Tuesday, September 29, 2009

REVISION at Daughter's Request!

Daughter wanted me to be a bit clearer on my description of her years at
She spent 3 1/2 years getting her undergraduate degree....
Making the Dean's List every single semester I might add!!
And then another 3 years getting her
Doctorate of Law degree....
She didn't want you to think it took her 7 years to get through college....
Oh Me.....I tend not to be very clear at times........
And she also added that after I freaked out mid way into Virginia
I gave her the keys to the car and she drove us to
Philadelphia.....she was only 16 at the time...


  1. Those daughters really keep you on your toes, don't they! Mine always read my blog to make sure I haven't posted anything that might reflect badly on them too. On the flip side, they are learning things about me and our family's history. I know I've told them the story of my mother's wedding gift, but they didn't remember it until I posted it on my blog... I guess now they'll be fighting over who gets the dish! Tell your daughter not to worry... NO mother would admit it took seven years for a child to finish college... 5 years, maybe; 7 years, never!

  2. I hope she's glad you set the record straight...but honestly, I never thought that!

  3. Oh! those daughters! They keep us on track, don't they? Sons, too. Every time I mention that our son was in college 13 years, he says, "Well, I wasn't messing around, I do have 4 degrees." Yea, well he could have taught high school after the first degree (which is what he does now). He couldn't decide during those 13 years what he wanted to do. Thanks goodness, it wasn't out of our pocket after that first degree. Have a good week. Sally

  4. Hi Sue! Wow! What a smart girl, that daughter of yours! That was some road trip! At least you got to see Mel...worth every minute of it! lol Yes, I will be at CC's Friday evening and out antiquing on Sat, but playing Granny Sat night. Are you going to be able to come? Hope so! You'd keep us all in stitches! Happy week!...Debbie

  5. I am now laughing aloud at the daughter. :-) And Peg's comment is hysterical..."NO mother would admit it took seven years for a child to finish college... 5 years, maybe; 7 years, never!"


  6. LOL I can just imagine the phone conversation and the "MOM" that started it!

    My daughter also finished her undergraduate degree in 3 1/2 years ...we're fortunate to have bright kids!

  7. Looks like you've been having an exciting week. Floods, doggie operations, crazy magazine people. You have one smart cookie for a daughter. Is your grandbaby just as smart?
    Great memories with the daughter. They grow up too fast don't you think? Mimi

  8. Hi Sue :)

    What an adventure you two had! I look forward to those years with Annie.

    Your daughter is beautiful by the way :)


  9. LOL....loved the story....I only have sons, so I can only imagine having a daughter to shre memories with.
    p.s. I would love to have the job of coming up with names of paint colors!

  10. Oh those daughters! Mine usually correct me in a comment, lol. I assumed she had gone for a huger degree since it took 7 years:>) Isn't it wonderful that our kids read our blogs?

  11. This is so funny! As is Peg's comment- which is probably pretty true!
