Sunday, August 9, 2009

JULIE AND JULIA..........A Movie Review.

Back from 3 weeks in Jersey with daughter and Miss B it was too hot here today in Georgia to do anything but to be inside in air today at 1:00 I did something I never do......
Leaving the Boss well fed and at home I went up to the corner movie theater to see
"Julie and Julia".....
Never before a fan of Julia Child I did become interested in her life after reading her book "My Life in France"....... It was very entertaining reading about her living in France during the early years.....I also had read the Julie Powell book at the suggestion of daughter so I just had to see the movie.........The place was packed with people getting in from the was 97 degrees outside.........and at the end of the movie the whole place applauded......which always kills me.....What exactly are you applauding?
Anyhoo.....the movie was half the early years of Julia and the other half was Julie Powell's blog cooking her way through Julia's French cookbook......
Meryl Streep..... I have to say....... was terrific as Julia.....there was lots of laughter from the crowd at her delivery of certain lines.....I didn't think she was a caricature of Julia..... she made you really love her......Their celebrations on Valentines Day was delightful.....especially with everyone wearing big red paper hearts at a dinner party they threw......They seemed to have had such fun...
Stanley Tucci as her husband was equally entertaining and I thought one of the highlights of the movie was when her sister from Pasadena visited her in France.....they could have had more scenery and certainly more food scenes especially during her time at Le Cordon Bleu cooking school......Infact I had wished the entire movie was only about would have been alot more interesting then the Julie Powell half.....I didn't care for the actors that played Julie and her husband and I had a problem dealing with the fact that the apartment they lived in was a dump and yet she must have spent a fortune during the year she cooked her way through the cookbook.....How much did those 3 huge lobsters set her back? One of her friends did suggest she add PayPal to the side bar of her blog so readers could send her money to offset the cost of the food and I found that to be very tacky....
As a seasoned cook for 40 years I could not envision myself cooking such elaborate meals in a tiny cluttered kitchen and actually enjoying it......From my summer spent in Paris..... roasting a chicken in the toaster oven was my limit....
At the end of the movie Julie finds out from a reporter that Julia knew of her project and was not at all thrilled about which point Julie says "Maybe I used the "F" word too much"......
Do you think?
That was what I didn't care for in her book and I'm sure Julia had the same reaction....or perhaps it was the donations she asked for.....
All in all I enjoyed the Meryl Streep scenes and would recommend you going to see it if you find yourself in over 90 degree weather.....If not wait until it comes out on DVD and fast forward through the Julie scenes....


  1. Thanks for the movie review. Interesting article in our paper this morning about a one-week visit she made to Birmingham in 1973. The characters she visited were probably more interesting than Julia herself.

    Here's a link to the article:

  2. Love the review, Sue. From the previews I've seen, I thought I'd wait for the DVD. Your review cinched it for me. ha! I've been thinking I wished they just did the whole film about Julia. She truly had an interesting life filled with even more interesting people.

    Thanks for the review.


  3. Loved the movie. It made me want to cook everything!

  4. I visited Julie's blog and honestly, couldn't see any redeeming qualities in it or in her that would make me go see the movie. Now, I will wait for the DVD as you suggested and enjoy MERYL! Thanks for the review, and I'm glad you got out of the heat and into the movie!

  5. Sue, we saw the movie this weekend and loved it. The theater was packed and laughter was everywhere. While I thought Julie did a good job, I, too wondered where she got the money to prepare all that expensive food! Also, I would have loved for the entire movie to have been about Julia Child. Meryl Streep deserves an Oscar for that performance! Linda

  6. Hi Sue - Its so nice to have you back blogging again. Thanks so much for the review. All the reviews say that Meryl Streep is the star of the show. Can't wait to see it. Hopefully this week.

    My bread baking is coming along nicely. Thanks.

  7. Welcome back to the Land of Blog!

    I plan on seeing this movie, mainly because I love Meryl Streep. The pairing of Meryl and Amy Adams in Doubt secured that fact that I plan on seeing this movie.
    since I have not read either book, I will not have any preconceived notion as what to expect, but the fine performances of one anchored actor and the new up and coming one.
    Thanks for the review!!!

  8. Thanks for the review. I think there is a another review out there by a top movie reviewer who said almost the same thing. So since you concur, I may wait for the DVD. is rather hot here lately. I do love Meryl...
    I've wondered where you've been. I'm happy you're back!!

  9. Hi Sue!! Glad you are back as I have missed your regular posts. I even posted food on Foodie Friday last week, so you would know I was still cooking. LOL!! I was going drag Bob to The City to see Julie/Julia, but now we may just wait for DVD. Julia always irritated me in real live TV anyway, and wasn't sure I could handle an imitation. How was the trip to the home state? Bet you loved seeing 'cutie patootie" on a daily basis. Take care, Sally

  10. I cannot wait to see it. I may try to carve out some time this week in the evening to see it.

  11. Welcome home and back to blogging!

    I appreciate your movie this is one I want to see. Years ago I would see Julia doing her cooking show on TV but could never stand her breathing and voice (the young are so critical!)...but from the trailer I could see that Meryl Streep is fabulous. I see they had her standing on a stool throughout the whole movie to make her about 6 feet tall as was Julia! I appreciate the alert about the second half.... I'm going to see the movie when I get the'll be fun.

  12. We saw it this weekend and of course, since we have always loved Julia Child, we loved the movie. I agree, a movie just about Julia would be fabulous:>)

  13. What a joy it was to sit in the theater and watch this movie! Pure entertainment! I loved the whole movie, and even liked the parts with Julie, unlike most of the critics. I would rather have seen more of Julia rather than the modern day scenes with Julie, but it made it all the enjoyable when the movie reverted to 1950s Paris.

  14. I wanted more, more, MORE Julia! IT totally would have made a fascinating biopic, especially with Ms. Streep at the helm. I saw a screening where the movie was introduced by (the real) Julie Powell. She's delightful and I think that made me accept the Julie part of the movie more. :-) And I did enjoy the book, I have to say.

  15. Hi Sue!
    I totally agree with everything you had to say about the movie.
    Meryl Streep did a fabulous job, for me she was Julia. Loved the scene with her and her sister!
    To me Julie just didn't seem like she was enjoying cooking. She always seemed frustrated, and unhappy. Although I did enjoy the movie, I thought it would have been a better story if it was just about Julia.

  16. Cant wait to see it, just for Meryls rendition of Julia, the book was funny, a little raunchy--I would think since you spent some time in France you were even more intrigued with the story, it cought my eye because she started a blog.

  17. LOL...Sue, you must know that almost every NYC kitchen is tiny and cluttered? You should see mine! I marvel myself how I get anything done with no counter space and bumping into my refrigerator at my back while standing facing my I have to store extra pots and baking dishes in my basement..there is just no room in my kitchen.

    I didn't read Julie's book but I have seen her blog and yes she does use the "F" word too much --it's just not my style.

    I loved Julia Child and I love Meryl Streep --hope to see the movie this weekend! Great review!
