Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Happy to report the Rains Have Stopped here in Atlanta!!
and to be less dramatic the lights actually went out at 2:30 p.m.
Directly after I saw the "Boss" heading up the stairs with a bucket.....
Yes, our 35 year warranty roof leaks whenever we have a bad downpour....
The drippy skylights add to the chaos.....
The power went out.....
We sat for the next 2 1/2 hours deciding what to do if it didn't come back on soon...
Here is a picture of our front lawn.......lightened up so you could see all the water...... it was
very very dark outside.....
To be fair.....I had prepped the lawn the day before for a scheduled seeding so no grass was washed away in the storm..
And ofcourse the Boo Dog had to go out to pee right in the middle of the monsoon....
Can you say Wet Muddy Dog Paws......
on beige carpet!!
Trees were down everywhere.....
After a call to Cobb EMC and finding out that a tree was indeed down up on the main road...knocking down power lines.... we figured it would be hours before the power was restored.....
So ofcourse we jumped into action....and what does that mean.....
The generator was about to be put into service.....
Ofcourse we didn't have enough gas..... and we needed an extension cord to reach the fridge...
To The Home Depot!!
And here is the culprit.....uprooted and blocking the service was a big one....
the cops were directing traffic and we were able to drive the few miles to the Depot...

So here we are......the $42.00 heavy duty extension cord.....a 5 gallon gas can.....
two 10 pound bags of ice....just incase.....and 5 gallons of gas.....
the gas balanced between my legs in the front seat of the Bug....
Bumper to Bumper traffic all the way back to the Manse....
Did I mention we were actually out in public without taking showers!!
Tough times call for tough measures.....
Finally the sub division in sight.....avoiding the flooded roads....We pull down the street heading towards the Cul de Sac....and what do we see.....
Someones porch light on.................
Lesson learned....
Time only seems like it's standing still during a natural disaster.....
The lights eventually go back stay put and take a shower.....


  1. Ah rain....wish it was possible for you to send us some here on the other side of the country.

    I'm glad the lights came back on. And you are ready for the next storm with all that gasoline, extension chord, etc.

  2. glad you are safe, you sure are taking a beating!

  3. Been thinking about y'all over here in Birmingham. Although we've had lots of rain, we seem to have avoided the flooding you have had. Hard to believe that this time last year we were in a drought.

  4. Only you Sue... only you. Maybe you ought to write a book on all your whacky tales.

  5. I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were. So glad you are safe but I know it has been a rough go. We could use more rain and you could use less. Wish Ma Nature would figure this one out!
    I SHOULD write a book.
    : )

  6. I have to say I wouldnt have gone anywhere showered or not in that kind of weather ...

  7. Glad you are o.k.!!! I've been thinking about you. Only you guys would venture out in a storm in the bug to Home Depot. We would have at least taken the truck. Hope the sun comes out soon on your part of the world. Take care, Sally

  8. On the good side, you're prepared for next time right? I wouldn't worry, I bet nobody else who was out had taken showers either! Aren't you glad the lawn hadn't already been seeded?

  9. At least you have the stuff in case this happens again :)

  10. Oh jeez! We had a wicked little storm at the shore last week...and of COURSE the dog has to go out just when it's really getting good. :-) Glad you're safe and sound.

    By the way, I *will* be out of town for the next Allaire flea. Wah WAH. I'm gone from Oct 7-12 but maybe we can catch up while you're in town?? I think you need to see Asbury with your own eyes. :-)

  11. Don't worry, I'll be back posting, probably on Monday. Believe me this old body can't keep up with this marathon cleaning binge. It's basically done - had my Wed. A.M. group here today for coffee. They couldn't believe the difference in my dining room after we knocked out the wall and closet. Tomorrow is a day of rest; and I must regroup as the kids, etc. will be here this weekend to celebrate Caitlin's 13th birthday. Mike will be here 2 1/2 days; you know that means cooking, and I have to gear up mentally for that. Check back Monday - I should have pictures, etc. of the remodel. Sally

  12. I'm glad you weren't caught in the terrible flood waters. My heart goes out to all of those people.

    My daughter had to fly into Atlanta for a business meeting on Monday and was diverted to Augusta for about 3 hours because of all the rain. I was so worried about her!

  13. I'm glad you are safe. Have lived through more hurricanes than I could ever want and know how it feels to be helpless against the weather. Glad the rain has stopped and the power is back on!!!

  14. I'm in Cobb County and we are still drying out. Nice blog.

  15. Thankfully you don't live in Florida with all the hurricanes:)

  16. So glad that you are safe and well. And your trip to Home Depot was certainly an adventure within an adventure.

    I had to chuckle about your dog needing to go out. Maxie always needed to go out at the height of thunder and lightening activity - and wouldn't go alone.
