Friday, September 25, 2009


I think all Bloggers love magazines......I know I love magazines....the more the better....
I read them....I subscribe to them....I stockpile them.....
All of them....
Decorating and Food being two of my favorites....
So when I was in Border's back in May I saw a new publication with Mario Batali plastered all over the cover.....
"The Food Magazine"
I picked out the card.....actually 4 fell out onto the floor.....and I mailed it in with my check..
$12.00 for 12 issues....
The check was cashed in May......I waited patiently for my first issue.....
Finally in July.....I thought that was a long enough wait.....I sent an e-mail to their
subscription address........
And I sent another and I sent another.....I finally sent one to the "Publisher directly........
I finally got back an answer.....
She tells me how well the first issue sold and they are working on the new issue to make it even better.....Blah....Blah....Blah......
I then ask if I could atleast get a copy of the first issue.....
Now it's the end of July and all I'm asking for is the issue from
I bet your asking what happened to the issues from April, May, June and July?
Who knows??????????
To be fair she did send me that first issue.....apparently considered a "gift" ........according to her.
Now it's the middle of more magazines.....just that "gift"....
So I send an e-mail today back to the Publisher asking when they plan on having more issues..
I didn't think this was unreasonable.....
After I'm told more the Publisher....
I ask for my money back.....
She prorates the "gift" she sent and tells me she is sending me a check for $5.46
I say this isn't acceptable....I want a refund....
The Publisher lets me know that if I contact her anymore she will bring legal action against me for harassment and being threatening.....

My question many thousands of people sent this women $12.00...had her cash the check then possibly not deliver on the magazine.....Was I the only one??
She claims that by advertising $12.00 for 12 issues does not mean an issue will come out every month......
How many years is she planning on dragging these 12 issues out....
And how much money is she making....
So if you see this magazine.....'THE FOOD MAGAZINE"
in your local store....You might consider purchasing it in person..... But I certainly wouldn't subscribe to it........ send your money to the
Food Network Magazine instead.....They actually mail you a copy every month....
And it's one great magazine.....

p.s. this isn't about getting a refund for the magazine.....that has nothing to do with's about the gall people have these days to always throw the blame onto the other guy....People don't take responsibility for their own actions anymore.....


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  2. legal action? omg i would be over the top mad... CALL JUDGE JUDY! and tell me what day to tivo your show~

  3. Sue, that's a terrible situation with that magazine. Any reputable place would have gladly refunded the entire amount. I am so sorry! I loves my magazines, too, and that is so very frustrating! About pictures of Mt. St. Michel....I was there in 1986 and took snapshots - digital cameras didn't exist then :( so I would have to have them converted to CDs (which I might do). I do have some wonderful sights from "le Mont". In fact all of my trips to France were BEFORE we got a digital camers - so I have lots of fab pics, but not on CDs. Oh, I have always loved your "rue" blog dress! Linda (p.s. I don't remember Mt. St. Michel having an odor, but they have re-directed the tide flow with the road, so that may have had something to do with it.)

  4. Sue, I don't blame you for your anger. Her response was totally unacceptable. I think you ought to go one step further and tell us who the publisher is. We don't want any more of her magazines either.

  5. You need my friend Clark Howard to the rescue on this one:)

  6. What do they mean by threatening legal action? The customer is always right, and you certainly are in this case!!! Sic your daughter on the publisher with her legalese, and we'll see who wins! Have a great week. Sally

  7. I sympathize, Sue. I ordered Martha Stewart's magazine last winter and they sent me 4 old issues as part of the 12 I bought so my subscription is ending 4 months earlier than it should. And now I'm getting renewal notices.

    If you call Clark Howard complain for me too please.

  8. That's ridiculous! I can't believe you were treated that way. And that she'd threaten legal action just because you want your $12 back? It's crazy!!

  9. Threaten legal action?! Sounds like someone's a bit of a nutter. I would actually send a complaint to the Magazine Publishers of America. I used to work in magazine publishing and the MPA took matters of ethics pretty seriously. That said, sounds like FOOD MAGAZINE may not be a member...but they certainly are a magazine. Anyway, could be worth a shot!

  10. That sticks! Thanks for the heads up!
