Monday, October 26, 2009

WILL THE REAL KATHLEEN PLEASE STEP UP.........or who has the pumpkin pudding?

Will all the Kathleen's in Blogland please step forward and make your presence known.... matter where you live please let me know that there is more then one of you out there......and clarify your state of residence.....
WHY? all know me and this falls into that
"It could only happen to Sue"
Category................ This is really all Joyce's fault as she mentioned Jell-O Pumpkin Pudding in her blog which got me started and that's when I heard from Miss Kathleen that the pumpkin pudding was nowhere to be found in her neck of the woods......
What neck of the woods would that be???
You think I would have further investigated the whereabouts of Kathleen.....
You see there are two of my blogging friends and as of yesterday I only knew one of their last names........
The other one's last name has something to do with cooking.....
Which I thought was an odd choice for a last name.....
So yesterday I popped in the mail a few packages of pumpkin pudding and sent off an e-mail to Miss Kathleen saying the pumpkin was on the way.....
Who knew these two women had the same last name?
The first Miss Kathleen wondered why I was mailing her a pumpkin and Miss Kathleen #2 wondered how I had her see multiple e-mails went back and this point I don't need to explain myself.......except to say.....
Miss Kathkeen #1.....enjoy the pudding it is really really good....
and Miss Kathleen #2 ........please send me your address and I will get that pudding in the mail to you on Monday......and thank God for Ina Garten that now I know #1 lives in Michigan and #2
well.....she lives in the Hampton's.....and her neighbor knows Ina
You see I wondered why Ina possibly could show up at a garage sale this morning at Kathleen #2's neighbors house.....Which got me to thinking....
Thank you ladies for clearly that up.....and now here is the recipe incase any other Kathleen's would like to try my Pumpkin Spice Cream Puffs....
But your going to have to buy your own pudding!
Pumpkin Spice Cream Puffs
4 eggs
1 stick of butter
1 cup of flour
1 cup of water
a pinch of salt
for the filling
1 package of Jell-O Pumpkin Spice Instant Pudding
Walmart carries this near all the holiday baking stuff
1 cup of cold milk
1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream (whipped)
powdered sugar

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
bring to a boil the one cup of water and the stick of butter until the butter is melted.
Take off the heat and quickly add in the 1 cup of flour and salt....Beat with a wooden spoon until it forms a this point I add the dough into my Kitchen Aid then one at a time add the eggs.
You can do this by hand but you must use a wooden spoon...
spoon dough using either a tablespoon or teaspoon depending on the size you want onto a parchment lined cookie sheet...
Bake for about 20 minutes or until puffed up and golden brown.....then leave them in the oven another few minutes.....Alot of people at this point cut a slit in the side of the puff allowing air to escape...this prevents them from deflating when removed from the oven.....
I can tell just by the smell when they are ready and I very rarely have them sink....But if your new at baking cream puffs cutting the small slit is a safe idea.....
Open the oven door and let them adjust to the outside air slowly......
The Filling.....
Beat the pudding with the 1 cup of milk
Whip the cream into peaks then fold the two together.....
Cut the tops off the puffs and remove any uncooked dough from inside (this is common the inside does not fully cook)
Fill the puffs with the filling then dust with powdered sugar....
and one other thing.......
To Ellen in Michigan....if you get a package from Fedex this week and there's a pillow inside...don't even let me know....just forward it to Ellen in New Jersey...


  1. I am Kathleen in Maryland. But everyone knows me as Kate. My family still calls me Katy. Bloggers call me Country Girl. So there ya go.
    Funny post and hey, I know Ellen in New Jersey . . .

  2. Oh my dear Sue!! Things get confused at your house, don't they? You always brighten my day with your stories. I am making cream puffs Thursday a.m. to take to a meeting. I was just going to fill them with ice cream and drizzle chocolate sauce; but I may try the pumpkin spice. Naturally, I was just at Wal-mart this a.m.; and you know, I only go once a month. But I will find my own pumpkin pudding mix. You are a dear heart sending pillows & pudding all over the country! Sally

  3. When does the book come out with all your misadventures? You better send me a copy.

  4. Sue, You always make my day brighter! The puffs look great! :D Jewek

  5. The pumpkin pudding arrived today and I feel a little guilty eating it, well, only a little since I was completely innocent in the great pumpkin pudding caper:>) Sorry (other) Kathleen, it's really good! lol!

  6. Only you! Too funny. Good thing it was only jello pudding and not family jewels you were mailing:) Oh the cream puffs look wonderful.

  7. Wow I just bought this pumpkin we have it in Massachusetts!@ Hannafords. I haven't tried it yet, but love the look of the cream puffs.

  8. You are too funny! And yes, I am the other Kathleen with a funny last name?? Well, Miss Rue Mouffetard, I wouldn't be laughing at other's last names with a moniker like that!

    Anyway, thanks for the offer..and there was no Ina sighting this time! :)
    Your cream puffs look delicious, Rue, I mean Sue!
    Cuisine Kathleen..actually it would be first name that was funny!

  9. I may have to hit Kroger to see if I can find this pudding. And if I can't, I'll e-mail you to have you send it to me. But then, knowing that SusieQ lives so close to me, SHE'D probably get it instead!!
    :-) Sue

  10. OMG, great, GREAT story, lmao!!! Do they make that pudding in sugar free I wonder? Don't worry, I'll check it out from my end. lol
    Your cream puff look great, haven't made them forever, with pudding they would be fantastic!!

  11. Haha.... I am worse than that -- I sent a package to someone who lives on a street with the same name as my street -- in a different state -- but sent it to my own town! Traveled all over the place before I got it back.

    The first time I made cream puffs, I could not believe that they would actually WORK -- it is such a wacky procedure. These look really GOOD. Hmmm... maybe they need to be on the Thanksgiving dessert table along with the pies.

  12. Sounds like something I'd do. I used to be a lot less confused and a lot smarter when I had all my estrogen. Now, not so much. Those pumpkin cream puffs sound delish. I don't think I've seen that pumpkin pudding around here either. Which is surprising since Utah is the Jello capital of the world. I'll have to go take a look.

  13. What a scream, Sue! This sounds like something that would happen to me! LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  14. Only you, Sue. What a funny story. This pudding does sound delish. I'll watch for it in my local grocery. Now you've gotten me thinking about cream puffs.

  15. Oh my gosh - you sound as confused as I am!

    What a cute story and I hope it all gets straightened out.

    The recipe sounds good - may give it a try.

    Thank you.

  16. You really should write a book.

    Laura Not Kathleen


  17. How funny, and confusing! The cream puffs look great.


  18. I'm not going to say a word. Well, maybe just one... at a time.


    You see, I think I qualify on all counts:
    1) I'm in Michigan but I love NY.
    2) My grandmother's name was Kathleen (no wait, it was Kathryn but the "Kath" part counts, right?)
    3) I like pumpkins AND pudding AND cream puffs.

    So there you have it!


    P.S. DON'T you dare send me any. You know I can't eat them!

  19. YUM YUM! I know the Hampton's Kathleen through her blog ...she's a wonderful cook, shopper and tablescape-er'd enjoy knowing her, and I'm sure she enjoyed the pudding! :-)
