Monday, November 2, 2009


Joyce commented on my post below soon after I posted it.........I quickly sent off an e-mail to her asking if I sounded whiny and's not a good sign that I haven't heard back....
Joyce.....What's the verdict?
I just wanted to say that I think of myself as a one women information booth
on the odd and unexpected things that happen in life.....
I laugh at these things and although everyday I'm like a problem magnet
I like to pass along these stories so you'll be completely prepared the day it might
happen to you......
I'm like a "Public Service Announcement"


  1. Oh Sue you add humor to our lives out there in blog land and keep us informed about so many things like perverts at the tire shop etc:) Clark Howard better watch out or you will broadcasting soon and his ratings will drop:)

  2. As usual, you did a great job giving voice to the inefficiencies of the system. You are just a perfect "one woman bbb"! Love. Eli

  3. Oh my, post office horrors! I once had a plastic bag returned to me with the burnt remains of photographs of my baby daughter ... and no explanation. The P.O. couldn't tell me what had happened!

    I had been sending the pics to grandparents -- somewhere between NJ and MA, somebody burned them up. Amazing. The government run health care? Quick, where's my cyanide pill?

    Hey -- I would like to ask you about your Pergo floors. We are considering them for the family beach house.

  4. Wow! Be thankful if you *do* get it back that there won't be rancid granola bars inside at least. :-)
