Friday, September 18, 2009

QUILTS...QUILTS...AND MORE QUILTS........Fun with Sue and Joyce.

Today was the opening of the East Cobb Quilter's Guild Biennial Show....
Bright and early I met up with fellow blogger and just a "Barrel of Fun" Joyce of
Between the two of us we probably would have a hard time threading a needle but in spirit we were quilters for the day!!
This what you saw when you walked into the Cobb County Civic Center here in Marietta Georgia
Quilts hanging everywhere....
Two stories of Quilts and quilting supplies....

One more beautiful then the next.....We kept getting stopped by the volunteer ladies and asked if we're just here to take pictures.....and drool...

By 10:30 the place was getting we started in the back and worked our way forward...

Are you ready to see some spectacular quilts....

Oh.....wait a is Joyce taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.....
We were doing good....No one had asked us to leave the premises yet...

My favorite style....

This quilter was working on an old fashion peddle machine....

subtle colors but beautiful all the same....

Wacky Hawaiian shirts.....

This one was called
"Flamingo Fandango"

This was spectacular

It took a 1st. Place ribbon

pretty fall colors.

the only all red quilt...I loved it!
Red is my signature color!!

Another shot of the Blue Ribbon winner..

up close and personal

Another Baltimore Album

look at the detail in the flower....

a colorful dragon....the stitching on this was amazing....

"Beach Baby"
is a fabric portrait quilted entirely by hand by Molly Samuals of her 2 year old granddaughter Samantha.....Inspired by a photo taken on vacation at the Outer Banks this was truly a labor of love......Molly was standing by her masterpiece when we walked past and she was beaming with pride at her creation....

Winning first place in the miniature category as soon as we walked in we were told to make sure we didn't miss seeing this one....
"Flip Flop Paper Piercing"
Mary Kay Mouton of Milledgeville has a new book out with the same name and available from
C&T Publishing....
here's a closeup....the stitches were so so tiny....

Another Blue Ribbon Winner
"Landon and Grandma's Wildflower Garden Patch"
Made by Fran Fister....and another grandmother's labor of love....
In honor of Landon's 2nd. birthday Fran worked on this while Landon napped and it took her nine months to finish.....
Here's the ribbon she'll be taking home.....
Congratulations Fran!!

How whimsical is this.....

On the second level there was everything you need to quilt.....
Not that it was any help to us.......

We were like two idiot savants.....
Just mesmerized by all the "pretty colors"""
Hope you enjoyed "part one" of Sue and Joyce's fun day out.....
Next post I"ll show you the magnificent "Best in Show"......
and then what us girls did to take up the rest of the day....
See you soon!!


  1. Now this sounds like a great day! I'm afraid I couldn't go though, I would be drooling and wanting to touch them all. Seriously. I have just begun getting interested in trying a little quilting myself. I have always been so intimidated by all the little pieces, but I can't stand by and not try this anymore. I can't wait to see what won! They are all so spectacular!

  2. Oh, these are all so gorgeous! I love quilts but I would have been right in there with you and Joyce... clueless about doing it but drooling over their beauty. My favorite was the cute animals in bed... maybe because I'm a grandmother??

    Last week I cleaned out a drawer or two and found a quilt top my mother had pieced probably in the 1930's or 40's. She never quilted it. If she had, it would have been done by hand. That's a project I'd never attempt but I called a friend who does quilt piecing and she referred me to a lady who machine quilts. I am picking up the quilt today. Now, my mom is probably rolling her eyes in heaven over having it MACHINE quilted, but hey, it was the only way it would EVER be finished. And it's not there yet... I have to do the binding. Chee... maybe I can get that much done, you think?

  3. You know I love quilts, and this was a great show. If I can cook, you can quilt! Trust me - you started quilting with 'daughter'; show us a new project from you. Have a great weekend. I'm still cleaning and cleaning. When you get to be 70, you have to sit down a lot and cleaning takes forever!! Sally

  4. Hi Sue! The pure magic of quilts has a way of drawing me in each and every time. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.

  5. Really beautiful! My mother and aunts would all love to meander through this display of quilts.
    Having only made one quilt myself, my talents are categorized as beginner!

  6. What a great day~ I just love seeing the gorgeous quilts and how nice to meet a fellow blogger too! Cindy

  7. I'm a novice quilter and am in awe of people who can create such beautiful pieces. What a terrific show! I could have spent hours wandering around.

  8. Gorgeous quilts. Fun day. I took a quilt class last fall. The unfinished project is sitting in a bag in my craft room. I'll get to in someday...Mimi

  9. I commissioned a quilt a few years ago .. its undergoing some renovation work .. when it gets home I will show it off.. these are all fabulous ...

  10. Beach baby is magnificent! Actually...they ALL are. As a novice sewer who is still beaming with pride over that baby quilt I pieced together in Hoboken at that class...I am in awe of the talent here.
