Tuesday, January 5, 2010

GIRLS NIGHT OUT IN MANHATTAN.........or how to get kicked out of a Broadway theater.

Well technically we left out a side door using our own free will......but it was touch and go for awhile when the hired help ran to get management......
You may remember a few months ago when I posted that daughter.........cute person in below picture......
was treating me to the musical Ragtime as one of my Christmas presents.....
So the day had come and the girls took off for Manhattan leaving the "Guys"......as Miss "B"
now calls the Dad and the grandpa......to babysit....
I had seen Ragtime 10 years ago at the Ford Theater and the production was fabulous....very elaborate stage decoration....This new revival was on a much smaller scale....but I was excited none the less.....Here is Daughter seated next to the "One Women H1N1 Walking Virus".......
The minute we sat down "that" lady started yacking up a lung.....it was horrifying...
She barked.....she coughed.....she choked....she made every possible noise you could make and Daughter was getting nervous......
At one point I rooted through my purse looking for a cough drop to pass over to her but before we knew it it was intermission and we packed up our coats and moved to the back row of the theater.....
But not before daughter told the women to feel free to move her coats to our seats because we wouldn't be coming back to which she responded......
"Are your giving up?".......
Daughter says........"No, because your sick and I have a small child at home"......to which the women said in her best......she's been smoking since birth voice......
"I'm not sick"........
Well....you could have fooled us.....and I'm here to report that for the rest of the show we didn't
hear her make a peep......
Now for the "I'm a real Troublemaker" part of the post......
I got yelled out by an usher when I took the first picture of daughter for using the camera....Hey, the play hadn't even started yet.....so I restrained myself for the rest of the production......
ofcourse the final curtain call.....
You can see how small the Neil Simon theater is....we were in the last row....and for Pete's Sake the show was over.....What's the harm.....and for what daughter paid for those two seats we should have been able to take the seats home with us......or atleast one cast member.....
So.....I took my shot and promptly had another more mean spirited usher lady race over and tell me to delete the picture.....She went crazy......I tell her I have no idea how to delete a picture at which point she tells me to stay put that she was going to get the manager.....
And she also mentioned something about getting a $10,000.00 Fine.....
Then we heard that the manager was busy and we would have to be detained.....
Well.....that doesn't work with the Legal Eagle and it would take more then a flash light and a name badge to detain us two.......... so I spotted the side door of the theater open and we took off into the dark of night......
Picture intact!!!
And it wouldn't be a night out in the big city without a nice fancy dinner....
Here is Daughter at the steak house we went to......name to be withheld.....until I hear back from the manager regarding unusual behavior by the waitress......
We had a fabulous dinner started out with an
Amuse Bouche of butternut squash little thingie.....
followed by New England Clam Chowder and I had the Filet Mignon with garlic Parmesan matchstick potatoes......daughter had the most wonderful chicken in a Meyer lemon
reduction sauce......
And the waitress.......Well, I was sitting facing a mirror so I could see behind me.....
She was re-setting the table behind us holding napkins and silverware.....
She placed down the napkins then took the fork she was holding and with the tines of the fork
started itching her head with it.....then promptly put it down on the table....
I retrained myself at the time from saying anything but has since sent off an e-mail to
the restaurant manager since this is a famous place in NY and I'm sure this is not
normal behavior for the wait staff......
All and all we had a fabulous fun time......It was rainy as you can see by Times Square on
our ride home which kept us from doing some shopping after dinner but
Thanks daughter for a terrific evening out on the town.....
And a few days later we heard via the internet that Ragtime is closing up shop in a
few days.......due to lack of ticket sales.....
A shame since it's a wonderful play and the music is fantastic but we both agreed that the revival was not even close to the "Wow factor"......that the original production had.....
Or it could be that $10,000.00 Fine?


  1. I am SO proud of you both!!! Women after my own heart! Now, I didn;t get caught taling MY pictures the last time I was in a NY theater but I would do it again!!
    But if you had had to spend the night in the pen, well, I wouldhave been glad to come up there and spring ya!

  2. You are too funny! I'm glad the two of you escaped the theatre police. Remind me never to eat at that restaurant... ewww! I know you had a wonderful time visiting with Miss B too! Glad to have you back online now!

  3. How funny was all that! Well not the head scratch with the fork...icky! Does make one wonder doesn't it. Loved the photos in the theater($10,000 my foot). Enjoyed your evening out, lots of smiles here.

  4. please look at the pattern of your conduct and ask yourself if you can see the pattern that i clearly can. the common denominator is you and your sense of entitlement and your extremely boorish behavior. learn some manners and check out the meaning of propriety--i know you know better. and you know that you were in the wrong and with your attitude all you did was teach your daughter to avoid responsibility...be proud.

  5. LOL!
    I read about this incident in the NY paper! :)
    Only you!
    I hope it wasn't Smith and Wollensky's..That is gross..
    Hope you had a great visit!

  6. I love being "Boorish" it's one of my best qualities!!....And yes...I do feel entitled...I earned that by being married to the Boss for 40 years....Lighten up...it's all in fun.

  7. You are so funny Sue! What a great night out with your lovely daughter and what a daring gal you are! Happy New Year too! Cindy

  8. Always a fun time with Legal Eagle and her fun Mom. I so want to go somewhere with you - I'll even be the official photographer. Thanks for always sharing your fun memories. Enjoy the New Year. Sally Your word verification is flogenes - what would that be?

  9. Sue you crack me up! I can't see what the big deal is with the photos and I certainly wouldn't assume some usher could "detain" me. Sheesh! As for the fork incident, yikes! My jaw just dropped when you said she scratched her head with the fork and then set the tale with it. I hope you wiped your own silverware very well! Anonymous needs to be brave enough to sign his/her name if they are going to be so "boorish" as to leave nasty comments. Not nice.

  10. Oh Sue the entire post is hysterical. I think you need to borrow my Piedmont hospital H1N1 mask. Has the world come to bringing their own silverware with them when eating out? You would think the usher at the show would worry about explosive undies these days instead of a flash camera.

  11. Well, I loved this blog. First of all - in the whole scheme of life - what is one picture? I don't understand the policy of not taking a picture anyway. Why do they have those policies.

    And while the food sounded good - the fork in tha hair did not.

    You are just a WOW - 'wild older woman' - we all need to be that way and have more fun and less stress. Life is way to short to worry about the small stuff!

    And it's all the small stuff.


  12. Good Grief! You had an exciting evening. You do know that if I was with you, we would get into a lot of trouble. Ask Susie Q. I guess I am self-entitled, as well.
    I am kinda righteous, so I would have said something to the restaurant management immediately about the fork. That server should have been reprimanded immediately and the fork removed from the table. It makes one think twice about eating without wiping one's utensils with a wet wipe of some kind. Is that even safe? LOL
    Hope the new year brings all good things to you, Sue! Stay out of trouble, okay?
    hugs, Sue

  13. "...took the fork she was holding and with the tines of the fork
    started itching her head with it. ..."


  14. I think "anonymous" that called you boorish must be the waitress that scratched her head with the fork in the restaurant. Her comment was almost as funny as your blog.

    This anonymous comment is left by Necie.

  15. Thank you Necie.....for allowing me to be boorish for the past 26 years and never once being embarrassed by my behavior....You know that your life has been more fun since I moved in!!!

  16. You always seem to have the most interesting stories to tell. I am shocked at the wait staff use of the fork. Good golly! Ewww!
    I'm trying to think if I ever took a photo inside the theatre before...no...no don't think so.
    But I do remember my husband and I eating at the Russian Tea room the last day before it closed for remodeling. I caught a terrible cold during our trip to the Big Apple and coughed a few times. Lo and behold! A very upper crust looking woman promptly collected her belongings and moved as far away from me as possible. Geez....

  17. Sue, you are have such a great sense of humor and know how to have fun.

    I'd pick YOU to go out for a night on the town if I had the chance! You always can crack me up, sweetie. :) LOVE it!!


  18. LOL Sue! I will have to give you lessons in how to take a photo in a place that does not allow it--I do it all the time and usually get away with it...remember my Billy Elliot post? It's all about having a quick wrist and hiding the camera in your bag fast..and no flash...lol

    The fork incident was icky -- I often wonder about a lot of restaurants everywhere and how clean they and their staff are. Once I passed a restaurant in Greenwich Village that wasn't open as yet and a big cat was sitting on the middle of own of the tables! It was probably there to eat the rats..sigh.

    Glad you had a nice time with your beautiful daughter!

  19. OMG!!! I am disgusted by that waitress! I gasped OUT LOUD as I read!!!
    Only you though...!
    please say your joking!
    hey- not only did you get away with tthe photo- but you got it posted here!
    You are good.
    Thanks for stopping by- You know I have been looking forward to the calendar! Going there next!
    Happy New Year!

  20. Looks like it was fun. I'd love to be able to go do something with you. You always have the most interesting things happen to you. What a kick. I'm sure you were sitting on the aisle seat. That's where I'd be. Mimi
