Monday, August 31, 2009


Earlier in the month we drove the girls back to Jersey after their visit to Georgia.....Knowing we had an 18 hour car trip and a toddler to deal with daughter suggested we break up the drive with a stop at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia......We had not been there in many years and we love a good road trip detour so daughter got us reservations at the Williamsburg Lodge which is located right on the grounds of the historic site......We also made dinner reservations at one of the many original Inns for a late dinner.....We arrived on a Thursday night just in time to check our tickets for the next day and walk over to the Shield's Tavern......

If you ever the chance to visit Williamsburg one of the must stops is dinner at one of the Inns...
Good food....entertainment by men in period costumes.....the place oozed ambiance....
Miss "B" was even impressed and applauded when the music was over...
The next day was spent walking the grounds.....more eating.....lot's of great shopping and ofcourse picture taking.....
Below are some of the shots I took.....No commentary....just enjoy a little step back into the past....

I hope you enjoyed the mini-tour of this wonderful slice of Americana....
it's certainly a must see on your "Life's List".....of things to do...


  1. It's been quite a few years since we've been to Williamsburg, but I just love it. Thanks for the great pictures.

  2. Thanks for the tour! I've never been; but was scheduled to go once on a business trip with Bob. It didn't happen --- two young kids with chicken pox. I just didn't have the heart to leave them with my mother, so Bob had to go without me. We've always talked about going. Thanks for stopping by today - yes, my grandchildren are adorable and I would so hate to live far from them. Maybe you can arrange to get back to NJ to live before Miss B gets much older. It's so great to have a second go-around at being with kids. You don't worry about all of the mistakes you made the first time with their parents!!! Have a great week. Sally

  3. Oh, I love Williamsburg but I've only been there once in the fall. I'm sure it is lovely in summer and I'd love to visit there at Christmas. The architectural details and furnishings are my favorite style!

  4. Oh, that definitely is one of the places on my to see list. I have never visited any of the East coast at all and would love to do all of that also. Great pictures. Thanks for the tour. Hugs, Marty

  5. Wow! Never been but it sure looks like a great way to spend a day. Didn't you eat in Williamsburg? I need menus and ingredients!

    (Can you tell I'm starving?)


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great pictures! I love Williamsburg and you have captured it perfectly! :D Jewel

  8. I've never been and would love to check it out some day. Life's listing it for sure!

    And...look at those SUNFLOWERS!

  9. Thanks for the tour! Quite a few of my ancestors lived in Williamsburg, and I still haven't been there. Your post reminds me to put it on my "to do SOON" list!


  10. Oh this was fun! I visited as a child, then my husband and I took our kids here when they were 12, 8-ish, and about 5. Unfortunately, the 5 year-olds got lost together in the maze, and then ended up having a bit of a fight while in there. A little embarrassing...But we did the dinner at an inn also. Wonderful memories. We still have those 3 pointed hats!
