Wednesday, October 21, 2009


If it's Thursday.........or better yet Wednesday must be
Tablescape Thursday......hosted by the tablescaper extraordinaire
Susan at It's favorite month of the whole year and what better tablescape then an
Oktoberfest theme.....
We have been to Germany many times but have never been during this celebration...
Or for that matter during their wonderful Christmas markets....
Oh looks like there has to be a trip in our future.....
I was able to drag out my nutcrackers from behind glass for the special occasion......
I started my collection 39 years ago on our first trip and have been in love with
these little creatures ever since....

This big guy came back with me from Munich back in the 90's when we took
daughter for her first trip.....
She speaks German so she was quite handy to have with us!!
But how beautiful is this dish.....No it's not German....but it kind of looks it...
When I was just up in Jersey we went to the Visiting Nurses Association
Rummage Sale and on the last day of the sale it was fill a bag for $10.00
Between me and daughter we crammed as much stuff as humanly possible into
that grocery bag.....
These two plates were scooped up by me the minute I spied them....
I thought they were gorgeous......
The pattern is all raised and you can see an egg shaped indentation on the upper right corner
of the plate.....
no markings of any kind but you can see it's very old.....
If anybody has any information on what type of plate it is please comment!!
For all the stuff that we managed to get into the bag this plate probably cost no more then
50 Cents!

Necie the neighbor gifted all the gourds on the table.....
Every year she buys a big bag and shares them with me....

I love Bittersweet.....My mother always had it in the house during fall back in Jersey....
Fall was Bittersweet.......Winter was Bayberry......which she would pick on
Long Beach Island and sneak off the island at the end of summer....
I think she would be arrested if she tried that today.

All I need to get is some nice old twisty handled utensils just aren't right....

This little guy is a favorite.....He's all hand carved....

another view of the dish.....the colors are so pretty.....

Bottoms Up!!

A detailed shot of his carved face....

This stein was also brought back from Munich......

One of the few things that I have from the childhood home......
this little candle holder......I believe it was bought in Williamsburg....
The folks loved that orange theme going on at the house.....
Millie couldn't have enough orange and brown "Ball Fringe" to go around.....
Another stein.......with pewter lid....

Beer Anyone????

I've now gotten myself hungry for some Sauerkraut and Pork....
with a side of potato pancakes and applesauce....
Happy October....


  1. Go to Harry's for their Oktober Fest buffet. It smells wonderful. Love your tablescape!

  2. I'll be right over for potato pancakes and applesauce - one of my favorites. Loved your table! I'm scheduled for Germany May 25, 2011. Sounds like a long time away, doesn't it? I'm going with our son when he takes high school kids on a trip. Should be fun - hope this old body holds up for all the castle tours. Have a great week. Sally

  3. The whole Octoberfest thing started making me hungry by the end of the post! How fun and beautiful! I've enjoyed Octoberfest in Helen, Georgia before. Have you been there?


  4. Love your steins and handsome nutcrackers, Sue. I agree with you, this is a great time of year. Can't get enough of those brats on a bun.

  5. LOVE your table and love German food. Those plates are so unique! If you find out more about them let us know! :D Jewel

  6. The nutcrakers, stein and gourds are all just wonderful. The plates are really stunning. What great treasures. Everything is just beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  7. Those dishes are beautiful, they remind me of the snack sets that have an indentation for the cup. Do you think they used to have matching cups?

  8. Your use of the bittersweet in the crockery is brilliant! The colors play nicely. I ♥ food choices. Count me sounds luscious

  9. Oh, love the nutcrackers, they are great. The plates are so, so pretty. Lovely tablescape!


  10. Look closer..the words on the back of the plate say...
    send to Kathleen!
    They are lovely. Love your little Octoberfest.DH is a big fan of Octoberfests. He is Ukrainian , but close enough..brats and beer!
    I love bittersweet too...
    You sure you want a Potato latke recipe from an Irish gal? :)

  11. Hi Sue, LOVE all your nutcrackers...those are beautiful! They really look different from the ones you see around her. Now I can say I've seen the REAL ones...from Germany, no less! Those plates are really pretty...wonder what that little indention is for? Maybe it's where you put your syrup so it doesn't get your pancakes all soggy. :0) Ok...that was a wild guess. Count me in for the 4th...just tell me where and what time to show up. :-)
    P.S. Have you ever been to Octoberfest in Helen, GA? It is a zoo and beyond crowded! I don't ever go during October for that reason.

  12. Beautiful dishes, so unusual. Loved the nutcrackers. Very oktoberfestish! Our plans this summer includes Bavaria, looking forward to going for the first time.

  13. What a fantastic Oktoberfest tablescape!


  14. EXCELLENT idea for a fall tablescape! Your nutcrackers,steins and centerpiece crock are all gorgeous.

  15. Hi Sue

    I like your Oktoberfest tablescape! I'll have wiener schnitzel and a nice big glass of ale, please :-)
    The nutcrackers are such nice collectibles, and that dish is so unique! I hope someone can identify what its age and marker are!

  16. Sue, this is truly delightful. Oh so much fun!!!!

    Barb ♥

  17. Hi Sue! Wonderful table! My parents lived in Germany (before I was born) and I have a lot of steins left to me, and a coo-coo clock-what a fun idea for TT! Great plates too!

  18. Oh fun! Oktoberfest! My mother used to always make a German meal for my husband's October birthday -- Love those plates and all the wonderful accessories.

  19. I love those plates and would really like to know why there is an indentation in them. I am in Vermont, 3 years now, and constantly complaining about not being down south preferably back in Florida. I'm trying to stop, but this is the loneliest place on the planet, I'm sure.

    Great treasures.

  20. I love your Oktoberfest theme. I have been to Germany and I loved it so much. Your post reminds of how much I loved our visit! :)


  21. I miss having real bittersweet. We used to find it around here, but not for many years. It looks wonderful in the crock. Your plates are beautiful.


  22. you live in GA so where did you find the bittersweet? I live in SC near the coast area and I can't find it. Also I noticed you are originally from NJ (that is where my hubby and I met) and that you said you complain about the , how, I ask you, can you complain when you own a red vw convertable (underline that)---seeeeee the South IS FOR CONVERTABLES!! AND as far as walking your doggie---I MEAN the weather is much nicer here for walks that all the snow, ice, et up NORTH. BUT I DIGRESSSSSSS

    Um--the tablescape was a cool idea because FALL and BEER FEST go together!! I have one giant beer mug thingy from Germany that my in-laws got not long after WWII. ANYWAYS I like the originality of your Fall Table!!

  23. I love this! Your plates are really lovely! I wonder what the indention is for? If you find out, I hope you will let us know. I bet somebody out there knows! I love your nutcrackers!

  24. Your beautiful plates are French majolica asparagus plates. They are from early 1900's I think. I fell in love with these French Majolica plates when I first saw them in the Paris flea markets about 15 years ago. I have been collecting them ever since. I looked them up in Maryse Bottero's "Artichauts et asperges en barbotine." I believe yours are made by Fives-Lille. Look up French majolica asparagus plates on Ebay. I believe you will see yours going for $60-$125. You got a great deal girl! I am very jealous! The indentation is for the sauce that you serve with your asparagus or artichokes.
    P.S. I am not a blogger but I love looking at all the wonderful tablescapes here on BNOTP!

  25. October is my birthday month, so of course I agree it's the best month of the year :) love your table. The plates are so pretty.

  26. I love the plates and the nutcracker is great too! What a lovely fall tablescape, fall is a wonderful time of year and October is truly delightful. ~Kat

  27. I love the plates, so unusual and I adore the little orange candle holder, really sweet..

  28. Thank you Barb for indentify my plates!!!! You made my night...I could tell they were old....I new that little indentation had to be for some sort of sauce but I'm thrilled that they are from France...They are truly beautiful in person even though there is alot of crazing on the finish...I guess I did get a good deal at 50 cents a plate....Thanks again! Sue

  29. This is really good Sue! I love the Octoberfest theme, the plates were a super deal and those steins and nutcrackers just make this so original! Love those placemats too! Cindy

  30. Sue, what a fun idea to do an Oktoberfest table with your cute nutcrackers! Love this! And I love decorating with bittersweet. It's one of my favorite blooming things for fall.


    Sheila :-)

  31. Love that plate. If it had lots of those little indentions it would be an oyster plate. But I don't know what yours is. I love bittersweet. It doesn't grow here in Utah. A few years ago I was in Texas in the fall and brought back as much as I could get on the plane. Got some weird looks in the airport. Mimi

  32. Hi Sue...

    Ohhh this was such a treat to see...your pretty Oktoberfest tablescape!!! I hadn't even thought about it being time for this fun filled October event! Love your beautiful plates...I was reading the comment about them being asparagus plates...sounds like you got a steal-of-a-deal on them if they are selling for that much on ebay!

    Ohhh...and I love your nutcrackers!!! I'd love to see your collection! I just started my collection about 4 yrs. ago when my honey and I were honeymooning in Europe. I have found a German, French, and an Italian nutcrackers...all the countries that we visited!!! I usually take mine out at Christmas! What a treat to see yours!!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful and fun table with us today!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  33. Hi Sue, the plates are really pretty, so unusual. Your Fall tablescape is beautiful!...Christine

  34. Those plates are wonderful. I bet you had fun that day at the sale. Oktober Fest in Germany looks like fun but too far to travel so I will come to your home for some brew and brauts instead. I love your nutcrackers. Off to make some Pretzels because you made me hungry:)

  35. I love your Oktoberfest theme. And your dinner menu - what time is dinner?

  36. Those plates are very different, and just filled with wonderful texture! I've never seen anything like them. Be interesting to know their origin. Very pretty!

  37. What an amazing table filled with memories. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my table. Have a great day!

  38. I ♥ your Octoberfest table with the nutcrackers and steins! Those plates are really, really pretty and so unusual, too bad there weren't more.

  39. Very nice - I love your crock in the middle !

  40. Oktoberfest! Great theme!! Love your carved guys and your beautiful steins. I'm in the mood for potato pancakes and applesauce now, too!! :D

  41. Sue this is gorgeous! What a clever idea to do an Oktoberfest tablescape. It's so much fun and very pretty. Love it!

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  42. Happy Oktoberfest! Love the nutcrackers : )Hope you have a great week!

  43. How great that you now know about your plates!! Tha twas so sweet of Barb!
    They are treasures!! So glad they made their way home with you.
    Your table is so pretty! Love Octoberfest. October is also my favorite always flies by too fast for me. Oh to be in Germany now...
    I have been to Germany but only for 2 days! I long to get back for a longer stay. Danny has Nutcrackers put away. He used to collect them when he was younger. Some really neat ones! Love them...and your steins too!
    Bittersweet is a favorite of mine...and what sweet memories you have connected to it.
    That little orange candle holder is so dear. My mom has one that was my Grandma's. Her's is blue but also picked up at Williamsburg.
    Always a pretty table, a fun table set at your house!!


  44. Great table for the season!!
    Love those plates too, majolica aren't they?
    Linda Q
    Just reading the tablescapes this week.

  45. Hi Sue, beautiful tablescape. Love those plates!

  46. Adorable tablescape Sue-I LOVE those plates, I am kind of a plate collector, but am running out of places to display them on walls, I have a few nutcrackers myself, but those are very special-Yah for October, THE best month, if only the trees would turn colors here in San DIego.

  47. Those plates are ammmmmazzinng! I am a little jealous, if I'm honest!

    And I've been so freakin' busy that I literally have ONE Halloween decoration out. Hoping to rectify that this weekend.

    Have a great's back to icky here just in time for my days off. Good times.
