Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Class of 68'......meet the Class of 59'

When ever I go back to the "Motherland" I always try to catch up with some of the girls.....Usually having a lunch or dinner with one or two of the ladies from high school days....This time it was a true mini reunion....Two of these lovely ladies I had not seen in over 40 years!! Now that's a reunion......Sandy....Jan....Me...Gayle.....Marlene and Cheryl.....aka. Nunze.
Met up for dinner one night while I was in town.....Nunzie requested a quite spot so we could sit for hours and reminisce about our crazy days at Rahway High....Class of 68'
What we got was just the opposite.....We found ourselves at a tiny very loud Italian restaurant where you couldn't even here yourself think.......Poor Marlene......Poor Marlene Hell, she was the one that suggested the place.....missed 90% of the evenings conversation as the waiter kept asking her to move her seat over another 6" so he could pass thru.....by nights end she was almost sitting on Gayle's lap!
Here is Sandy and Jan......
I pointed out to the ladies that Crazy J. seems to be like Benjamin Button.....This women is going to be 60 next year.....She's actually aging in reverse!!
For years and years now I have been sending her a birthday card on August 13th.....
I found out that her birthday was really the next day or August 5th.....
I wondered why she never questioned why she always gets her birthday card late???
Happy Birthday BFF!!
When Gayle saw the camera she immediately went into her imitation of one of our friends who poses every time someone points a camera in her direction....
No names please.....
Gayle's blond locks are still as gorgeous as they were in high school....

Okay......what's your secret?

This is more like it.....
Could my arms look any larger?
I'm surprised my little point and shoot camera was able to get us both in the shot.
I have been friends with Marlene for almost 50 years!!
We are the original "Lucy and Ethel"......
and last but not least me and Nunzie......
We all had a wonderful time.....well, maybe not all.....Janice was allergic to Marlene's perfume and could barely see by nights end.....Poor Nunze looked like her head was going to explode from the noise.....and the waiter who received a very hefty tip was pissed off that I asked him to take our group picture......Needless to say we decided to do it again real soon......
But someplace else.


  1. What a great way to spend an evening:>)

  2. I think I might have been less generous with the tip. My 45th high school reunion will be the weekend after Labor Day. I may be brave enough to post pictures like you.

  3. Welcome to New Jersey! I've lost count of what year reunion this would be, but I think next year is my...umm.. 40th? Yikes.

    But it's in New York. Better waiters.

  4. Class of '68, unh??? I was already an old lady in 1968. Looks like you all had lots of fun. When I get together with my classmates, it's like the years have never passed! Take care, Sally

  5. You were north again and we still haven't met! Are you avoiding me??? Only kidding - hope we'll meet on one of your trips.

  6. Getting together with old friends is the best! I've never attended a class reunion however. Too scary.

  7. Just sayin'....these are some hot lookin' mamas!

  8. Hi Sue...I am also the class of '68! I went to my high school reunion last summer and worried for weeks about looking fat and old, so I was happy that everyone looked like me and seemed so much mellower than before! However, the football stars and cheerleaders still sat together after all these years! Funny!
    I scrolled down and read your review. I did one, too. I pretty much loved the whole thing just because I love Amy Adams as well as Meryl, but have since found the Julie/Julia blog. No wonder Julia didn't like it...waaaay too much profanity for me!
    Isn't it about time for the Viking cooking school outing? Have fun!!!...Debbie

  9. I love that you're still in tough with your lady friends back home! Thanks to facebook, I've reconnected with a bunch of people I've really missed. It's been nice.

    Hope to see you when you return to NJ. We've had a helluva COLD MILK summer. ;-) So it would be nice to have lots of happy times.

  10. Nothing better than getting together with your oldest friends, they hold your deepest secrets, and your silliest times in their hearts, looks like great fun Sue!

  11. You are so cute, too, Sue! Old friends are the best ...they share history! I still hang around with my HS crew whenever possible :-)

  12. Ahhhhhhh.........I'm a class of '68 grad too! I'm glad you gals had the opportunity to get together....lots of laughs, I'm sure! Especially AT the waiter. He should have joined in, he'd have had loads more fun!


  13. Wow! Great reunion...I too graduated in 1968...only in California! We had our reunion last summer. It was so much fun. Thanks for sharing. Mumzie :)
