Thursday, September 10, 2009


By the Grace of God on 9/11 daughter who lived and worked in Manhattan
had just come home to Georgia for a short vacation......


  1. Agreed. We must NEVER forget and always remember our men and women serving in the military. God Bless America!

  2. Say a prayer today for Morty Franks family. My son wore his hand me down suits for years and when Morty perished in the tower that sunny day my son joined the Army and now puts on an army suit in memory of his pal Morty. I can't even post about this and our family has been crying all week. It is like a huge scab on our heart that gets pulled off every year. We all now know the meaning of the term "Living Nightmare". Ironic how it is raining tears in NYC today.

  3. Amen, I am so glad your daughter was not among those who lost hteir lives or experienced the terror first hand.

  4. In the evening of September 10th, my brother in law received a phone call from his boss. He didn't need to go to the Trade Towers for the presentation on the 11th. Another man was taking his place.

  5. Such painful memories. Thank God your daughter was safe.

  6. My brother was packing up tools here in Ontario Canada, to head to New York that day. His company installs windows in highrises and they had just got a big job. I left work and we watched the second plane hit on tv together. I will never forget.

  7. Oh my goodness, a true blessing for you.


  8. Things happen for a reason... we all know that. How lucky that H decided to come home at that particular time. A very good friend from back home lost her one brother in-law as he was a NYC firefighter, never found him. It was a day I don't think any of us will ever forget.

  9. What a relief it must have been to have 'daughter' home that day. Just think how your life would have changed if she had been in NY. What a blessing, but a reminder for us to remember all of those those that were there. Sally

  10. It's amazing to think of all the people who didn't make it home that day. I'm so happy your daughter did...what a day I'll never ever forget!!

  11. Never forget...I dread this day every year...the friends we lost...the near son was in Logan airport that morning sched to fly out...hours before we knew if he was on that plane..still remember the sick feeling, they had just had their first child....(they have 4 now :)
    And so many kids here who lost their parents..a horrific day for the US...

  12. It was a tragic day filled with sorrow. So gald you were together as a family that day and did not have to fear the wost!
