Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WHEN BLOGGERS MULTIPLY..................

It started with two...........Deb and Joyce decided to get together for lunch....then there was three
Not one to turn down a lunch invitation I hopped on board and was excited to being going
to a little bistro in Roswell Georgia called Red Salt....
I had never been there for lunch in fact I had never in all these years been to old downtown...
Before you knew it we had Cheri on board along with Rose then Sandi and then Karyn....
These ladies like to do lunch!!
Deb and Joyce got there early to secure a good spot right in the front window with
enough seating for the 7 of us.....
Susan.....we all missed you and hope you can join us next time....Here is Sandi....Karyn....Deb....Joyce and Cheri.....
At one point I kept watching the door for Sandi to arrive and a women walks in and I wave and say an excited Hi.....she looked at me like I was nuts....
Now I knew everyone that was coming and I also knew what everyone looked like.....
So leave it to me to randomly flag down a stranger.....
Ateast if this whole retired thing doesn't work out I can become a
Greeter at Wal-mart....

But where's Rose?
Our resident "SantaMaker"......

Here's Rose.....
Rose has a fabulous blog called.....
She is an amazing artist/crafts person and her Santa dolls are true works of art....

a restaurant with alot of ambiance.....we all loved the bare hanging bulbs over the tables....

The food was very good.....most of the ladies got salads.....Here is the Roasted Pear
Salad with chicken....

Ofcourse leave it to the Italian.....I had to order the pizza....
it was wonderful....

They finally threw us out of the place and I couldn't tell if the waitress was miffed because she brought the check then we made her take it back and bring us
7 separate ones.....Hey....that's what women do.....she should have known....
I think I'm going to use Cheri as my PR person for my Blog Book.....
Here she is holding it in front of the restaurant while the other ladies were saying....

"Would you please take that thing and go put it in your car....we've seen enough..."

Group shot....
Back row.....
Deb of
Karyn of the famous...
front row....
Rose from ....
and our new friend

Sandi has a wonderful blog and if you have never visited you need to make a point of stopping by....She writes everyday....Yes....Everyday...
With a little proverb....a bit of her life......a cartoon or two...and everyday she celebrates a famous person's birthday with a little biography....
I love reading biographies and she does a fantastic job of giving you a little info on famous people from all walks of life not just celebrities....
You will enjoy it I guarantee...

We managed to get two poor women that were passing by to take our picture....
Then some man came by and asked the two ladies if they wanted him
to take the picture so they could get in the shot.....
That's why we were all laughing because they told him...
"We don't know these women".....

And people wonder why I refer to her as
"Crazy Joyce"....
Her she is trying to sit atop the Elk....
I always tell her how much she reminds me of Diane Keaton in all those Woody Allen movies...
and in this picture she really resembles her...........

We were standing on the corner when Rose noticed the Webb Street
sign and then noticed a huge spider web attached to it....
If you look just south of the ST you can barely see it...
Make note to time bring the good camera....

Most of the ladies had to leave right after lunch but Rose... Joyce and Me decided to hit up
some of the local shops....
This beautiful tree and other wonderful Christmas decorations were everywhere in
a lovely shop called the Chandlery....

Lots of beautiful placemats and napkins....

My favorite....Tacky State pillows and glasses
reminiscent of the "state plates" from the 1950's.....

Ofcourse we are in Georgia so every good gift shop worth their weight in salt has
UGA items......Go Dawgs!!!!
Oh I can't believe I said that.....I'm from Jersey.....
Lots of those cute holiday dolls....
We then moved on to an antique warehouse .......
Where I was highly insulted by this apron......
Not So................
Cooking is an art.

I found some very overpriced milkglass....

Rose spotted these great dishes....all the pieces were only $34.00
Susan.....we thought about you and how you would have grabbed them up for
Tablescape Thursday's.........
How about some old wood skates.......puffy balls included!

and great old cameras............
And to bring an end to a fun is an altered picture of Me and Joyce donning our
Beer and Vodka Goggles.....
Yes....two grown women....two grandmother's.....two sophisticated ladies of the North....
Making asses of ourselves.....
It was actually a whole picture but I had something stuck in one tooth and Joyce hates to have up close pictures to save me from hearing.....
"Take that picture of me off your blog".......
I give you half of us......


  1. Great post, Sue. I had such a fun day! Will definitely have to go back for Christmas!

  2. Had a great time with you and all the girls at lunch! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!


  3. OMG, this is hilarious! Why did I have to have training today. I wanted to goooooo! Whiiiine! I'm off every other Monday...let's do a Monday sometime. :-)
    You guys looked great...including your new found friends. :-) Susan

  4. Sue, I think I might have to adopt myself out to the Georgia bloggers. Can a next door neighbor play??? Y'all are always having a blast!

    I think you ought to do a road trip and come see some of the Florida bloggers in St. Augustine. Or let's meet up in Savannah. I'm willing to drive! :-)

    Glad you all had such fun. I want to hook up with Ms. Plate Addict, too, at some point in time. Had thought I might be in the Georgia area a while back, but it didn't happen. Anyhow, I vote we have an "interstate" luncheon! ;-)



  5. Hi Sue,
    You have such a great sense of humor, I would have loved to be part of the group! Looks like a super fun day, great pics and I want those old roller skates, I had some just like that in junior high! Cindy

  6. Another great post, Sue. Your right, Joyce will do anything and I think she is rubbing off on you (nice glasses and she really does look like Diane Keaton). LOL It was a great lunch and thank you for including me. Maybe I should also do PR for Heather and then she can quit her "awful" job and do these blog books. She did a great job. Love it.

  7. What a super post and such a fun day. Isn't it the greatest fun when blogger friends all get together. Hugs, Marty

  8. Well I couldn't make lunch but I loved sharing the day with you:>) This looks like so much fun, and the food looked soooo good!

  9. It's all like a traveling comedy show:) Your post made me laugh.

  10. Oh my gosh it looked like you had a great time!

    Wait a minute - I was there - lucky me - we did have a great time! I really enjoyed meeting some fellow bloggers from the Atlanta area. What a great group of women and so much talent there!

  11. LOL! That was great! I bet the noise level from that table was high!

    Did the store clerk understand you when you said you were from "Joisey"? :)

    Fun post!

  12. Fun stuff .. when I go to lunch with the girls we split the check .. it always works out...

  13. Now that looks like fun. Looking forward to meeting you in Dec.

  14. Wow, Sue ~ what fun! What a great group of ladies. And you are so right. Cooking is an art. I do not like that apron. And that pizza looks real yummy.
    I'd forgotten you were a Jersey girl, too! Like me. (Replanted in Maryland).

  15. Looks like you all had a great time! The food there looks FABU! I'm hungry now.:)

  16. What a fun day! I haven't met many New York City bloggers that I could have a lunch date with --where are they all? I know they are out there! It must be my silly blog name that keeps them from finding

    I'll have to explore all the blogs you recommended Sue. I love Joyce's blog and she DOES resemble Diane Keaton cute!

    One thing in NYC they will NOT give seperate have to bring a calculator and so it that way.
