Thursday, October 29, 2009


Yesterday me and the neighbor headed North up I-85 to the little town of Hoschton Georgia...
The sky was bright blue the weather was gorgeous compared to the day before when it poured all day...
What is in Hoschton?
My blogging friend Cheri from
and the Infamous "Peckers" restaurant......
I have known Cheri since March but only got to meet her in person a few months ago on our trip up to Chateau Elan.....So we made a point of meeting up again for lunch and a day of shopping before Cheri moves to Alabama next month.....

We have lots in common.....we both have daughters....I have one she has three....we both have adorable granddaughters.......and Cheri has a husband who hunts deer and I have 3 deer head on my living room wall.....buying mine at the flea markets....he's the hunter.....I'm the shopper....
So I'm going to miss her when she moves and I'm just sorry that we didn't meet years ago....
Isn't that the funny thing with us bloggers....When you meet for the first time you feel like you have known each other all your lives.....Don't you find that to always be the case....

And gotta love the name and it was only until yesterday when we pulled up and I saw all the chickens in the window did it dawn on me what the name meant.......
chicken's that's what it means!!

Here's Miss Cheri with the Pecker's is cute isn't it?
And the prices!!
Cheri suggested the lunch special......

We got chicken salad on a really large croissant.....homemade potato chips which were wonderful...a dill pickle and a big glass of iced tea.....I actually had two glasses....
All for a whopping $5.35

After lunch we strolled down the little strip mall to see these cute guys out infront of the local Pub.....
Pumpkins out for lunch and enjoying a beer.....

This picture looks kind of eerie....her arm looks very ghostly.....
as we were driving out of the shopping center I noticed the
"City Hall".....wish I had taken a picture....
Appearing to be in the storefront of an old dry cleaner I have never seen such a small
City Hall....
Quaint.....I suppose....
But on to shopping!!
Here is Cheri and Neighbor Necie out infront of
Real Deals....not just a furniture store....Oh no.....a warehouse filled with
tchotskes....Just my kind of place....
Real Deals is located in the next town over in Jefferson Georgia....
We were greeted at the door by a huge Halloween display.....we failed to notice the even bigger sign that announced 50% off all Halloween merchandise......

such cute stuff and great prices.....

Lots of clocks...everywhere you looked.....

Lots of red stuff......

Sarcastic stuff.......

There was even a French Sailor holding a that's something one shouldn't live without!!

This didn't photograph well but it was beautiful in person....the colors together were very vibrant....

More Fall decorations.....

And pretty colored things.....I love this aqua color...
They had a whole selection of dishes this color....

More Red!!
These large vases were only $11.00 each.

We all had a wonderful day and me and Necie have decided this is a must go back to before the holidays....we had to breeze through the last shop because it was getting late and we needed to get back down 85 before all the crazy traffic started....
Thanks Cheri for sharing your wonderful little town with us.....Who knew such good stuff was such a short drive away.....
You'll be missed but we are planning a road trip to see you over in get the guest room ready!!
And then this morning as I was preparing to write this daughter called......The first thing she said was...
"it feels like forever since we talked last"........
We missed yesterday's calls because I was gone all day...
Daughter you made my day......
We discussed last nights Top Chef and decided that Mike got the axe simply because Tom didn't like his attitude.....we both hate the whiney blond....and we think Kevin from Atlanta with the big beard should win.....
The days not over yet....daughter and Miss B are scheduled to call back around dinner time...
I think Cheri will agree that daughters are the best!


  1. I'm so glad you had a good time, just wish I'd be around when you go back up.

    thanks for the great post and promoting my blog. My little town thanks you too. After all... we are the Scarecrow capital in the Guinness Book of Records. LOL

  2. Your day trip looks like a lot of fun and I really love the comment from your daughter! Yes, they are pretty special people. It's nice to visit with them every day.

  3. I love your take on Top Chef!
    And what a fun trip//
    I really really like that sign..I may have to make one myself!!
    Funny post, girl..lots of laughs..
    Love those restaurant prices too!

  4. Looks like you had a nice trip and have made a great friend - that you will keep. Alabama is not that far.

    Love the pictures.

    And daughters ARE wonderful.

  5. Oh my goodness....You have the BEST shopping hot spots. I'm green with envy. It's such a cute little town too. I'm happy to hear that you had a fun day. Friends, eating and there anything better? :-)

    Thanks for the IKEA tip...I'm going to check that out. A sweet gal sent me a link for my local Craig's list...they had EXACTLY what I was looking for so I e-mailed them ASAP...never got an answer back and now the listing is expired. Dang it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  6. This looks like a really nice day. Sue! I've always enjoyed meeting fellow bloggers. I'd love to browse in a place like Real tantalizing!

  7. How did I miss the sailor holding the globe! I came home with one of the big clocks. It was a very fun day.

    It's amazing how many treasures you can find if you get off the Interstate highway. These towns are lovely.


  8. Wow, can I come along next time? You have such great looking shops and I know we would have a great time:>) Lucky you to be able to meet blogger friends. Now I need to head over to Cheri's blog and meet her:>)
