Sunday, August 23, 2009


11 Years...deserves 2 cupcakes !!! Enjoying the frosting first........
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks!! Miss "B" thought he was a pony....never being near children he was so tolerant of her riding all around the house on his back....

11 years ago today a new breed of dog came into this world..... On a farm in the mountains of North Georgia the "Boo Dog" was born.......He was soon after adopted and became a member of our family.....It was October 31st.....our wedding anniversary....when we drove back up to the farm to pick him up and bring him home...we had gone the previous weekend and the conditions of the farm and his parents were pretty bad.....Being Great Pyrenees with their long white fur we found two horribly matted "herding" dogs living outside in a dirt run.....Boo was only one of two puppies left....The owner offered us a "good deal" if we took both....."Cash Only" we don't take no checks......... So we drove all the way back to Marietta dogless but something told us all week long that we really needed to go back and get that dog....

So the following weekend we drove the two hours to find Boo waiting for us.....
I kneeled down in the run and as he came over to me he rested his head on my shoulder....
the other puppy didn't even come close....

So one cash sale later in the back of daughter's Jeep home we went....
We stopped at Hardee's and got him some mashed potatoes and gravy....He looked hungry...
He loved those potatoes.........
His name...well that was a no brainer...after all it was Halloween !!
So here we are 11 years later......He still thinks in the grand scheme of things that he is second in command in the family pecking order.....
I come in somewhere around 4th. place behind the Fedex guy....
He got his usual birthday cupcake this year.....I gave it to him early in the day because as Mr. Roper over at the Sleepy Hollow Kennel says......
"You know when they get to be this age everyday is just touch an go...."
Mr. Roper calls him "Son" and we are happy to report on what is really his 77th. birthday that he is in wonderful health.....(we have to tell this to Mr. Roper everytime we drop him off at the kennel....Mr. R. gets a little nervous as the years go by)

We think your Boopalicous!


  1. Happy Birthday beautiful Boo!! Gee, you rank 4th, unh? I'm further down below the grandkids! Have a great week. Sally

  2. White as a ghost and October 31 all rolled into one. Of course his name is "Boo." Happy Birthday!

  3. Is he on a diet too? Loved the photo of the baby riding him like a horse:) Happy Birthday big fella!

  4. Boo is such a gorgeous guy. I think his poop is probably bigger than our little chihuahua mix. Happy Birthday Boo! The corned beef sandwiches were delish. I made some coleslaw to go with them. It was a coolish day with thunderstorms and rain so they were a perfect meal. I will forever be grateful for those recipes. Thanks again... Mimi

  5. Happy birthday Boo! You are a handsome fellow and don't look a day over 50 dog years!

  6. AAAAAWWWEEE, Happy Birthday Boo!! Enjoy those cupcakes. What a great post for a wonderful family member!!

  7. Hi Sue, Boo is a beauty! I wish him a happy doggy birthday and many more to come:>) By the way, you won my give-away! I was so excited when I pulled out your name. It is always nice to have one of my sweet friends win. It means a little something extra to know the pillow is going to someone I like so much! So congratulations and I'll need your address so I can send it! My email is

  8. What a beautiful dog....Happy Birthday Boo! They sure are good company, aren't they? We love our little Ruby Mae too....

    Hugs! Happy Monday...

  9. Sue...I am so so sorry that anyone thinks you are the other Sue that is causing all the ruckus. I feel so bad that anyone would think that! I hope it hasn't caused you any trouble. Oh and Happy birthday to Boo!!!!

  10. Happy birthday to your Boo. And many more.

  11. What a cute post about BOO's birthday and how he became a part of your family Sue! I love it, and I love him, he's SO PRECIOUS! We love our little Abbie girl too.... Sweet! ~CC Catherine

  12. Hi Sue...thanks for letting me know about Boo's birthday. He is such a handsome boy...and oh so young looking! Maisie thinks he rocks!

  13. oh i love the story, the pics, the kindness... goosebumps really, i love happy endings! we found a kitten on this 4th of july, named him independence, call him indy, its fun boo is your halloweeny baby too~ may he live many more years, he sure is a beauty~
