Tuesday, December 29, 2009

SOPHIE'S 2010 CALENDAR..........Art.....Artists.....and one Museum!!

It's the beginning of a new year and that can only mean one thing......
Miss B's annual Calendar!!!

This year finds our little lady engulfed in the World of Art.....Miss January.....
Sophie always likes a good can of Campbell's Soup....and Andy Warhol!!

February.....Sophie really *Loves* Robert Indiana....

Miss March celebrates the Guggenheim's 50th Birthday!

In April.....
Christo has wrapped the Pont Neuf....the Florida Keys......and

Miss May.....
Frida Kahlo....the early years.............

Sophie Channels Jackson Pollock.

In JULY Sophie snuck in to the Terrace at Sainte-Adresse

MONET'S Garden in the month of August....

In September if you've wondered why Matisse's "Incarus"
isn't at the Met anymore....
Ask Sophie.



November finds two sides of Kandinsky....
And one of them is Sophie!

Mondrian on the run in Manhattan.....

Mom is already brainstorming about next years calendar.....and just incase there is anyone
who missed year one and year two....here are the links....



  1. Happy New Year! Sophie and her Mama have done it again! My favorite has to be April - you know Christo's next project is to take place just a few miles from our little town. That is if they can get past all of the opposition, plus you know Jeanne-Claude just passed away. Sophie is just as charming as ever! Hope your Christmas was wonderful. Sally

  2. 12 times adorable! I hope you had a good visit!
    Happy 2010..good health and good times!

  3. Sue, this is the cutest yet! Soooooo precious and very creative! Bravo!!!


    Sheila :-)

  4. That little model of yours is adorable! I am so trying to catch up on my reading and visiting. The old head here has been acting up again. I just want the dizziness to stop. Here's to a wonderful new year for all of us! hugs, Sue

  5. OMG she is so cute! What a great idea with lots of adorable and artsy poses! Happy New Year Sue!

  6. Absolutely adorable, as usual. Your daughter instead is simply a genius! Can not decide which photo is the best. They are all fantastic in their uniqueness. A big hug to you all. Eli

  7. Oh my goodness, your girl is growing up! Adorable pictures, Sue.

    Happiest New Year wishes to you and your family for a healthy, happy 2010.

  8. Sue,
    Each photo is so wonderful. What a beautiful gift, of course the subject is a beauty too!
    Happy New Year!

  9. Miss B is too cute & Heath is amazing!! My favorite is February!! Have a wonderful New Year!! Cheryl

  10. Love the photos...she's a cutie.

    Happy new year from NJ to you and your family.

  11. I was looking forward to this... now Heather has started something. My favorite is May, love the eyebrows! LOL.

    Sophie is too cute and a good model.

  12. Love it!!! I'm sending the link to my mommies... maybe they'll take a hint, you think? For the last two years, I've gotten adorable calendars too, but the themes make yours outstanding. A lot of work went into those!

  13. Brava!!!! This calendar came out completely awesome. I'm printing out Frida. 'Cause it makes me laugh my big fat butt off. :-) Thank you for sharing...I live for the Mlle Sophie calendar each year. And I'm not even related to her, lol!

    Sorry I missed you -- and hope you had a nice visit in the Garden State. I'm freezing my aforementioned large rear off this week...BRRR!

    Thanks for making my 2009 so merry and bright! I think of you every time I look at the Libby pillows. Here's to a happy, healthy an prosperous new year...from me to Rue. ;-)

  14. Those "Sophie Art" pieces are great!

  15. Sue - are you home yet? I've missed you.

    The calendar is awesome. You daughter has such a talent.

    You must be so proud of little Sophie. She is beautiful. I bet she could be in pictures.

    And I do see 'you' in her - have you been told that before?

    What a doll!

    Wishing you a happy new year. Sandie

  16. Love Love Love it!

    Sophie as Frida Kahlo cracked me up!

    I did not know Christo is wrapping the keys in pink! I loved his Central park orange banners...it was so much fun walking under them.

    Who made all those delightful dresses/sweaters for Ms B?

    I hope you had fun in NYC, blizzard and all! There were sooooo many tourists this year for the Christmas holidays!

    A very happy healthy and prosperous 2010 to you and your family!

  17. Frida and the eyebrows made me laugh. I love Sept with the hat and also Monet with the hat. Your daughter is so creative and of course the little model is the cutest. Have a safe journey home. We are at the beach house for some R&R and warmer weather. Catch ya when I return. Happy New Year.

  18. Spectacular! I love the thought and effort that goes into these darling calenders. The first photo reminds me of when we took the girls to the DIA, my youngest was about Sophies age and she was so taken with a painting that she ran up and touched it...right in front of a docent! I thought we would get kicked out, lol. Sophie is clearly a very sophisticated little girl with excellent taste:>) Happy New Year to you and your darling family Sue!~

  19. Miss B is adorable! And...kudo's to mama H for making a hat in the shape of the G. Museum. My favorite is May.

    Love y'all,


  20. What a hoot. She is such a ham.

    Sorry we couldn't connect during your visit. Though disappointed, I certainly understood. I can't remember the last time we had that much snow before Christmas!

  21. As always, absolutely adorable! A very clever mama too.

  22. That is truly delightful! Sophie is such a cutie. . . and obviously a ham!

    I love it!

  23. She's a cutie and the daughter, very clever. Love gifts that take time and love to make. Mimi

  24. I love it!! How creative! Miss Sophie is absolutely adorable.

    Happy New Year, Sue!!


  25. Hi Sue,
    Omgoodness...too darn cute. I love little Frida Kahlo!

    If you are going to be in Atlanta this weekend, please join Karyn and I for Tea and a Framing Workshop hosted by Eddie Ross. More details at thebloomgirls.com.

    Happy New Year!

  26. Oh my, oh my, oh my! I have been waiting so long for another installment!
    This is genius! I LOVE Sophoe as Kahlo!! And Magritte!! Okay, can I say creative genus enough??
    Sophie and her Mama should be selling these...I would but several!
    This was just what I needed today!!


  27. Oh my! How I love these treasures that you, Miss B and your daughter share.
    I think I love May and Frida the best, but one is more clever than the next. I can't fully communicate the joy and smiles this brought to me tonight.
    Thank you!!!!


  28. Very Nice! It's hard to pick a favorite this year! Frida's pretty funny with the uni-brow but Monet is adorable!

  29. It was so nice to meet you today! I had a great time! Sophie is absolutely adorable! I love the pictures:)
    Can't wait to get together again!
