Sunday, September 6, 2009

A GIFT.......A WIN.....And Friends We have Yet to Meet

When I started this blog a year and a half ago little did I know what I would find.....
What I did find was wonderful people sharing common interests....talents....and friendship...
Our husbands can't believe when packages show up on the door step and we say....
"'s a gift from my blogging friend"........or
"I won this on someones blog"....
You are all just imaginary people to the husbands....
A few months ago I received an envelope in the mail from Italy.....
My sweet friend Eli sent the original painting of a birthday card that she had done for our
Miss Sophie.....
She also sent along the above Poppy painting for me!!
I just got it back today from the frame shop and I think the beautiful gold frame I picked out for it does her beautiful painting justice....

Eli sounds me the loveliest e-mails keeping me posted on her beautiful little boy Andrea who turns 2 in October.....She calls me AM.....for American Mom....
I love that...
She is a very very talented professional artist..... stop by her blog and see her amazing work
Thank you E.....I will treasure your painting....
Then I hear from Kathy at.....
and I won her giveaway!!
I thought I was getting one of her cute heart shape door hangers and I was thrilled....
they are so cute....
When in the mail the other day I received this....
A big ole' plumped up "adorable as can" be full size throw pillow....
I was so surprised....
I make pillows but nothing like has sides!!!
How do you make pillows are always just two pieces of fabric sewn together...
No sides....
I love the button flowers and especially the "home" billowing out of the chimney..
Kathy also enclosed two cute as a button book marks and a lovely note that said....
"I love your blog and your great sense of humor and I consider you a friend
I just haven't met yet".......(smiley face)
Thank you Kathy...
This pretty much sums up the "Joy of Blogging".....
I will always be amazed at the kindness and generosity of you all....
We get to vent.....we get to learn.....we get to laugh and sometimes shed a tear...
We meet in person....we hope to meet in the future and we become Friends for life...
What a wonderful thing this Blogging is.....


  1. Your words were perfect in this post - saying things I think about all of the time!! Pillow with sides??? You are too funny. Have a great week. Sally

  2. This is so neat Sue! I love that pillow and that painting is gorgeous! blogging is a wonderful way of bonding and sharing and you stated it so well! Cindy

  3. Hi Sue, my family can't believe we bloggers send each other things either. When the gifts and sweet notes arrive they just smile and shake their heads...and gather round to see what cool treasures are in the package this time. I am so glad you like the pillow. The painting you got is amazing! Blogging is something that really opened up the world to me and I can't say enough about the great people I have met:>)

  4. How nice! Congrats on the win that pillow is charming and enjoy that lovely painting! ... in our house Husband has met several blog friends of mine so he understands what its all about ...

  5. Oh, Sue...blogging friends are the best, aren't they?

  6. The secret to "pillow sides" are boxing strips. Easy, peasy. Come on over and I'll show you. :-)

    All I can say about blogging friends is, it takes one to know one! So there!


  7. Gosh, how nice! Blogging really opens up the world in friendships.

  8. So very true. Who would've thought how fun blogging could be? We are truly friends with lots of things in common on different sides of the country! (Or in another country). I have more fun with you than my next door neighbor. I do covet that pillow you got from Kathy. I LOVE it. And that painting is gorgeous. Mimi

  9. The painting is wonderful in that beautiful frame. The pillow is cute. So many talented bloggers out there across the world doing such nice things for other bloggers. Look at us a pair of NE nuts meeting up from blogging.

  10. Sally here again! I caught your story on 'daughter's' blog today. I'm sure my husband would love to talk more on road trips, but I always have my head buried in a book. BTW, we finally saw Julie/Julia. I fidgeted for the entire 2 hours. I can hardly stand 2 hours of cooking, you know!!! Julia grated on my nerves 30/40 years ago. Meryl must be a really good actress, as I'm still irritated. The saving grace were the scenes of Paris. Oh well, and the best part was I got to go out to dinner after the movie for our wedding anniversary. Take care, Sally

  11. How nice! Congrats on your wonderful goodies! Blogging is so much fun.


  12. Hi Sue... yes, isn't blogging amazing? I love the connections it makes for us all -- it's the 21st century quilting bee!

    I laughed out loud at your pillows comment -- that yours don't have sides! Mine don't either -- I'm too lazy to do that!

    LOVE that poppies painting... gorgeous.

  13. Hhahaha... I just realized that the comment I just left for you was on my DOG'S Google Identity -- so you got the comment from "Dion."
    Yes, he is my alter ego. And a very clever correspondent he is, too.

