Friday, October 23, 2009

WOMEN......Natural Born Gift Givers.

I was thinking the other day about the "art" of gift giving and I'm going to go out
on a limb here and say that women are much better gift givers then men...
Does anyone agree with that?
My birthday was a couple of weeks ago and a few months before I said to the Boss
"I would really like my Blog turned into a book this year for my birthday"
To which the Boss replied.....
"You order it and let me know what I owe you".......
Something was missing don't you think.....
Well the birthday came and daughter......a World Class "Gift Giver" presented me with......
My very own book!!
Just like a real published author....
with a real dust jacket.....
info about me on the inside cool is that.....

My recipes and crazy stories......

My Paris pictures.......

And whole pages with just pictures.....Do you love it....
I have to say that I did cry when she gave it to me......
A labor of love.......... she told me it has taken her since August to put it all together....
Remember daughter has both a job and a toddler.....
Oh and a husband and a house to take care of......

And this started me thinking about the difference....I think.....with the gift giving process
between men and women.....
I think all women not only love to receive gifts but they also love to give gifts....
No matter how small......homemade or store bought.....
something you have had and cherished but you know that someone else would love it just as much.....
It's the pleasure of making someone else happy....
Where men on the other hand love to get gifts but I just don't think they give gifts with the same
enthusiasm that women have....

Or is it just the generosity of my fellow Bloggers.......
My dear friend Ellen from
just went on a whirlwind trip all over Europe......and what did she do....
She thought about me and sent me this fabulous hand painted olive oil container
straight from Rome......
Now she said she had it blessed by the Pope.....but something tells me that didn't happen....
But I was thrilled to get it....and I think of her every time I see it sitting above my stove.....

Then there is Joyce of......
If you don't already know who Joyce is you must check out her blog....
She is one of the funniest people I have ever met and I'm even luckier....
She lives right here in Atlanta so I get to see her and lunch with her and just have a
wonderful time together....
She likes me for who I am....a crazy Northerner.....
ofcourse she has to......She's also a crazy Northerner!!
We recently went to the big book sale together and not only did she bring me this
wonderful cookbook but I was also lucky to get her homemade pumpkin bread and
Pumpkin Whoopie Pies!!

So that's my take on things.....I love to both receive and give gifts.....
And if I was a man and someone asked me for a sweater for Christmas I would say.....
"buy the yarn.....knit it and let me know what it cost"........

And I send out a big Thank you to all the ladies in my life who have given me such thoughtful
wonderful gifts over the years..........
And most of all Thank you daughter for always knowing what to get me.....
I loved everything you gave me for my birthday including the necklace from Tiffany.....
But we all know that the best gift of all was year I was blessed with a baby....
The ultimate birthday gift!
p.s.......if anybody wants information on having your blog turned into a book just e-mail me...we just got a coupon offer today for 20% off and free shipping....I can send you the link...


  1. Oh wow!!! After those "seven years in college," your daughter really knows how to impress all us moms! How did she make your lovely book? I want to know! That is just about the best gift ever. BTW, Pa has 3 daughters and he pays 10% commission when they shop for my Christmas gifts. Pa thinks he's got it all figured out, but they're smart girls; I get 'pensive gifts!

  2. OMG, that's the best gift ever. I would love, love, love to have my blog made into a book. My heart and soul have gone into it and it would be a thrill to actually see it in print. Daughter did good.

  3. You are so right. My husband is a terrible gift giver. He doesn't much like to get presents either. Once I told him I wanted a robe for Christmas. He needed to go to Macy's, 2nd floor, round rack, color green, cost, size, which sales girl to talk to. I figured he would get it right. For once. When I opened the box it held a toaster. What more can I say? Mimi

  4. For Peg....just to clear up facts for the daughter....she wants everyone to know that she actually spent 3 1/2 years in college...the other 3 were spent at law school....Same University....different department.

  5. WOW! That is great!
    (I would have been told the same it I'll pay for it...umm, loses something!)But they mean well..:)
    That is really fabulous!
    I don't know my blog is worth making into a book..I am a relative newbie!
    Maybe someday..
    Anyway, I just love that your dau gave it to you..
    What a momento..
    From another crazy Northerner...

  6. Sue...your book is awesome! What an amazing gift! And what a special daughter you have! :-)

  7. Oh! that daughter of yours is so special. You taught her well. I know that she must think that her very special birthday gift was having you as a mother. Love the book. I've thought about just printing out my blog, but in book form would be so much better. Have a great weekend. Sally

  8. I think women are caretakers because we take care of children - but no matter - what your daughter did was so incredibly special!!!!

    She heard you and acted upon it.

    Now was it your birthday? Did I miss it?

    Your daughter did good! The book is beautiful.

  9. Priceless gift from a priceless daughter.

  10. Quite simply, Daughter rocks. What a fantastic idea for a gift!!! I love it.

    And as usual, you totally crack me up..."...but something tells me that didn't happen...." HA! :-)

  11. Hi there everybody! I also have to give a shout out to Ellen at Nouveau Stitch-- not only had the Mom mentioned getting her blog turned into a book, but Ellen had also e-mailed me with that as a gift suggestion!!! is a great site for self-publishing!!

  12. When we Skyped and you told me about the book and I kept repeating, "That's the best gift EVER" I doubt it registered with DH. He still doesn't know what a blog is or that I have one....

    So, if we somehow can get my son and your daughter connected on FB, perhaps your daughter can tell my son, casually of course, about having the blog published, that way I can act all surprised and stuff...

    Actually, for his wife's Ph.D gift, he had a book assembled with pictures of her days at Virginia Tech from a similar company. They did a fantastic job. It's a terrific momento. I do have to say, he's not a traditional male gift-giver.

    Wonderful post!


  13. Love the book. That is just wonderful. I would even make one of those for myself, since I'm really into digital scrapbooking. Send me the info.

  14. What a fantastic gift! What a great daughter! I've known that you can have it done and I know some people choose to have a download version as it's less expensive and you could technically print it out yourself. I love the Cake Doctor! I have her first book!


  15. Sue, how special to have received this book as a gift from your daughter! I loved seeing all of your nutcrackers and steins in a previous post. You've got some great momentos of your trips, don't you?
    :-) Sue

  16. Heather is the best daughter on earth! The blog-book is an amazing idea and your blog is really worth making into a book! Kisses. Eli

  17. What a wonderful gift!! And yes, I agree with you. Women are better gift givers. And it is not just the gift, but the way it is wrapped too. Men will hand you the gift in the store bag it came from. Women will wrap the gift with homemade wrapping paper, dried roses and vintage ribbon.

  18. Oh my, Sue! How wonderful!! Your daughter certainly gave you a wonderful gift!! And I must agree about women and gifts. You won't find women running into the stores right before they close on Christmas eve! I hope you are feeling better! We certainly did miss you last weekend. You would have been such a fun addition to our crazy mix! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. I hear you Sue, Oh yes, I hear you. Thank God we have daughters.

  20. Wow. Thiese are amazing ghifts to be sure and NO one deserves such more than wonderful you.
    But this book! WOW! How I would love this...what a meaningful and wonderful gift!
    And, if tyat olive oil bottle goes missing, don't look at me....hmmmm.....

  21. And as I am sick and brain mushy, I hit send before I added...YOU are the most dear and brilliant gift giver I know!!!
    YOU are amazing!!


  22. Hi Sue!
    A happy belated b-day to you! I've been away for a bit- as I have said in the past, real life events get in the way sometimes.
    I'm with everyone else- your daughter did well-she heard you, and acted upon your wishes. A lovely gift to you.
    My daughter had a book made for her boyfriend of their last 4-5 years together- beginning when they met while still students in Greece. She enjoyed the task, and is looking forward to giving it to him next week for his b-day. She sent me a copy (via internet) to preview. It is really pretty cool.
    Kudos to your daughter for taking action.

  23. WOW Sue I'm glad I came back to read more of your blog today and that I saw this post. That was really a wonderful gift! I've priced some of those "blog to book" offers and I know how super expensive they are! Just curious who did your daughter use?

    Happy belated Birthday!

    Hugs, Pat
