Monday, September 14, 2009

NOT JUST A BARGAIN........A Real Steal...

This is my first time at 2nd. Time Around Tuesday......hosted by A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words....
I never stepped inside a thrift store before I became a blogger but after seeing all the treasures that are to be found.....Well, now I'm hooked....
Always going in just to look for dishes...bowls and other kitchen items I can't live without....
I found another diamond in the ruff this week....
and I just had to share.... the Thrift store drew me in....
Come on......If "Miss Liberty" is blown up on the roof I am not driving by without stopping!!
As most of you know I am a die hard Statue of Liberty Fan............

A new Thrift store to benefit a local church..... I ofcourse first went to the dish pile and
I found these cute little dessert plates...

A set of Four.....

Each with a different pattern.....

The four cost $4.00......a dollar a piece.....

I just received the new Orvis catalog and was spying this 100% Camel Hair blazer.....
Not one to look at clothes while at the thrift stores.....
On the way to the cash register I noticed a familiar sleeve hanging out of all the other
hanging clothes....
Yes....the exact same 100% Camel Hair jacket.....size 12....perfect condition....
Here it's shown with just a simple white tee-shirt underneath....

Here it is in the Orvis Catalog....

And here is the price.....
The Blazer had a $20. price tag on it.....a bargain right?
I added the White Stag $5.00 tee-shirt from Walmart....
And look I added a fancy silk pleated scarf.....
It's starting to look good...yes?
Well, how about adding maybe a Fancier silk scarf....
The famous pattern....."Brides de Gala"
It looks even classier.....Yes?
A few nice accessories can make any outfit look like a million bucks....
Now you know I didn't pay $20. for the jacket....
You see I didn't notice those big signs outside when I walked in....
Can you see what they say....
Yes....that's right I paid $1.00 for a $255.00 jacket...
Add the dry cleaning fee and for a total of $4.00 I think I found quite the


  1. Wow. Everything at $1. What a bargain.

  2. Oh my gosh Sue, you hit the jackpot! Amazing deals, I can't believe that beautiful jacket for $1~

  3. Ok I am most impressed.... for the jacket bargain, and also that you got a jacked dry cleaned for $3.00.

    Good deals all around!

  4. Great find in that jacket! Doesn't that make you even MORE addicted to thrift store shopping? LOL I can totally relate. Last year I bought a vintage Louis Vuitton purse for $5.00 - mint condition! I'm camping right now and I spent the day driving around and checking out thrift stores! LOL

  5. Egads Sue! Are you trying to make me green with envy!!

    That jacket is just beautiful and the perfect item to have.
    What a deal/steal!

    You will look mahvelous!


  6. Now if I had a store near me other than the nasty, dirty Goodwill, I may just try checking out a thrift store. But since I have checked this store out with my thrift store junkie niece and got skeeved in the process, I'll look for another store to try.

  7. I hope this is a stop on our girls day outing?

  8. OMG!! No way!!! WOW!!!!!
    what a fabu find!

  9. Sue,


    Oh yes I do... that picture of Sophie under next top model is so stick'n cute. What a charmer.


  10. the link you provided is for her email .. seriously, its time to learn how to put in a real grown up link ...

    Such bargains (my mom would have said) you should have bought two of each

  11. Yummy color on that blazer; it will go with so many things. That is an awesome store. They know what 'thrift' means!

  12. Love those dessert plates. So cute! They really were a steal!

  13. Love the blazer! What an awesome find. I think I would have had to dig, look, stay for more bargins at a buck each! LOL

  14. Oh My Goodness!!! First, I love the sweet plates....but that bargain of the Orvis blazer for $1???? WOWZER!!!!!

  15. Wow! Everything a dollar! How do that do that! That's an amazing deal on the jacket!! Those plates are cute!

    Yes, I'll be re-hanging the movie posters after I paint. I actually found two at Goodwill recently to add to our collection.


  16. Wow, I see you feelin' fine when you put your $1 duds on!! You would have loved the statue of liberty I took a pic of this summer on the Eastern Shore of VA.

  17. Oh WOW! Why do I never find thrift sales like this? That was a such a wonderful bargain ... I'm sure you will look very chic in it!

  18. really did good on the blazer! Love the plates too!

    Thanks so much for linking to 2nd Time Around!

  19. Good morning Sue, yesterday was a busy day and I am just now checking the thrifty posts. Your jacket is more than thrifty, it was a gold mine. You sure know how to accessorize Sue. I love the plates as well.

    I really like ms Liberty too. Have a great day.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  20. You hit the jackpot, Sue. You truly are the shopping queen. Love the jacket, t-shirt, scarf combo. Very classy.

  21. You win the thrift store crown. GREAT deal! Mimi

  22. Yes you did find quite the bargain!

  23. I think you need to wear that blazer to the Allaire flea market in October. You will be the Belle of the Flea! :-) And by the way I am totally meeting you and the daughter there. Whether y'all like it or not. :-)

  24. That is amazing! I love a good much more fun than full price. And I never hesitate to tell what I paid..I have been told I shouldn't do that! :)
