Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LOBSTER FOR TWO.......A Tablescape.

Welcome to Susan's Tablescape Thursday......No casualties this week just the continuation of my Lobster table....
A new ceiling fan is hanging and it's safe again to sit at the table to eat.....
A nice big lobster platter....big enough to fit all the extra's.....
Lobster....corn on the cob....potatoes.....
But we are in the middle of Atlanta....nowhere close to the beach so we have to use our

I have had a love of lobsters since visiting Maine on the daughter's
"College Road Trip"
we still talk about the fabulous Chowder we ate at
"Cappy's Chowder House" in Camden Maine.....
The oyster crackers in the soup were as large as little pillows....

I found these cute little chowder bowls at Homegoods......for $4.99 ea.

Lobster glasses....large iced tea size.....
TJMaxx.....6 for $4.99

Who needs to shop at Goodwill....
I found this 3 compartment tray at Homegoods.....$2.00

silverware in a cute little tin bucket...

I just love these wooden connection to Lobster but cute none the less...
Found at the old Lakewood Flea Market here in Atlanta..

E-Bay is my source for license plates....they are inexpensive and make for an interesting
bit of color at the house...
I use them up on my mantle.....
where the wooden fish also hang from.....
if you have lobster you have to have Butter......

inside the little lobster bucket......
a crab!!

Thanks for stopping by....
You can see why I'm happy that all this got moved off the table before the fan fell.....
Stop over at Susan's our talented hostess at
to see all the other tablescapes ........


  1. Sue, I think you win with all of your lobster related accessories ~ right down to the license plate. The platter, buckets and darling bowls!

    Everything is so charming; I love this! Really nice job, my friend.


    PS I'm so glad you've escaped any further mishaps ~ I think of your experience everytime I pass beneath the fan in our foyer (it's mounted on a 16 foot ceiling and I would hate to have it fall.) Eeeks.

  2. All that talk about lobster is making me hungry. Your table looks lovely.

    Enjoy your day, Sue!

  3. Did you get to enjoy lobster with your great dishes? I have to go to Maine every 10 years so I can gorge myself. It's almost cheaper to go than to buy it in land-locked Colorado. Glad the lobster post made it without further mishap. Sally

  4. What a cute table, Sue. Between your lobster table and my lighthouse post for Outdoor Wednesday, I'm longing to go back to Maine.

  5. Hi Sue,
    Love the table! Hubby and I went to Maine about 10 years ago and we so loved it! The lobster,OMG, so good! Your finds are perfect and what a deal from Home Goods. I've noticed if you really look you can find some awesome deals at some of these stores! Cindy

  6. LOL at the comment you just left on my Blog tips are so funny! :-) Thanks for making me laugh.
    I adore this are making me want to start collecting lobster stuff! No, I just can't start one more collection...but these are sooooo cute! I especially love those big lobster plates. I'm so glad your table is safe for tablescaping, not to mention, eating...again. :-) Susan

  7. Love the tablescape! Wish I had a great big lobster right now!

  8. Oh you have such cute things upon your table -- love the little lobsters on the bowls -- this does look like a Maine setting. Good job!

  9. Such a cute, casual tablesetting. I'm now wanting to collect lobster "stuff" as well especially since I am going to the beach for 10 days on Friday. It put me in the mood.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  10. Now this is just perfect in every way. All of the lobster dishes and accessories are wonderful. I love them all and you put everything together beautifully. I really like it. Hugs, Marty

  11. This is all so cute and I am glad you put it all away before the fan hit. Lobsters remind me of Woody Allen and Diane Keaton...too funny when they were trying to cook them:)

  12. Oh this is just to cute. I am so hungry for lobster now! :)


  13. Great details! I love it all!
    And so happy the fan didn't get any of it!
    Beautiful tablescape!
    All the best,

  14. Love all those lobster-y details! Glad you got your ceiling fan fixed.


  15. I can't get over how much I LOVE the license plate idea!! I want to copy that. It is a genius idea and really makes your table. :)hop

  16. Well now I would like a bite of the real thing--just a pinch of Lobster would satisfy me it is so rich. Cute items...I have never seen a lobster collection! Maine is such a neat place (to visit) ..we used to camp there as children....their Lakes were glorious....their moose were scary.

  17. Love your Table...Everything is so charming.....

  18. Hi Sue,
    Love, love, love the lobsters. So cute and I think I may be a bit hungry now.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. Yummm! We're headed to Boston on Sunday, I'm hoping to get a few Lobsters while we're there, but I'm sure none of the tablescapes we eat them on would be this fun! I hope you can stop by and enter your name in the giveaway at Color Outside the Lines. I know you could do some fantastic things with the loot! :) Cheers!

  20. What a great idea for a party! I love all your little lobster details. Everything looks great together.
    Glad the fan was fixed and there were no injuries.

  21. Thank goodness this wasn't part of the casulties. Cause it's cute as can be! I never seem to find anything at my Goodwill. So I haunt Marshalls and Ross. We don't have a Home Goods...

  22. Love the butter pot!

    Thanks so much for sending the soup recipe. I also took a look at Ina's -- I think I'm going to "morph" both of them, but definitely use the roasted corn trick. Yum!

  23. Hi Sue...

    My friend...I just love your lobster tablescape!!! Ooooh...lobster...corn on the cob...I'm sooo hungry now! Hehe! Love that big ol' lobster platter and all of your dining accessories!!! Girl, those chowder bowls are just the cutest!!! Oh yes...certainly can imagine a steaming hot bowl of New England chowder in them!!! Your entire table is just gorgeous and so endearing!!! I mean, who doesn't love lobster??? Hehe!

    Girl, I don't have a Home Goods nearby but I have recently found a TJ Maxx. I think they're affliated in some way...but OMG, I have been finding so many great things there!!! They knock the socks off of my GW prices...although I do still enjoy digging through GW! Hehe!!! I remember as a kid going to the GW...finding items for a nickle or dime. Our GW charges more like $5 or $10 now...can't believe it! Well, I'm sorry! I sure did enjoy your fabulous lobster table today...thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  24. Too cute Sue! I love seafood and this table looks ready for a feast:>) I sent your package out today priority, you should get it in 3-4 days!

  25. Pretty tablesetting! I loved the little lobsters all around.

    Have a great day,

  26. Hi Sue!
    Love the lobsters! The pots with the crab on the bottom is adorable. Your collections make me smile!

    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  27. I love lobster too...with lots of butter!! It would taste doubly good at your table though with all the matching accessories! Great job!


  28. I'm truly amazed at all of the lobsterish! I'm ready for my invite, please:) Thanks for following my blog. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

  29. that was all darling! license plates, who knew, but great touch!
