Friday, October 16, 2009


We just returned from a wonderful two weeks in the Motherland......
Celebrating two birthdays.......both mine and daughters....
October 8th. 1950
October 8th. 1975.......
We started out our visit with a trip to the apple orchard.....
Nothing says fall like apple cider and ofcourse those wonderful
Apple Cider Donuts!!We had beautiful sunny weather almost for the entire time of our stay....

Here we are with "Miss B".......

Fall is my favorite season......I love the colors.....

I couldn't believe these flowers were real...aren't they gorgeous...

No shortage of apples but the picking out in the fields were over for the season....

So we were just as happy to drink cider and eat donuts....
Miss B had a ball.......ofcourse she did she was with her two favorite people next to the
Mom and Dad.....

I love this picture.....she insisted she had to pick an apple...

Grandpa also took her to the most wonderful park one day........the nicest playground I have ever seen.... she got to ride on every swing and see a gaggle of ducks!

She is so used to having her picture taken that all we have to say is.....
"Smile like Giada".......and this is what you get!!
I think a cooking show is in her future...
And then it was birthday day and for some odd reason we all agreed to drive to Philly for a cheese steak.....
This is what you see as soon as you get off the interstate....
Yes....Bobby Rydell's picture painted on the side of a building....and Fabian and ofcourse
Chubby Checker.....
I had read up on the best cheese steaks before the trip so our first eatery was
Tony's suppose to have the best of the best.....
Until you see where Tony is working out of....
It gave new meaning to "Diners Drive-Ins and Dives"....
His location is directly off the highway and under the overpass....
I refused to get out of the was we drove on.....
Can you see our excitement.....we're about to have a dining experience that we'll talk about for years...........Or Not.
We had a choice......Geno's on one side of the street or Pat's across the street.
Geno's looked slightly cleaner so Geno's it was.....

The worst food I have ever eaten......the fries tasted like they came out of a vending machine.
The cheese steak was on a bad roll and had more raw onions on it then meat....
So what to do....After all this was our "birthday lunch"
Here I am saying......
"Is this the best you people can do to celebrate my turning 59?"

So the "Boss" not wanting to disappoint ran across the street to Pat's and I will admit it was a pretty good sandwich......But as he was leaving to go buy it daughter yelled....
"Don't get the Cheese-Wiz"........
He's 60 now...... you know and ofcourse he didn't hear her say this....
But it was good and we actually had the nerve to sit at Geno's and eat the sandwich from Pat's...
Talk about Cheese steak Wars.....
they are directly across the street from each other....
So what to do when you've just had a bad meal..... drive to the nearest IKEA and get a Swedish Meatball dinner with
Ligonberry sauce!!
The guys thinking I was crazy got the infamous 50 cent hot dogs then decided that I had made the better choice and helped themselves to some of mine....
This huge rusted cruise ship was right across the street.....
I just thought this was a neat picture....
And ofcourse you can't shop at IKEA without buying some kind of wacky hat....
Miss B as a Viking......with full beard.

Then there was the day we went to the Visiting Nurses Rummage sale....
I guess this lady got a good deal on those lampshades....
We were there on the last day of the sale and it was fill a bag for $10.
What bargains we found......I will post pictures of all our goodies in the next post....
but we hit the jackpot.....
bags and bags of crap.......
but the price was right!!
That great scale was only $12.00
One night I dined with the ladies and they were so kind to have a birthday cheesecake brought out and they all sang......Thanks Guys.....I love you all!!!
it was a very nice surprise....and the cake was pretty good too...

There is no way we are all going to be 60 next year.....
And lets not forget the complimentary visit to the grandfather........
or as Sophie calls him
"Big Grandpa"
And now is where the "Things that go Bump in the day" comes into play......
I bet you were all wondering what that meant......or maybe not...
Yes....that's me in the ER at Princeton Medical Center with some awful big IV in my arm.....
it's titled.....
"What the Hell"............
Daughter was driving home from store with me as a passenger....luckily baby was at home with the men......
She stopped at a red light to make a right turn and while she was watching traffic before turning some half wit came and just plowed into the back of the wagon.....
Her only comment to daughter.....
"I thought you were going to go".......
So....daughter got checked out for her neck...back and wrist.....
As for me having that pesky torn artery in my neck had to have a CT scan to make sure it wasn't bleeding......All turned out well....we both got prescriptions and sent on our way.....
Daughter Googled the girl that hit us when we got home and her Facebook page shows her with a Boa Constrictor wrapped around her neck....
Nothing else needs to be said about that.....
And poor Grandpa........well.....he had to change two diapers while we were gone.....
He's getting quite good at it......
And that ends our trip.......
But next year on my birthday I will demand real food......
Visit my friend Ellen's blog.....
for a chance to win one of her gorgeous homemade pillows...
All you have to do is guess the number of throw pillows on the your comment and sit back and hope you win.....Her designs are beautiful......


  1. Oh my gosh what a wonderful trip you had. It brought back so many memories. The flowers were beautiful, the apples looked yummy, and the food - oh my goodness.

    Your little grand daughter is beautiful too.

  2. I've been wondering where you were!! Your description of the trip was well worth the wait. You guys always have good stories to tell. Glad you are home safely. Looking forward to future posts. BTW, you all look great - skinny and everything!! Sally

  3. First, I am glad you are OK, but what a fabulous trip you had, great photos of everyone, and The BOss looks like he has lost a lot of weight, and you look awesome-Happy Happy Birthday!!

  4. Bad meals and car accidents aside, it sounds like you still managed to have a good time.You and the Boss look great and that grandbaby of yours, oh what a doll! Happy Birthday friend!

  5. Can I just say my favorite part was Miss B's hat at Ikea?

    Glad you had a fun birthday. I'd give about anything for a hunk o'cheesecake right about now...

    Thanks for mentioning my giveaway!


  6. OMG only you... Sue you have the best stories and I don't think that you go anywhere that you don't have a story to tell. Love love love those pics of Sophie, can't wait to see Heather's calendar of her. The Boss looks good with his weight loss and I have to say... honestly that first pic of you, John and Sophie I thought was Heather, John and Sophie... looking good there.

  7. Wow! What a birthday!!!! It looked like you had a great time, that is until Boa Constrictor Girl hit your car!!! SO glad you are alright.


  8. You two and Miss B had a wonderful time together!! It's always fun to take an outing, too bad your cheese steak was not the best. You never know what you're gonna get- and with the luck I have, I always choose the wrong place to eat. Ikea's Swedish meatballs are always a little treat for me - love that lingonberry sauce!
    Wow, you sure didn't expect to end up in the ER, did you? A chick with a boa constrictor?! sheesh....
    Glad you are okay. Thanks for visiting. I'm gonna be a busy gal for the next few days...
    :-) Sue

  9. I laughed so hard. Happy birthday! We watch "Man Vs Food" and we've wondered about some of those places. Your granddaughter is beautiful.

  10. Oh my goodness! I don't know where to begin. First, you look amazing in those shorts. I can tell you lost weight. Next, I love the photo of the three of them walking away. I have those of my hubby and Jack.
    Your daughter was born on your birhtday? How sweet!
    I want one of those sandwiches, NOW!
    Are you feeling ok after the fender bender? Wow, you really pack everything into your posts!!! Well worth the reading!

  11. Too funny. I love the photo with the lamp shade on her head:) The baby is adorable!

  12. Looks like you guys had a great time. Your little Miss B is adorable. Happy belated birthday to you both. October is a great month for a birthday mine is the 30th. I'll be 57. I do like the hot dogs at Ikea but I'll hold out for something a little better;o) Mimi

  13. Happy Birthday! Wow, what a trip (the good with the bad). Looks like you had a pretty good time though. Great photos! Little Miss B is absolutely adorable.


  14. So glad to hear that you were not seriously hurt. Jersey drivers - well, you know - sometimes they just aren't the best!

    Maybe we can meet on your next trip north.

  15. Wow you've had quite a time. Happy late birthday and I am so glad you weren't hurt worse than you were in the accident. Lord, a boa, who knows what she does in private huh?

  16. Hi I just read your comment on my blog. I would love to make manicotti. Did I spell that right? Just curious, do you make your own cheeses too? My cousin has started making his own mozzarella (LORD I CANNOT SPELL I CANNOT FIGURE THAT ONE OUT EITHER)and I think his daughter told me it was very good. You italians really got it going on when it comes to this stuff!!! I'm german and can't stand sauerkraut what's that tell ya??? lol

  17. What a great trip (sorry about the accident!). That is one cute little girl! Linda

  18. Hi Sue!

    Happy! Happy! Birthday! Shhhh....I turned 59 too! July. So far I think it's a pretty good age.

    I so enjoyed your tale...and your gloriously beautiful little Miss B. You're right...she's going to be a model. She's adorable.

    I laughed over your sandwich dilemma. Isn't that stinky when you think something's going to be wonderful? What a disappointment.

    Lovely catching up with you a bit...


  19. Hi Sue,
    I loved reading about your wonderful trip, sounds fun and the photos are cute too! Cindy

  20. Wow! I take it the Mother land is New Joisey?? What a birthday!
    Happy belated..
    I went to grad school at Villanova near Philly. Never had a cheese steak! After your description, I'll pass..:)
    Baby is adorable...
    Did you find the pumpkin pudding? I hope I can snag some!

  21. Happy belated birthday to you and your daughter Sue! I;m glad you weren't seriously hurt in that accident! The same thing happened to my daughter last year and she was hit so hard she was rammed into the car in front of her and her car was totalled! Thank goodness Honda's take all the impact as she wasn't hurt.

    Miss B is such a doll!

  22. Well. I finally got an email off to you about all of this!! (Forgive me?) and now I can see all of this in photo form!! First off, I am SO gla dyou were not hurt worse but still want you to let me know you are OK!! I worry!
    No one can tell a story like you you know...I love that about you!
    Next, look at how GOOD you look you beautiful lady you!! You and the Boss look so slender and gorgeous! You head turning couple you!!
    Thirdly, these photos of Miss B melt my heart!!
    Truly. She is so wonderful she makes me misty!!

    You can take any adversity and make it fun and whimsical. I like that about ya!


  23. First of all..."Smile like Giada" is like the funniest thing EVER!! Miss B looks a LOT like you, in my humble opinion.

    I heard you were in a fender bender but I had NO idea that IVs were involved!! Yikes. That's not very pleasant.

    Happy belated looks like you had a great trip. And I can't believe how much good stuff was left on Sunday!! I think my new strategy will be to go on Sunday. I saw that scale when I was there...I can't believe it was only 12 bucks! OMG...I'm suddenly wishing I could do that day all over again...

  24. Well it sounds like a wonderful Birthday and a wonderful visit (except the car accident)! You are looking really good btw! The Grandbaby is just as cute as can be!

