Saturday, October 3, 2009

HEATED SEATS....Not Just for Winter.

I Hate eating cold food....especially when it's suppose to be eaten hot.......
And when it comes to Fast Food nothing is worse....
We haven't been eating much fast food lately but on occasion I will stop and pick up a
chicken sandwich for the Boss.....
He's not as picky as me but I had to figure out a way to bring home food and keep it hot....
This applies to Pizza as well.....
And I didn't want to get a job as a Domino's driver just to score one of those
insulated bags......
Now this may seem like a no brainer to you but you can't imagine how many people I have told about this and they all say the same thing...
"I never would have thought of that"....
So here's today's handy hint....
Your cars seat heater....
Just crank that baby up as high as she goes......park your bag or box on the seat and home you go....
By the time you get home the food will still be nice and hot and it sure beats sitting in a parking lot somewhere eating off your lap......spilling ketchup and losing salt packets between the seats!


  1. Great tip. Now if I just had heated seats.

  2. LOL! I could not live without heated car seats..they actually make me love winter!

  3. You are so funny, Sue! No...I would never have thought of that! Of course, my car doesn't have heated seats, but fortunately, it's not too far to Chik-fil-a from my house! lol Now, I bet that little lamb was enjoying those heated seats when you found the little guy, huh? Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  4. Oh to have those electric bun warmers!

  5. I need those seats to warm me - I can warm cold fast food up in the microwave. Have a great week. Sally

  6. I adore my butt warmers. Here in the cold and frigid north it's a must. Brilliant idea to use as food warmers. Mimi

  7. Leave it to you, Sue. What a great idea. Wish I had heated seats.

  8. Duh! Never ever thought of this and now I can stop yelling at hubby that he paid extra for heated seats in the south:) I wonder if I can make beef jerky on the heated steering wheel? I think there is a book deal here for sure:)

  9. Hysterical. And I can't believe it never occurred to me to do this! (Though my seats are not heated...but I will pass along this "hot" tip to the mister!)

  10. Whoa! What an idea - kudos for advanced creativity:)


  11. This is exactly what God intended heated seats to be used for!! *laugh*
    I once freaked out a fellow school staffer with mine. Years ago I gave another teacher a ride to school...I flipped them on to see if she would notice. A little while later she started shifting in her seat. Eventually she said. Oh Sue...I think something is wrong with me! I feel *flushed* but not in my face, in my fanny! It is the weirdest thing!
    Aw..nothing beats a good fanny flush on a cold day does it?
    Hey! How was your birthday???

