Friday, September 11, 2009

CHATEAU ELAN.......and another new blog friend.

Can you believe this is in the middle of North Georgia.....
Isn't it lovely...
This is Chateau Elan Winery
located off of I-85 in Braselton.....
Just 40 miles North of Atlanta...
It's a little bit of France in the South....
My blogging friend Cheri of
decided to meet one day for lunch....she lives just a few minutes away and I drove up from Marietta with my traveling partner Neighbor Necie and her son Josh's girlfriend Daria
who was visiting from Jersey...
The poor girl had broken her foot and had a huge air cast on her leg and we made her sit squashed in the
back of the V.W. Bug....
Here we are having a wonderful buffet lunch in the Versailles Room...
A huge glass atrium located in the main hotel....
that is Daria.....Necie....Cheri.....and Me!
We were able to sit there for a couple of hours and chit chat and nobody ever asked us to leave....we just kept drinking our tea....
Showing off our "Blogger" gift swap.....
Cheri made me this adorable chalkboard and if you can't read it says
Welcome to Boo's House....
Cheri has a sweet tooth for chocolate so I made her my signature
Coconut Haystacks and some of Giada's
Orange Marmalade-Chocolate cookie bars.....
And here is Miss Cheri.....
We talked and talked like we had known each other all our lives....
We are both Grandma's to two adorable little girls....
and where I have one daughter....
Cheri has three!!
I managed to get one picture of the food then got too hungry and forgot about the
entrees and all the deserts.....
The lemon cheesecake was unbelievable.....
a beautiful floral arrangement in the lobby of the hotel...

Another restaurant..this one located in the main winery building...

Ofcourse they sell their wine and other wine related items....

They also offer cooking classes...

The Culinary Kitchen looked beautiful.....
Look at that cool floor....

Pretty flowers all over....

Their "wine" lady....
located right as you drive in....
the sculptor made her clothes wet.....'ll see what I mean in another photo......

I had to laugh because it reminded me of the infamous picture I took of
Hilary Clinton back when Bill was first running for office...
She was at a fund raiser in Atlanta and we were working on the staff
I was up close with the camera and got a shot of her
and let's just say she was cold at the time......
I might add we are no longer Democrats.....
and not just because Hill looked bra-less....
After lunch we met up with a bunch of goofy people that were having a
scavenger hunt....
They needed a group picture taken and a love letter written...
Daria took care of writing the letter....
I took the pictures.....
I think the guy in front thought he was a bunny....
Another group stopped us and got "D" to write the letter....
They were having so much fun....

But this group had the best group shot.....Unfortunately they were sure to lose the hunt
because they forgot to ask us to write the letter.....
But they should have won for wackiest picture....
More flowers....

And there had to be a French flag flying somewhere....
We had a wonderful fun day and we are planning on going back up soon and visiting Cheri's little town...have a little lunch and most importantly do a little shopping....
If your ever traveling down South on I-85 and pass by the winery it's worth a drop in
It's directly off exit 126....
Hope you enjoyed our little tour.....


  1. What a fun day out! You look great and the chalkboard Cheri made you is lovely:>)

  2. You did a wonderful post on our lunch (better than mine) and I can't wait until we can meet up again.

  3. Oh how fun, Sue!! Isn't Chateau Elan beautiful? I go ther for brunch occasionallky with a friend and we feel like we have been on vacation!! It is like being in Napa Valley...or the way I imagine Napa, never havng been there!! lol Enjoy your weekend...hugs...Debbie

  4. Oh, I've been there. What a wonderful winery.

  5. Oh my goodness, Sue... You just have the best times, don't you? Loved the winery...I don't drink it, but I'd love to visit anyway!


  6. It sounds like you and your friends had so much fun. I loved the story about Hillary too. Guess she is liberal in all things, huh?

  7. What great pictures Sue! Thanks for visiting my blog. We are trying to move on from our loss but it has been tough. Fifi was so bossy and the leader of our other pets!She is very missed.
    I'm glad you're thinking of making your own buildings! It's not so hard.You surely can do it. I use to use plaster on houses that needed that finish. But I found that a premixed concrete works much better. If you ever have a question about something, I'd love to help if I can!Let me know how it turns out.You'll have a great time making them. Great to hear from you!

  8. Looks like lots of fun. Isn't it so great to meet up with new blogging friends? Love that chalkboard. Mimi

  9. You always have the best time when you meet blogging friends-what a beautiful spot, and by the way you are looking very slim Sue!

  10. we spent a weekend there years ago and you do get the feeling that you are in Europe, tucked away from civilization.

  11. What a fun day you had!! And, I might add you are looking quite svelte. The diet must be agreeing with you. Happy Fall. Sally
