Friday, November 6, 2009


It took 35 days to get there but Andrea finally got his birthday present in the mail on thursday!!
It seems Italian customs aren't very trustworthy of packages coming into their country
wrapped in Sesame Street paper....Mom reports the custom folks carefully unwrapped the boxes then carefully re-wrapped them....
Sorry custom guys.....Just sneakers....
And the shoes still fit!!!
Andrea's feet are growing at an alarming rate for a 2 year old but there is still room
for him to grow into them.....
How adorable is this little guy........
I was very happy to hear from Mom this morning but still reported the idiot from the
Post Office to his superiors.......
I'm just a natural born troublemaker.....


  1. Hi Sue!

    I don't know Eli ..we may have crossed blog comments somewhere along the way :-) Her Andrea is adorable! I love the red sneakers you sent to him for his birthday!

    I've sent many a package to Italy as all my husband's aunts and uncles and cousins live there...and I hate to say it but very often they don't make it to their destination! Even cards sometimes don't make it unless we don't seal them but just tuck in the back so they can see there is nothing in them. It's a sad fact that if someone along the way (and I'm not sure which side that happens on) wants what is sent it just "disappears"! Very discouraging.

  2. Sue,

    He is so adorable and those "red" sneakers look so cute on him. I bet even at 2 he was excited to be getting a present. You thoughtful little Italian.

  3. That's my boy with his big feet ... He wore the shoes all day and, guess what, also wanted them to bed! Thanks again AM, all my love!

  4. ... I reached a compromise: they remain on the table near the bed for the night ...

  5. How cute... he wanted to wear them to bed! I think I remember way, way back in the dark ages when I was a kid, I felt the same way about my Roy Rogers cowboy boots:-)

  6. Glad they got there!
    Oy to what Pat said..guess we are a little luckier here!

  7. Hi Sue,
    You are so funny! That little boy is just adorable and the shoes look so cute on him! He will break a lot of hearts someday! Cindy

  8. Hi Sue...

    This little guy is just DARLING!! Are you supposed to say that about a boy? I sure say it about my little grandson... :-) I'm so glad your package got there before he headed off to college.


  9. Sue, that Andrea is a cute as can be! I love his little sneakers and hope he had a great birthday!


    Sheila :-)

  10. I don't know Eli either - but he is cute. How did you find them?

    He sure looked good in those red shoes!

  11. What a doll. Those big brown eyes are gonna break some hearts in a few years. Having fun in California with the grandgirls. Looks like your lunch and shopping was fun. Mimi

  12. Yay! I'm so glad your package made it. You know, I have always thought those Sesame Street characters seemed a little shifty looking, lol.

  13. Mama Mia! Thank God. Andrea is so adorable and those shoes look so cute on his feet. I expect to turn on the TV and find that this unsuspecting postal worker was let go. Not to worry since there are millions of hard working Americans who would love to have this postal clerks job. I love a story with a Happy ending:)

  14. He's a cutie! Goodness they unwrapped and rewrapped! Well at least they did that. Mail must be very slow there if they go through all that trouble!


  15. He's a cutie! Goodness they unwrapped and rewrapped! Well at least they did that. Mail must be very slow there if they go through all that trouble!

