Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A "NEW" JERSEY CURSE WORD.............

Daughter lives directly off of Rt. 1 up in Jersey and travels on it daily......a highway filled with lunatics you take your life in your hands driving on it......last week we were driving over to Wegmans to do some food shopping and someone driving at a high rate of speed came up on daughter from behind then cut her off......
Not one to be timid daughter blew her horn and shouted out one of many infamous Jersey curse words......
And then we heard it.......
A loud "little" voice".......yelling at the height of her toddler capacity......from the back seat.....
Yes......Miss B was putting in her two cents to the crazed driver of the other car.....shouting her disapproval at cutting off her mother......
the question is.....
Is she in training to be your typical "Jersey Driver"......
or is she trying to turn the highways of Jersey into a kinder gentler place to drive.....


  1. Next time I get ticked off I think I will yell COLD MILK vs the F word which really does express everything perfectly.

  2. Sue, that is so funny! Cold Milk is my new word! I've had obnoxious drivers tailgate me, so I do what most do, I slow down ha! Best part is as they are passing me (on the right) and honking and yelling obscenities at me, I smile and wave hello like I know them. It's fun to see the expression on their faces..."oh my gosh, do I know her?" ha!

    Little Miss B is such an adorable bundle of joy!


  3. That is way too funny. I think I will yell it out the window on 75 and see the reaction from the other driver:)

  4. Sounds like a good word to me. I think I'll try it.

  5. Ah-hahahahahahaha! I am TOTALLY going to yell "COLD MILK!" at the next person who cuts me off. Which will probably be tomorrow. 'Cause I live in Jersey and all.

    Oh MY...I think I am going to laugh about this all night...

  6. LOL....I think she's all about being a softer, kinder New Jersian. I'm shouting that at everyone from now on!

  7. They're all Jersey drivers in training. As soon as they are old enough to speak, the Jersey road rage responses are spoken.

    I hate that section of Rt. 1. My friend owns the big liquor store on Rt. 1 and I worked there for a while when he first opened. I still can't believe I never got creamed on that road.

  8. Just look at that face...Adorable!

  9. Oh, she's adorable! How funny.


  10. Out of the mouths of babes!!! It would be my bet that she is a Jersey driver in training. They pick up everything - so much that we don't realize our influence. I really have to watch my judgmental mouth around our grandkids!! Yes, believe it or not, I don't spend all of my time cooking -- I occasionally have a few choice words in judgment to offer. LOL. Sally

  11. LOL That's a great tactic...scream out Cold Milk and leave them confused as you drive off. :-) I like Tina's idea. We sure have our share of insane driver in ATL! Hey...has the cooking class happened yet...and if so, was it fun? :-)

  12. About how long did that take to wear off? I'm about wetting my Depends every time I think about it. You gals must have about died then and there. My favorite traffic guidance words used to be centered around the F word, but the C M words could do some serious damage. Geez.You need to be careful about what words you let her utter in public. Next thing you know, she'll be using the PB&J bomb at church!!


  13. She is soooo cute! I think if we got her together with my two little grandgirls the universe would never be the same! Looks like you had a ton of fun with your friends. I'm waaaayyy younger than you, I'm the class of '70. Mimi

  14. Ms B is too cute to say anything but sweetness ..and COLD MILK is perfect! LOL

    So many maniacs on the road these days in a rush, with no manners, no signal lights and no's a miracle we all survive!

  15. She is so adorable and one smart little cookie~ Cindy

  16. So funny, Sue. I'll try to remember that the next time I'm searching for just the right words to sum up a situation.

    Oh my gosh, she's adorable.

  17. How cute....the Little Darlin' AND her commentary. Adorable.

