missed, indeed.

    Happy, happy New Year.......


  15. I just found your blog today and loved reading this post! I loved watching Tom Snyder!! I knew he must a good guy and now I have proof!! My husband and I miss watching his show. I can't wait to read him your post when he gets home from work tonight! Love your blog...I'll be a regular!!
