Friday, November 13, 2009

BEST HOUSEHOLD TIP EVER....................

This sure sold me! I am going to the Dollar Store Today and get a Dozen.......

Good Housekeeping tip from Maxine....

Always keep several greeting cards up on the mantle.........
So if unexpected guests arrive......
They will think you have been sick and unable to clean.

and on another note....
We have Foodie Friday.....Met Monday and Tablescape Thursdays
but we don't have a day when we get to showcase our collections.....
If your a cook or a decorator....or maybe just a lovable "Pack Rat" we all have
stuff and it's time to show it off!!
My good friend Ellen at
Is gearing up to have Mr. Linky show off your collections....
With the clever name of
you will be able to post your link on her blog for all the blogworld to see your
So go over today and see what Ellen's really cool and then stay tuned for the date she will be putting Mr. Linky to work....
Go.....what are you waiting for......Go Go.


  1. Are you talking to me? Do you think I have collections? Just a few hundred, I guess. I need to go buy some 'get well cards', I guess. I have been so lazy lately - haven't done a thing around here. Have a great weekend. Sally

  2. LOVED the Maxine joke...I need to get some get well cards - lol!!

    I do have collections...right now I have no idea where they might be located. Everyday, at least 5 times a day, one of us says, "Do you know where (fill in the blank) is?"

  3. Oh wow -- LOVE the get well card idea. Now that is brilliant. I remember back when my girls were little and the house got out of control and two people from our church showed up unexpectedly --- I was so embarrassed that i actually LIED to my CHURCH members and told them I had been sick! I cringe when I remember that!

    Ah, confession is good for the soul.

    Love the idea of the PDC meme. Good idea!

    And I'll think of you as I shop Jersey tomorrow!

    (not that I have any collections or anything. . . no, not me.)

  4. Oh goodness! Where to start ..and with what. I collect practically everything!! Get well cards! Yes..well..I am all fixed in that department! :)

  5. Hi Sue,
    That dollar tree idea is actually pretty clever! I like the linky party idea although sometimes I feel like I will never be able to keep track of all the great blog parties! Have a great week-end at your house too! Cindy

  6. I've been so busy that the bunnies are now RABBITS!!!!

    But fall is always that way-- but it's a great idea!

    We have way too many collections! But finding bits and pieces of a collection are fun!

  7. Lol, what a great idea! But now I need to get a mantle to put them on.

  8. Sue, that gift card idea is funny! I like the collection party - that sounds like fun! Linda

  9. Hahaha...great idea! Sharing our collections with others sounds like a grand idea. I'm on my way over to check it out.

  10. I have used that trick..:)
    I don't collect anything per se..wait, crap..I have a lot of it says DH! dishes, etc..
    But none I hang on the wall ..

  11. Collections? Hum, I have a collection of nuts in my family that I could write about with lots of photos:) The card idea is so funny:) I have a serious collection of dust bunnies floating around my home too:)

  12. What a GREAT!!! tip. I had back surgery in May and I still have cards on the mantle. I'll have to save them, so after the Christmas cards come down I will put the get well cards back up. LOL
    I love to cook, but hate to dust.
    I have become a follower of your blog, I love to share recipes and ideas. Come by and visit, maybe you can do the same.


  13. That's funny! I should try that this week!

    That's too bad that does dishes are packed away! They would be so perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe if you asked nicely?


  14. Gotta love Maxine. She says what I think but don't have enough guts to say! I'm definitely getting some get well cards. Brilliant idea. Mimi

  15. I love the card idea! Hysterical. But smart!

    Well you know I collect Ladies Liberty. And apparently now I collect fabric...lots of it! That needs to be turned into stuff pronto so we can get the guest bed back (where it's being "displayed" if you will).

  16. Oh poor Boo. Maisie and I send him many kissies!
