Saturday, November 7, 2009

Well....Here's Another Fine "Blog" You've Gotten Me Into

A few months ago daughter launched a new blog and made the mistake of asking Mom to be a contributor......
After all 39 years of marriage brings alot of "stupid" stories to the table....
At our Blog lunch this week one of the ladies heard me talking about it and asked if
it was another Atlanta Blogger's site......
No....It would be daughter's and mine....
So with out further adieu I bring you the very my knowledge.....
Interactive Blog Site....
Where all you ladies with years and years of husband stories can go to vent.....
You can send your "stupid" stories of your Better an e-mail address and have your story/pictures/cartoons.....published....
Without anybody knowing who you are.....
Great Idea Yes????
So when your sitting around on a boring Saturday night and you think back 20 years or so when the husband did something dumb......let's hear about it!!
to submit a witty story....
Come on Ladies I know you got good stuff to share.....because if we can't laugh at the husbands antics who can we laugh at....
And's all done in fun and out of love....


  1. Hi Sue....

    Yep, I soooo agree! I'm crazy about my daughter. Her dad was absent most of her life, so it was just the two of us....we became very close and still are. Now, her dad DID live at the same address, but other than dinner'd never know it. :-) .....Now, I could reallllly tell some stories about the fella. :-)

    It was an interesting time....

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend.....

    Big hugs!

  2. Hi Sue!

    What a fun idea! I look forward to reading some of the stupid stories!!

    I did scroll down and read your post about the blog friends lunch. It looked like so much fun! I do hope to get to Atlanta some day and go on one of those lunches with you all. And would love it if you were ever up in the Asheville NC area we could do that here too!

  3. What a great idea! I'm 40ish (common on- later 40's) and have been married 26 years. You bet I'll be checking out that site. Very fun that you are doing it with your daughter. Mine is a senior in college and incredibly busy right now. Still we are best friends and manage to talk most every day!

  4. I've been following the blog since day one. Great stories. I'll have to come up with one to share.

  5. Picture Tim the Tool Man Taylor with an attitude - that would be my husband.

  6. You are too funny..
    My dh doesn't do internet, so I am safe!

  7. I've been keeping up with the new 'husbands' blog. I laughed at why any man would buy a remote to nothing. I'm glad to be home, but having blog brain drain right now - can't think of anything. But I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon. Take care, Sally

  8. Hi Sue,

    Well that's a cute idea! I'm sure I'll enjoy reading the stories!


  9. You do realize Sue that you just opened a Pandoras Box. There will never be a shortage of material. The hardest part is which story to tell first.

  10. Such a fun idea Sue! I had a good laugh at a few of the entries already up!

  11. I haven't stopped by in ages. This sounds like a great idea and after being married 20 years, I could tell a couple stories.

  12. What a great idea Sue- I am sure after 22.5 years of marriage I can come up with a few little stories, of course, I would have to post anonymously, or else!!

  13. I'm sure I'll have a good time reading your husband stories:>) My husband is, of course, pretty perfect!

  14. Sounds like sooooo much fun, I'm heading over there directly . . .

    I'd love to see that I'm not alone in the husband crazy story arena.


  15. Sue, I'll bet there will be some funny stories! Debbie told me you come to visit my blog but can't leave a comment. So sorry! But thanks for visiting! Keep coming! Linda
