Thursday, September 3, 2009

START WITH 100 CALORIES.......Good Food...Good Diet.

As Alot of you know......... me and the Boss have been dieting since the middle of May...
I am happy to report that the Boss has lost an amazing 48 pounds and although I haven't been as lucky I have lost 19....
The funny thing about it is we are eating better then we ever have......I wanted to show you some of the meals we have had along the way......because you won't believe what you can eat and still lose the pounds.....Let's start with
100 Calories.....Who doesn't love Thomas' English Muffins....they are great right?
Well when I spied the new packaging in Publix a few weeks ago I thought...Now I can do alot with an English Muffin....
Our one thing we do now that we didn't do before.....
we read labels....
looking for the calorie count....
as in the muffins.....100 calories.....calories from fat only 10
Another great product.....
Arnold Sandwich Thins.....
2 pieces of good tasting healthy bread...100 calories for both pieces...
calories for fat....10
These make dynamite Panini's.....and regular sandwiches as well....
I buy the multi grain type and the Boss loves them....
Here's Turkey breast....1 very thin slice of Asiago cheese...lettuce and tomato...
No anything....not many calories.....very very tasty...
add a big dill pickle to the mix at 5 calories and you have a very good
My favorite....I could eat this every night....
A sirloin burger.....I am also on a cholesterol diet and sirloin is one of the proteins on the list..
paired up on a toasted English onion...with a small side of
Sweet Potato fries....baked in the oven with a tad bit of olive oil...
I know I father always used to complain that I used too much salt...
I love my Kosher salt....what can I say...
Another favorite....
a huge salad with a light vinaigrette dressing...just olive oil and vinegar...a little mustard
an English Muffin pizza made with a splash of sauce....any kind from a jar...
and Fat Free mozzarella cheese....
I never thought I would ever eat fat free cheese....Hey, I'm Italian...
It's like a crime....
But believe it or's not bad once melted...
I add a little hint of olive oil and some dry oregano...
Not bad for being on a diet....
We have even has Pork Kabobs....with peppers and pineapple in natural juice...
cooked in a Dutch oven....... not stir fried....
served over Saffron rice....
Is this all looking good to you...
Here is an average nights dinner....
fresh tomatoes with Buffalo Mozzarella.....less calories then whole milk....
roasted Okra with more tomatoes and a few Triscuit crackers....
just a light drizzle of olive oil over the tomatoes....
Couldn't you learn to love this!!!!
One day I even baked a tart.....
a little ricotta cheese on top of puff pastry....with a little sprinkling of
Feta on top...
the secret....lunch was just one small piece.....
We just don't pig out's all about portion control.....
and Most nights we just have fresh fruit.....peaches...blueberries...cherries...cantaloupe...
whatever is on sale for the week.
But on occasion we splurge and I make a peach tart using again....puff pastry.
Just fresh peaches baked on top of the crust.... small piece to satisfy the sweet tooth....
the old us would have eaten the whole thing in one sitting....with ice cream on top!
So you can see you can lose a good amount of weight and still never go hungry and eat very good food.....
the three secrets to our success....
No soda.....just water...
No Fast Food.....this is the big one!
No sweets.....unless sugar free....
but you can cheat once in awhile......
We still have a ways to go before we reach our target weight....
We have started walking a few weeks ago.....we limit ourselves to just
1 mile a night....about an hour after dinner....
we haven't missed a day.......we even walked in the rain.....
And we sure aren't going hungry.....


  1. I am so glad you like our Bentley. He has stolen our hearts! All your food looks wonderful...and thanks for the tips on the breads. We are always looking for things like that.

  2. You are inspiring me Sue. I so need this after seeing the pictures of me in Florida. (scream of dismay!) Have you ever tried to figure out what the calorie counmt is for your your wonderful home made bread?

  3. Wow! I could handle your diet. And frankly, I need to do it! This blogging is making me gain weight... I keep finding recipes to try and most of them are desserts.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome. I LOVE those sandwich thins and I eat the multi grain too. I have been buying only them since I discovered them at Krogers about a month ago.

  5. Come cook for me!! It sure would be easier for me to lose weight if I was as creative with cooking as you are. And, now you are walking, too!! Kudos! Sally

  6. I am sooooooooo impressed! You are the role model for the rest of us trying to incorporate healthier foods and sensible exercise into our lives. Good job! Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Except for the meat (I dont eat any meat) it all looks delish .. and I am betting if you cut back on salt you will lose even more .. salt=water retention .. so if you wont give up the salt .. drink lots more water to make your body flush out the salt.

  8. Heck, I can find 100 calories just by shaking out my keyboard! Great job and continued success! It's hard work everyday but the rewards are so worth it!

    I read in one of my books, "Can anything taste as good as your grandchild's first birthday cake (or wedding cake)?" What a motivation to stay healthy!


  9. This is certainly praiseworthy and also very inspiring for the rest of us. Your meals all look so scrumptious. Yes, portion control....that's where I tend to fail but I keep on trying. Thanks for the "pep talk" here.

  10. When I first met you at the luncheon you made a comment about looking like Sally Fields in your jacket in the photo. Well, you lost Sally and the boss lost a small toddler. You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work. Let's go shopping for clothing when I get back and out for a salad. Absolutely NO Pizza meet ups for us.

  11. Hey Joyce...Thanks for the got the Sally wrong I said I looked like Sally Struthers....have you seen her lately she's the size of a house...and she's got my hair only blond...Thanks to everyone for all the nice makes it all worth while.....I'll be posting in the future more food pictures to diet by so please stop back.....Sue.

  12. You two are so inspiring. The food looks delish. I may have to try some of your ideas. Heaven knows I could lose a few pounds. Loved your post on Williamsburg. I have never been in the east except a week in FL a few years ago. It's definitely on our to do list. Mimi

  13. Positively delicious and inspiring! Congrats on the 19 pounds!


  14. Ohhhhh you are a very very good ambassadors för the blog-sphere.... I love your blog!

    Regards from Agneta in Sweden

  15. Yay for both of you eating healthier! Those meals look so good! I love sweet potatoe fries! I buy the frozen organic ones (blanking on the name).

    Sue I showed those ticking balloon shades in previous posts on that bathroom but I bought them years and years ago and they arent' available anymore.


  16. Wonderful-looking meals- and my mouth is watering thinking about the taste of each and every one of those things!
    Help! It is only 7:30 a.m.!
    Great job you are doing over there-
    and thanks for the inspiration- I'm still trying to get back into the healthier eating habits again. I truly slipped this summer!

  17. Wow. Who said dieting can't still be delicious? These meals look wonderful. Congrats to both of you on your success!! Every pound gone is a lot of work and you must feel so happy! Also, I've been wondering about those new sandwich thins. I really want to try them.

  18. Yum....YUM....YUM! Mmmmmm......this allll looks so good. And, boy could I ever use some great advice! Congrats on your 19 pounds. That's a LOT...Good for you....

    Big hugs,

  19. you go girl, you are doing just super and eating fab! if i ate this stuff i would still be a porker, i think i am just a statue of fat and nothing will change, at least i will say that going down with a fistful of chocolate in my hand! congrats on your success, you meals look super and to think you have such GREAT results!

  20. That is so great Sue - i went to the dr. today and she said you better lose 30 pounds - but I said I can't - I love to eat, I'm Italian remember! If you can do it, so can I - thanks for the inspiration!

  21. What excellent advice, Sue, on dieting, and really just how to eat in general!

    You GO! -- congrats on the losses, they are impressive.


  22. Love the deli thins..1 WW pt..
    Pepperidege Farm is making them now too!
    Fill them up with low fat ham, lettuce, and wohoo a real sandwich without all the calories!

  23. Thank you - I made a hard copy of this and will take it with me to the grocery store Thursday.
