Monday, November 16, 2009


Saturday was not a good day in this household.......I discovered late Friday night that Boo's mouth was still infected after his tooth extraction so first thing Saturday he was back at the vet...
On the ride home in the back of the Bug.....well I won't go into gory details but when I
got home the back seat of the car had to come out and luckily the weather has been in the 70's so
I was able to put down the top and air out the car....
With that said......Sunday I was in need of a "Mental Health Day"......
and nothing says "Make My day" like shopping....
After I made sure the Boss was well fed and content on the couch with many football games
to watch I was on the highway down past Atlanta Airport to
Scott's Antique Market.....A huge indoor and now outdoor market that is held one weekend out of the month it has gotten alot better in the past few years.....We always used to go to the Lakewood Fairgrounds which was a true flea market....good prices and just fun to go to.....But Lakewood closed down a number of years ago and Scott's had always been very overpriced.....
Building one still has it's fancy antiques.......but Building two has much better prices and more
fun stuff instead of stuffy stuff....
This is where I bought my giant moose head years ago....
The day was gorgeous in the high 70's and I enjoyed wandering around at the outdoor
stalls......where the people were very eager to make a good deal.....
My first purchase was......ofcourse.....Miss Liberty....Here she is at home with the rest of the
girls on my wall desk/shrine to the lady in the Harbor....
That would be her on the left and I paid a whopping $5.00 for her....the vendor wanted $10.
He was so funny....he kept explaining how he didn't think it was made in Japan and how unusual
the color of it was and how heavy it was......
Come was 5 bucks and it's a tacky Statue of Liberty....
Do I care where it was made.......
After wandering around outside I went in the huge building.....I believe there are over 2,000 dealers between the 2 buildings.... I didn't find any bargains but did spy the local
"Soul Food" concession and made plans to stop back for a bite after I was done
Back outside I stopped back at the man that sold me Miss Liberty and bargained him down on this set of 4 milk glass plates....He wanted $10.....then went down to $8. and then to $6. if I packed them up myself....I happily handed over the $6. and wrapped them myself...
He provided the paper.....
When I got home I discovered that the 4 milk glass cups I bought a few months ago at the
GW for 50 cents a piece fit and matched for $8.00 I have a great set....
Perfect for a tablescape Thursday!
And then I found this little gem....isn't it cute....

Made by Fenton Glass Company it's a
"Puff Box"
from 1955/56....
used on a vanity tray I love the name and it cost all of $5.00

There was a lovely mother and daughter selling all sorts of goodies and the minute I stepped
into their booth they said "tell us what you like and we'll make you a good deal"....
I like people that are ready to make a sale....
they said how bad business has been with the economy and I commented that people have a
buy tchotskis or buy food....
I opted for the milk glass and she took $15. off the price....
I cringed at paying $20. but it's so pretty and I still had money to spare for lunch...

So with all my purchases made I went back inside to get something to eat...
They were even having a sale.....
Being waited on by a man that looked remarkably like
Snoop Dogg...
I feasted on hot turkey with stuffing and gravy....cranberry beans..
mac and cheese and corn bread....All for $6.00....marked down from $8!!
I hesitated for a minute but everyone had plates of food so I figure what the has to be good....and it was delicious....

So.....I made great purchases.....had a great meal.....and had a good day all around....
A much needed good day.
I put on my big straw hat......put the top down on the Bug......
cranked up Benny Goodman on the CD player and I was waiting on
Jonesboro Road to get back on the highway.....
Stopping at the red light I found myself stopped next to a man holding a sign
declaring that he was homeless and needed money for
shoes.....clothes.....and food.....
No sign that he would be willing to work for these things he just wanted money....
And ladies wouldn't we all like to have money for more shoes.....
making brief eye contact I tried to stay back a bit.....
As the light changed and I went to drive away I hear him yell at me....

Is it any wonder that he's homeless and in need of new shoes with an attitude like that.
But I wasn't about to have him ruin my lovely Sunday!


  1. I used to search and search for a set of those little luncheon plates and cups. They were so popular back in the 50's and I could never afford such things...and I LOVE milk glass. Yours are such a beautiful set!

  2. Hey there! Just read your Kathleen post. LOL! Am I #3 Kathleen? Btw I live in Socal.

  3. My sister has those luncheon plates and now I know what fenton is. That milk glass is really popular. Funny how history repeats itself.

  4. What a fun Sunday - wish I could have been there to shop with you. It was a quiet Sunday birthday around here - we had 5" snow; so after church we just stayed home. Yes, I did get your card - thanks for being so thoughtful as you always are!!! What's this? You're not cooking on Thanksgiving? If I was rich, I would fly you in to help out here. I did accomplish one thing already - I had announced last year that I was never, NEVER, going to cook a turkey again. At my age and after all of these years, I just can't touch one again. So, my daughter & son-in-law are going to cook the turkey, and I'm going to do everything else. Have a great week. Sally

  5. You are the shopping queen, Sue. Sounds like you had a very enjoyable day...and a delicious lunch. I especially like your milk glass finds.

  6. Hi, Sue... that's unbelievable that he called you that. That's attitude with a Capital A!

    On a lighter note, I love what you found at Scott's! Great prices. I so love a good deal!


    Sheila :-)

  7. Seriously I thought you were spending the day at a garden center. I had no idea this place existed. Looks like you found some pretty pieces to add to your collection. Now you can just imagine what I would have said to the homeless guy.

  8. dang you know how to turn a bad pet day into a fun one! i took my cat in to be fixed today, all i wanted to do was come home and have a cocktail at 10 am after i spent 45' chasing a kitten up and downstairs to haul him...

    shopping might be nicer then the sloppy drunk i a turned into that need a nap before noon!

    hope boo is doing better, i can by the pics you are doing great!

  9. You are too much. :-)

    And, not surprisingly, I am more than just a little jealous of Libby. Though I did add to my collection compliments of etsy last week.

  10. It was great to see the pictures of what you were talking about today. Saw the white plates and cups you bought and the milk glass. You are the Queen - I didn't know that place existed either.

    And there is a sign to have change ready for these people? That's weird. And what a nasty thing to say. Not a way to win friends and influence people.

    Hope your dog is feeling better and that your car has recovered from that trip!

  11. I have heard of Scott's and always wanted to go check the place out. Thanks for the tour.

  12. LOL, loved the story..
    Great buy on the milk glass..
    Glad you had a fun Sunday!

  13. Oh a Mental Health Day -- it is SO good to have one now and again, and no better remedy than shopping. I'm just grateful, personally, that my Mental Health Shopping Days no longer involve Bloomingdales! Much less costly.

    I used to let my girls have ONE mental health day a year when they were in school -- a day when for whatever reason they just couldn't face the day. Just knowing that they had the power to NOT go to school one day, helped them go every day -- they rarely used the privilege.

    So, I'm heading down to Princeton tomorrow to pick up something really nuts. . . will share on Thursday. I hope to hit up a few thrift shops on the way home. Taking the trusty GPS!


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I can't believe you found the perfect plates for the milk glass cups! Can you imagine how hard it would be to match something like that if you tried? I'm glad you had a great day. I always wonder why the only time you see people on the street with those signs is during the holidays? Probably becasue that is when most people feel pressured to give. I can't help but think that it's a scam.

  16. I have that very set of milk glass snack plates and cups. I have never used them and I have had them for I'll be 10 to 15 years.

    I used to work in downtown Harrisburg, PA. There were always men standing around around noon. I would never give them money, but would often ask if they wanted something. I would always ask one polite man what can I get for you. He would want milk or juice or coffee and was so appreciative. Others were mean and wanted cash. Those I ignored because they would just spend it on booze or drugs.

  17. I have such sympathy for Boo! I had to have a painful wisdom tooth pulled yesterday...ouch!

    I love those plates that ended up matching those pretty cups! The puff dish is so pretty too --a Fenton glass is usually so expensive. Nice finds!

    I can't believe those signs demanding money, and then the attitude from that guy..what nerve!

  18. Sweet Sue...

    It sounds like a wonderful day...well, except the charming "gentleman" who gave you a hard time... :-) You got some great finds...I ADORE that little puff box. sure have some good prices at your "hot" spots. I am SOOOO missing out.

    Big hugs sweet girlie,

  19. Oooh...I wanna go there with you!! Oh what fun we would have.
    I have 3 Miss Liberty figures and want more!! I keep looking for the right ones!
    And no one tells a story like you do sweetie.
    I have been called a bitch more than one with a hand out. Hmm...I have never seen a sign like that! When we worked at the shelter, we were told never to give out money. It was most almost always used for drugs or drink. We have offered to take them food or coffee but they usually refuse it.
    Only 3 times ever has one taken us up on the food. Oh well..what do I know!

