Thursday, September 24, 2009

A PIANO DOLLY.....And a Bad Case of Jelly Legs.

The Boss has had a piano dolly for as many years as I can remember.....he has used it on numerous occasions over the past 39 years......and my most fond memory was when we were moving into the house in Georgia and the "Big Boss" was here to help.......I had left a box of china on the front porch in the middle of moving in other boxes......The "Big Boss" came along and heaved the piano dolly up and over the porch railing landing right in the box of dishes....
Yes....they were smashed beyond repair......
You guessed it I got the blame for leaving the dishes there and ofcourse with the Big Boss being much of an ass mumbled something like
"You didn't need those anyway"
So Today the old piano dolly got put into much better use....
It helped a Senior Citizen in need of attention.....
How you ask??
Well.....below is the "Boo Dog"....all 125 pounds of him.....Boo had a little surgery today to have a massive canine tooth extracted.....
Boo had a little bit too much anesthesia.....
When we went to pick him up ....the vet.....who by the way is wonderful....
Kept us chit-chatting about follow up care while his assistants
snuck Boo out the back door and placed him carefully next to the Bug.....
We happily went out to drive away after Dr. Vet lifted up the rear end of the dog to
get him into the back seat....
Not thinking a thing about this we drove home...
When we went to get him out of the car we discovered that his "ass end" was not working properly...
In other words he couldn't walk.......
So the husband went ofcourse and got out the Ye' Old piano dolly....
Lifted the big guy onto it.....after a few tries....
and we rolled him right into the garage......where he remains until he no longer has
Jelly Legs.....
He's doesn't even want to drink the ice water I brought him so I found myself sitting on the
garage floor throwing bits of ice water onto his tongue.....
Oh what we won't do for our kids and our animals......


  1. I hope Boo if feeling better soon! Husbands are all alike :)

  2. Awhhhhh - my "boys" want to wish Boo a good recovery (they told me so!)

  3. I hope he has a fast recovery too! Your little Miss B with all those curls is a real cutie pie!

  4. Oh how sweet is that, I really wish you would have videotaped the whole thing. I hope the big guy feels better soon. What a sweet baby.

  5. Aww..poor Boo! Maybe it's better he's still sleeping so his extraction doesn't hurt. Poor baby! Get better soon Boo!

  6. Good thing you had that piano dolly. I hope Boo feels better fast. After the porch incident I think I would have been loading that dolly into the car and letting it help me get some new dishes home:>)

  7. I hope Boo feels better soon... your a good momma, Sue

  8. Poor little Boo-there isn't anything I wouldnt do for my cat time he wouldnt eat for 10 days, I would try to hand feed him morsels of dry food--the cause of his hunger strike-the new black kitty that we brought home--he was PISSED!!

  9. Big Boo Boo...feel better soon!
