Thursday, November 12, 2009


It's Foodie Friday and I thought after all this time of reading everyone else's post I would join in the fun....
Visit our hostess.....
To see all the other wonderful recipes.....
I know I'm Italian.....what am I doing making something with the word "Greek" in the title..
We are still watching what we eat but a few days a week I splurge and make something a bit fancy.....
With the price of meat skyrocketing I am always on the lookout for inexpensive cuts that I can turn into something special...
I used Top Round Steak thin sliced for this recipe and although not cheap at $4.79 a pound..
It was cut so thin that I was able to get 4 really large slices for a little over $4.00I layed out one piece at a time on a cutting board then topped it with this mixture.....
I sauteed a shallot that I diced fine.....I added some grape tomatoes that I cut in package of frozen spinach thawed and drained well........ofcourse you can use fresh....a little garlic salt and fresh coarse ground pepper.....

I spread this over each piece of meat then put a thinly sliced piece of Asiago Cheese on top of the spinach.......I rolled up the beef and placed it seam side down in a roasting pan.....

I drizzled it with a little extra virgin olive oil....a little bit more kosher salt and pepper...... and baked it about 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven......

The Boss loves feta cheese after our last trip to Jersey....The son in law took us to a fabulous Greek restaurant in Manhattan and it was his first time trying feta......he loved it and has been eating it ever since.....
So I sprinkled some crumbled feta on top of the rolls after they came out of the oven.....

The little potatoes in the center of the plate...
I had made diced garlic/Parmesan potatoes the day before for breakfast...
Not one to waste a thing I re-heated it leaving it in the little ramekin that it was stored in....
it kept it's shape nicely....
and this was one delicious easy meal.....
and it looked good too!!


  1. I'm sure Bob would love this, so maybe I should try it. It does sound a little complicated to me and I would have to touch the meat with my hands - we'll see!!! You know me and how I hate doing this. Thanks for the inspiration, though. Hope your week is going well; take care. Sally

  2. Your recipe sounds wonderful.

    I went out last week and bought some the different kinds of bread and muffins you posted about once and also got some pastry dough and made it with fresh strawberries last night for dinner.

    My husband and daughter couldn't believe it!

  3. Yum! Thanks for sharing this. As soon as my (stupid) oven gets fixed (it broke Monday) you can be sure I'll be trying this. I was just telling Earl I need some new recipes, I'm so tired of making the same old thing!

  4. Oh, this does sound good. I really like the flavors and foods used in greek food! Thanks for sharing this.

  5. I love Foodie Fridays because I get to meet wonderful people and find delicious new recipes.
    Just reading this made my mouth water:)

  6. What a GREAT!!! recipe. A different way to use spinach.

  7. omg i am so hungry now... all i have had is tiramisu cupcakes all day, i am now craving this!

  8. This looks wonderful. We love Greek food and I'm sure that we'll enjoy trying this.

  9. I came over from Spencer's Bellamere Cottage because she said we're "like-minded", sweetpea! Email me and we'll chat, chickee!!! Ask Spencer.... ;-)

  10. Yumm... This might become a regular dish at our house...We love "Greek" ..feta..sounds delish...thanks!

  11. Sue, I am running my virtual tongue (hehe) over the recipe and I know we would LOVE this.

    Feta is good, add Asiago... Heaven!
    Thank you for sharing the recipe.

    Happy FF, and I'm glad you decided to jump in! ((hugs))

  12. I could eat this even with my headache. Feta is a staple in our house for years.

  13. We love Roulade... I make it all the time... sometimes using Chicken! Your looks fab, especially with the feta topping!
    Have a wondeful week end!
    ~Really Rainey~

  14. Looks really delicious. Very nice for company too!


  15. I love the combination of asiago and spinach that you've used here. I'll wager this was delicious.

  16. You do this just to torture me don't you?...{gnawing on a carrot stick}.

    Looks delish!


  17. Sounds yummy. And...easy enough that I could make it.


  18. Sue, this looks fantastic, and what a great dinner party dish! My Mom used to make rouladen, only she called them by their Norwegian name, which I only know how to pronounce, not spell! But it translates as "boneless birds."

    LOVE this recipe with the spinach and the asiago. Great update on a classic!
