Friday, September 25, 2009

A BOY AND HIS DOG.........

Poor Boo had a bad night last night......we weren't able to get him mobile and move him from the garage into the house until 1:00a.m..........
He panted and panted for hours and he was still unable to stand up on his own...
At 4:00 a.m. we half carried him down the front steps after he finally drank tons of water....and the rest of the night was alot of heavy whimpering breathing.....
I called the vet first thing this morning and he said to try to get him up and moving and at points in the phone call he was very silent which got me kind of nervous....
especially when I told him Boopie's feet were really cold....
2 pair of socks later......they are finally starting to warm up.....
So I got ready to head over to Walmart to pick up his prescription and the boys had finally settled down....
This is how I found them on the bedroom floor......I'm hoping as the day goes on he perks up a bit more.....
I hope the dog gets to feeling better also.....


  1. Hmmmm, he seems awfully sick for just having a tooth extracted. I hope he perks up soon!

  2. How sweet and yet how funny (the picture...not poor Boo). Your a good momma.

  3. This is womthing my husband would sweet!
    Get better Boo!

  4. oh, poor Boo. I was hoping Boo would be better by now. You are a good mama like Gamma said. Hang in there Boo we love you!!

  5. You should wrap the dog in the quilt you purchased last week to keep him warm. Perhaps they gave Boo too much Michael Jackson juice to knock him out and he is suffering the after effects. Sure hope he perks up and feels better. So sad when animals are sick.

  6. oh you know my heart aches for you, it must be scary to see him like this... what a sweet pic of a boy and his dog, you know i aprreciate and understand this 1000%... i hope he is doing better minute by minute~

  7. Awwwwwww what a sweet photo. I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

  8. That's a sweet picture! But really he shouldn't be like that for having a tooth extracted. Maxie had abdominal surgery and he didn't act like that and was under far longer than for a tooth extraction?

    I hope he's o.k.!


  9. Awwww...I am very sorry the doggy's down in the dumps! Maybe since Boo's big they over-juiced him?? And p.s., I am still LMAO at the end of your blog post. :-)
