Thursday, August 20, 2009

THE DIET GURU........A Guest Blogger and a Thinner "Boss"

Way back in April I was sitting next to the "Boss" on the couch and as I glanced over at him I thought I was hallucinating.......or maybe in need of glasses....I thought I actually saw 3 of him....

What I actually saw was his head on the body of Chef Paul Pruhomme from New Orleans......complete with sitting on one of those "Little Rascals"......You know the thingie that you have to ride around in when your too fat to walk....Not that I'm implying that Chef Prudhomme might not have some type of disability....

When did this man that I lived with for 39 years swell up to the size that could get you a spot in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade?

We were visiting daughter in Jersey.......oh sure....hard seeded rolls with Taylor Pork Roll....Stewart's Drive In.....White Diamond Burgers.....we were both eating ourselves into oblivion.....

When he consented to this picture below.....Please don't get scared.....and he promised that as soon as we returned to Georgia we would both go on diets......
That was three months ago almost to the day......This is how the "Boss" looks now.....
he has lost a whopping 41 pounds since the second week in May
I thought it might be helpful if we interview him today and find out how he did it....No special diet...No Weight Watcher's....or Jenny Craig......just good old common sense......

Now, I haven't been so lucky and as all us ladies know that men can lose alot more weight in a short time then women can but as of today I have lost 14 pounds and I'm not giving up using his plan until I lose 20 more pounds......Let's see how he did it......

Q.....from the wife........ What made you finally decide your weight was getting out of control?

A.....from The Boss.......I was having a bit of difficulty picking up the granddaughter on our visit......and I realized I could no longer see my toes! Now I have always been blessed with good health, so I decided to lose weight before it caused me to develop a health problem. I also noticed my Harley Davidson Motorcycles wincing every time I walked by!

Q.......What was the main thing you had to give up in order to lose so much weight so quickly...and can anyone do this?

A....... Yes in my opinion our bodies have two modes, you are either storing fat or burning fat depending on the number of calories you consume daily. When I was gaining weight I had decided I could eat anything I wanted....anytime I felt like it. To lose the weight I began looking at what I was eating on a daily basis . I was drinking a quart of Peach Snapple (diluted with 16oz of water) every day all day.... I didn't even give it a thought until I looked and realized that the Snapple alone was nearly 1000 calories a day, before any food..... I finally read the label and it's not made with the finest things on is sweetened with corn syrup.... I bought the book "Eat This Not That" and began looking at what I was eating......did you know a family sized box of Sunmaid Raisins is 900 Calories? I began watching what I was eating, no soda or fast food. Three meals a day, with fresh fruit if I was hungry and I found I would lose between 1/2 to 1 1/2lbs every evening while I slept.

Q.......Can anyone really do this without joining Weight Watchers or any of the other "Diet Plans"

A..........Yes, while it is a good idea to discuss your options with your doctor I found little hope in that situation. I was advised to come home from work and go jogging! You have a little man (the doctor) all of 135lbs soaking wet telling you to work all day and come home and go jogging!

The real secret is to become aware of the current number of calories you are currently
consuming. If you cut back on that number and don't starve yourself (very important) eat 3 meals daily you will find yourself with much more energy and the daily weight loss I have described.
I'm certain all the plans out there help people (usually by draining their wallets) but do you want to find yourself attending meetings for the rest of your life? Do it yourself, and it will stick!
Q............What do you eat now in an average day?
A................ For breakfast I usually have oatmeal with a little butter/brown sugar and fresh fruit and a bottle of ice cold water. Or I might have cereal.......... again with fresh fruit and a bottle of water. Breakfast is your most important meal because it activates your metabolism which gives you energy and helps burn calories. If you skip breakfast your metabolism believes you are fasting so it slows down to conserve energy!
Lunch is usually a cold plate tuna or turkey, pickles, cottage cheese, a sliced tomato and 5 Triscuit crackers and another bottle of water.
Dinner is whatever the chef is fixing......usually roasted chicken, pasta, sirloin steak with fresh vegetables and wild rice.....sliced tomato with a little feta cheese. No potatoes or bread. I usually have my single Coke Zero of the day with dinner.
We have just started eating at 6pm then going for a 3/4 mile walk at 7pm. I must add that I lost the 40 lbs before I began anyone can do it!
Desert when we return home is fresh fruit and another bottle of ice cold water! So you can see I am not hungry, or starving myself. Simply eating a balanced diet of healthy food.
I try to get at least 7 hours sleep at night and wake up the next morning usually 1/2 to 1 1/2lbs lighter.
Remember these simple rules:
1. Avoid fast food, or junk food.
2. Avoid regular soda or drinks loaded with calories (read the labels).
3.Avoid sweet deserts.
4.Drink lots of water.
5.Read the labels!
Then you will be on your way! I began writing this blog on Monday........ tonight is Wednesday and I am down to 219........43lbs lost in 3 months.
My goal is 185.......a friend asked me what I would do if I can't stop losing weight.......
I'll go buy a Big Mac.....and wash it down with a quart of Peach Snapple!
Not Suggested!!
Wondering where did the man 'boobs" go???
LET THE WIFE HAVE THE LAST WORD......after all it is my blog......

I hope this helps a bit to some of you our there that are fighting the battle of the bulge.....and who isn't?
It's all about your health....and for us women I think our self esteem.....

I realized I needed to lose the weight on a flight back home from Jersey.......A rather large age.... was sitting across the aisle from me and before we took off I noticed that she wasn't putting on her seat belt...then I realized she couldn't.....she was just to fat so she was hiding the fact by having her jacket covered over her lap.....I felt bad but I finally leaned over and told her that extenders were available from the flight attendant....she looked embarrassed and I felt bad that I had to say can't take off without your seat belt on.....but I also realized that one more "All You Can Eat Ribs" at Sonny's BBQ and that could be me.....
We'll Keep You posted on Our Progress.....


  1. The first pic of The Boss looks just like my hubby and we both have been saying we need to lose weight for about 3 years now... shameful I know. My weakness is chocolate and his is Diet Dr. Pepper. We need to actually get motivated and just "DO IT." I think that if he sees me losing the extra layer that will motivate him. I guess next week when we meet for lunch it is salad only.

  2. Yay for the Dad! Great "after" pictures!

  3. How inspirational! Very brave in the before photo, too. And on his way to svelt.

    I'd like to be svelt. I don't want to go to meetings or to join something that has food sent to my house. I want to be able to do this too.

    PS ~ You should see my husband. He is as thin as a male model. (And it pisses me off just a tad).

  4. Congratulations to your DH. He has done so good and has really been sticking to it. Good for him. I need to pay attention to what he says and watch what I'm eating. Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs, Marty

  5. Just this morning I was moaning to myself how unfair it is (whoever said life is fair anyway!) that just because I'm 59 years old there's no reason I have to be 30 pounds heavier than I was 30 years ago. And here is my husband who still weights the same as he did in college...tall and slim. Ridiculous. The Boss's story has re-inspired me to keep on trying. And to stop feeling sorry for myself and DO something about it. Thanks!

  6. wow- thanks to The Boss for being so brave!
    And you're doing a fine job too!

    Maybe your tips will sink in,and get me back on track!

    Keep it up- and let us know!

  7. The boss looks great! Good for him, and you!

    My husband and I each lost 40 pounds for our son's wedding ( South beach diet) and then afterwards went on a cruise and put it right back on. It is so hard when you love to cook and eat!

    I have been trying hard this summer to stick to more vegetables and less eveything else, and it's working, slowly but surely.

  8. Hi Sue,
    You have the bravest hubby in all of bloggyland! What a sport to let you take the first pic! Congrats to him and congrats to you on the weight loss! Hubby and I both want to lose 20 and your so right, it comes off the guy much quicker with the fact they have more muscle. Thanks for the tips too! Cindy

  9. Wow, he looks great! Congrats on all the success!

  10. What an accomplishment Boss!!! You must be proud of your accomplishment and keep on keepin' on until you reach your goal!

    I've learned from the doctor that caffeine will really sabotage your weight lose. As will artificial sweeteners.

    so...when will you run that 5K???

  11. Way to go! It seems like all diets come down to portion control and wise choices. We like W Watcher (not members - just using their technique) because it puts thing into perspective - for example, a glass it sweet tea is 2 points - not worth it to me! That is a chunk of my daily allowance. Again, good choices and portion contol. Proud of you! We are still working on losing our weight with good success. Keep it up! Linda

  12. Congrats to both of you. My problem is that I would like to lose about 5 pounds. That is really hard, because I eat pretty healthy anyway. And if I just starve, then it goes back on when I start eating normally.

  13. Congratulations to the both of you and to the "Boss" for being brave enough to let you post his pictures in your blog. Great post, so honest and some very good advice. Both the Hubs & myself have been trying to loose some weight, and then we do something like bake that chocolate cake last weekend and blow it! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. Mumzie

  14. Congrats to you both! I know that wasn't easy in a household that centers around food. But, isn't it the pits that men lose so much easier than we do. Bob has remained thin all of these years in spite of the millions of cookies he has eaten. That's maddening, too. I look at a cookie and gain a pound. I eat one and gain two pounds! Keep at it; I'm really impressed. Sally

  15. Congrats to The Boss and to you for your progress and for keeping things on track in the kitchen.

    Yeah, if it only were this easy....

  16. Way to go ... smaller portions, drink water not carbonated or sugared drinks and cutting back on the carbs AND walking are the most sensible diet tips there are

    Congrats to the Boss

  17. Great post and great thinner guest blogger. Way to go guys! I had to laugh when your husband said he wakes up 1/2 to 1` 1/2 pounds thinner as I am wondering how Michael Jacksons Dr. had Michael keeping his weight off by putting him into a coma every night. Off to take a nap now so that I can take off an ounce:) I applaud your Boss. Keep up the good work and stop making tarts:)

  18. Congratulations to the Boss!! He looks so good! Congrats to you too you gorgeous lady you. I am trying...down only 10 so far and it is SO hard. I have to revamp my entire life to do this and that is HARD! But it is worth it I know...
    I am so proud of ya'll...: )


  19. Congratulations to your husband! Having lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago I know how hard it is (it's even harder to keep it off)!

    I buy flaxseed at Kroger in their health food section. I would imagine Whole Foods/Trader Joe's would also have it. I buy the seed and we have an old coffee mill that we use to grind it a bit at a time. Keep it in the fridge. Thanks for the compliment on my header! It was a surprise from a reader from one the pictures I used on a post!


  20. Hi Sue, it all makes sense and we have heard it so many times but we are all looking for the magic that will let us have our figures and eat cake too. It is a never ending battle of motivation and fighting ourselves over the bad habits we have developed over a lifetime! Sigh, time for me to wake up and smell the ice cold water and start making those tough choices. Thanks for the reminder. You are both to be commended on your achievement!

  21. Wow, Sue! I am sooo impressed! I am slowly coming to grips with the thought that I need to do the same thing. Ugh! Still working on the mind set! I admire your sticktoitiveness!! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie
    PS Don't feel bad abaout your birdies. On a much sadder note, only two of three broods of bluebirds in my backyard have made it to adulthood, including one set of eggs never hatched. :-(

  22. Awesome!! Good for you and the Boss!! It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to lose weight and to also see how you really I need to go work on motivation for myself. Great post!!!

  23. Hi Sue,
    I just had to laugh about your comments on the Door County Fish Boil. Yes, the fire is a tradition and totally safe too! The meal is totally awesome and they serve Door County Cherry Pie for dessert! Happy Saturday and Sunday too! Cindy

  24. Congratulations both of you. It is a hard thing to do. But at our age it's about being healthy, don't you think? I might have to start my healthy eating plan on Monday since I have a loaf of your wonderful rye bread rising in my kitchen and a crockpot of corned beef simmering away. We'll be thinking of you as we eat our sandwich tomorrow. Mimi

  25. Sorry about the corned beef comment. That was rather rude of me. Mimi
