Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Anybody that is a reader of this blog knows that we are one wacky family.....and we always have strange things happening to us....
I never embellish....or add anything extra to make these stories more interesting...
They usually just include me and the Boss......you add to the mix the daughter and our hi-jinx get kicked up a notch....
Well..... daughter is in town with Miss "B" so it's no surprise that last evening events put us into a whole new category..........
Father and daughter decided to take in a late flick after Miss "B" went to bed...leaving Grandma home to babysit.....They are big movie fans.....me not so much...All was going well...... baby was sleeping peacefully so around midnight I went to bed......
Daughter wakes me up from a dead sleep around 2:00 a.m. to tell me this was found in the SSR outside of the open all night Walmart up in Woodstock
THIS IS NOT A STUFFED ANIMAL.....Yes......you're looking at a real live baby lamb.....
sitting comfortably in the front seat of the Boss' beloved Chevy SSR convertible pick up...
He left the top down.
He and daughter went inside the Walmart to return a Redbox and decided at 1:00a.m. to roam the vast aisles of the superstore that sells everything....
Upon returning to the truck husband loaded up the stuff in the back then headed towards his door when he stopped and said to daughter......
"Don't get into the car, there is a creature in the front seat"........
Now those of you who are reading this can certainly say....."These people are nuts".....that's perfectly okay because when daughter woke me up to tell me this the first thing out of my mouth was.....
"Am I hallucinating?"
Yes, someone for whatever reason dumped a brand new baby lamb into the truck.....
Can you say....."This could only happen in Georgia".......
Police were called......
Lamb was taken away.....and thank goodness I wasn't there because it would now be residing at our house as a pet for the Boo Dog......
After all he is a Sheep Herding dog....
To read an extremely funny complete version of this escapade go visit the daughters blog for the blow by blow minute by minute account....
Daughter's Blog


  1. Well, I knew Walmart had everything but this is ridiculous!!! I would have taken the little lamb home...

  2. Oh Sue...that little guy would so be at my house right now! That's how I found my kitty Isabella...at Lowe's!! lol Hope you are having a great week!...Debbie

  3. I'm telling you, someone needs to turn your life into a sitcom. The only thing is is it believable? I hope the little lamb finds a good home. Mimi

  4. my gosh Sue! That is the cutest little lambie, I would have brought it home for sure! I actually got a lamb for my birthday one year, (well it's mother died and it just happened to be given to my dad to raise, but it WAS my birthday and I claimed it in a hot minute!) They make the sweetest pets. It followed me everywhere whenever I went outside. Now I want another. Besides, they're pretty tasty....

  5. Taken directly from my DIL's post on my FB page:

    The only cooking class I took was on making cheese. We made fresh ricotta and pecorino. Very interesting and delicious, but I probably won't be making them anytime soon in my own kitchen since I don't own any sheep or goats. Maybe someday :)

    Apparently the sheep people misplaced that sheep.

    Too funny!


  6. Sue, This is too funny. You really do have some wonderful stories and I agree with Mimi Sue, your life should be made into a sitcom.


  7. How weird .. surely that little lamb didnt climb in there him/herself .. I hope he/she is sent to an animal farm

  8. You know, we must meet - because things that you write about just crack me up. I did read this at your daughter's blog. And I laughed.

  9. The lamb must have been your Bastille Day Present.

  10. I can't believe someone left that lamb - they are worth too much money. My family was in the sheep business for years and years, and lambs are a precious commodity. It must have been stolen by some pranksters. It still makes for a very funny story. Hope you and daughter plus Miss B. are enjoying yourselves. Take care, Sally

  11. I'm speechless! I went over to read your daughter's blog too. Amazing. I'm only hoping the little lamb is being well cared for...he/she was so very cute and cuddly looking in that black leather seat.

  12. Too, too funny. You guys should be a sitcom :)b

  13. Bah, way to funny. Did you say the cooking class has been changed to Leg Of Lamb recipes? I need a depend since I am laughing so hard from your post and your link to your daughter. Enjoy your family this week.

  14. OMG, that is such a hoot. I think I would have took him home.

  15. Ahhhh...what a sweetie. Maisie would have loved having that little lamb for a friend too. She needs some sheep to shepherd!

  16. Well now that's really odd! I wonder what the police did with the lamb? Have a good weekend!


  17. UPDATE ON LAMB-CHOP.....I called the police dispatcher who picked up Miss Lamb and they said they took her to the local animal shelter and suggested I go visit her.....I called the local shelter and they claimed she was never there.....I don't know but there was a smell of "Leg O' Lamb" up in Woodstock yesterday? and I think husband would have brought it home if we had a big piece of property....Just think of all the cheese I could have made....

  18. You've got to turn all your stories into a book, Sue. This is just too weird. Who would put a baby lamb in the front seat of somebody's car? The suspense is killing me.

  19. So funny, ya...the baby lamb would have come home with me too.

  20. Sue...that is the wildest thing ever! What a sweet, darling little lamb. I can't believe he just stayed there in the truck. I wonder if the folks were hiding somewhere watching what the reaction would be. I'm just amazed!

  21. P.S. I was born in GA, lived here all my life and I can promise, I don't know a soul whose ever come out of a Walmart to find a baby lamb in their vehicle! LOL

  22. Oh Sue, that is funny! Another reason to avoid The Walmart.

    I would have taken it home too.

  23. Oh what a sweet little lamb. Perhaps Bo Peep was around the parking lot looking for it or actually it was Mary who had the lamb!

    Funny story!

  24. Oh how precious Sue...how could anyone abandon such an angel.
    But what a blessing to have YOU there for it. Your life is truly a sit com! I love it... ;0


  25. Hi Sue the other rue :)

    A lamb?? Holy smokes! LOL I would have kept it too :)


    PS I loved the post about your mom and dad.

  26. awww... how sweet. What a fun story to pass on!

  27. Are you O.K.? Haven't heard anything from you for awhile. Hope you are well and just busy with company. Sally

  28. Only you, Sue. And only at WalMart.

  29. Hi dear lady!! I hope all is well..just stopping by again 'cause I missed you!
    You must be busy doing something terribly exciting huh??


  30. Only you - dear friend. I hope you are writing all this fun stuff down - make a book! I had a great time today. Feel better. I read your daughter's story too. sandie
