Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TOP CHEF LAS VEGAS........Chef Show or Freak Show?

Okay.....I'm 45 minutes into the new season of Top Chef and all I have to say is
Did they pick the contestant/Chefs according to how many tattoos they have?
I thought I was tuning into "Miami Ink" for a quick minute.....
And I actually had to ask the Boss "Is that a man or a women".......a few times....
I did think the Tat on of the competing brothers was sort of cute....
that little knife and fork on his hand....
But what is with the girl (?) with the huge ink all over her chest.....
And then let's not forget the "Aunt Jemima" get-up on one of the ladies....
She looks like Rosie O'Donnell high on Pancake Syrup...
Why all the lip thingies???
I think I may be rooting for Mattin and Hector.....shouldn't a good chef have some kind of accent?
Take Wolfgang Puck.....great accent.
Then so far the food has me shaking my head....
Bacon donuts with beer and chocolate sauce.....Oh yes, that will win you top prize....
And last but not least....Let's not forget Padma and Tom.....
Padma is dressed like a Matador....
And who gave Tom a whistle.....?


  1. Hi Sue-- Well, guess I'm going to have to tune in and see what's going on - not the food, the people! I've heard of bacon and chocolate combined before, but what a way to ruin two of my favorite foods! Sally

  2. It sounds like I missed a good one! I'm going to DVR it next week. Mimi

  3. Hey Sue, Sounds like you need to be the MC for this're a riot and your sense of humor would add a spectacular spice to the show! :) How was the cooking session last Friday? I was in Charleston with my hubby having a much needed vacation. I hated to miss the cooking session with you all....I've been way behind on blogging this summer...much going on in the family! ~Hugs! ~CC Catherine

  4. I am laughing so hard at this post. My thoughts exactly on your take of the show. I kept waiting for the other circus entertainers to show up like the fire eating bearded lady. Doesn't anyone tell the gal with the rings in her lips that if she can't present herself in an appealing manner how in the world can she present her food. Kept thinking of Donna worrying if she should wear the blue or white or black jacket as her angle to get on a cooking show. Freaks are in I guess along with their bacon/choc/donuts. The direct result of the Twinkie & Hostess Ding Dong generation wanting to cook!

  5. Last night, I tuned in briefly to see what it was all about. I saw our own Richard Blais, who I met at the Metropolitan Cooking show. A true sweetie.
    so who wins in this show, the team?

  6. oo funny. I have never watched it but it sounds like a hoot!

  7. I really, really dislike ink. Even the cleverest. Have these illustrated people ever really looked at the tattoo of an eighty year old? They turn into ink blots. At least they can provide their own when they're in therapy.

    I didn't get many of the things they cooked.

    Oh, and I thought Hubert Keller should have won TC Masters.

  8. Ah another reminder why I dont watch 'reality' television
